Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/715

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hay-mow are by no means verj r rare here in New England ; and, though recovery seems to be the law, rather than the exception, the liability to their occurrence cannot be made too generally known in the country.

3117. The iron portion of a ha^v-hook, similar to the one above described. In this case a boy, about ten years of age, slid from a hay-mow, with his thighs bent upon his body ; and the hook, entering the back part of the thigh, midway, passed through . the muscles, under Poupart's ligament, through the ileum, behind the liver, through the diaphragm, behind the lung, and between the seventh and eighth ribs. The barb, however, caught on the eighth rib, and the point did not penetrate the skin. The boy died in three and a half hours ; and there was found a hemorrhage into the peritoneal cavity from a wound in one of the ext. iliac veins. The case occurred in the practice of Dr. God- ding, of Winchendon ; and the hook, which was removed after death, was sent by Dr. H. who assisted at the exam- ination. 1862. Dr. A. Hitchcock, of Fitchburg.

3118. The iron portion of a pitchfork, by one of the prongs of which a boy was transfixed. He was fourteen } r ears old, and was ascending a hay-mow, with the fork in his hand, when he fell ; and, as he slid down the mow, the fork went first, and he came down upon it ; the prong entering the perineum, and coming out about an inch to the left of the umbilicus. The prong had been broken and mended, and, not being very .strong, it was somewhat bent at the time of the accident. The fork was at once withdrawn ; and a small piece of omentum, that protruded, was returned. The boy did perfectly well ; and, when the fork was sent to the museum, he was a stout, healthy young man, twenty- three years of age. 1860.

Dr. Edward F. Barnes, of Marlboro'.

3119. A rake-handle that entered a man's scrotum upon the left side, passed in front of the pubes, along the abdominal parietes, and came out at the right hypochondrium, oppo- site the space between the tenth and eleventh ribs.

The patient was a laborer, twenty-nine years of age ; and the accident, which happened May 7th, 1860, was caused by his slipping down from a hay-mow upon the rake below.

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