Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/720

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3147. 5. Tieman's instrument.

3148. 6. Dr. Cock's knife and ring ; in a case.

3149. 7. Tieman's spring forceps and knife, for dragging out and cutting off the gland ; in a case.

3150. An " Indian puzzle" as it has been called, and that has been suggested as an efficient means for the reduction of dislocated fingers. (See Hamilton on Fractures and Dis- locations ; p. 603, with a figure.) 1869.

Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

3151. A scarificator, for cupping. 1870.

Dr. R. M. Hodges.

3152. A tooth-key ; and two other instruments for the extrac- tion of teeth. Museum Fund.

3153. A long cylindrical stethoscope. Laennec's pattern, and,

3154. One of the many varieties of the same, that have been invented since the time of L. 1864. Museum Fund.

3155. A pair of " Perkins's Tractors," that were so famous in Europe as well as in this country, in the early part of this century, for the cure of all sorts of disease ; like a stiletto, about 3 in. in length, and cut longitudinally ; large at one end, and pointed at the other ; convex upon one side, and flat upon the other ; one being made of brass, and the other of iron. (See Thacher's Med. Biography, and the Encyclopaedia Americana.) 1860.

Dr. Jonathan Ware, of Milton.

3156. The hand of a woman, and of a child, prepared so that, being now quite dried, they can, as Prof. M. states, be

. restored to their natural condition on being immersed in a liquid, of which he has not yet, but will soon publish the composition. Presented by Prof. M., at the suggestion of the Hon. Geo. P. Marsh, the American Minister.

Prof. EJ&io Marini, of Florence.

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