Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/722

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3167. Austrian skull.

3168. Copt ; cast of the skull, from Dr. Morton.

3169. Skull of a Greek, who was killed at Scio ; several recent sabre cuts being seen upon the back. Nasal bones unusu- ally long and prominent.

3170. Skull of a Turk.

3171. f "Turk ; St. Bats." S. and H.

3172. Skull picked up at Aboukir, in Egypt.

3173-5. Guanche skulls. They show a depression to a con- it is quite marked. In this same skull, also, there is a per- foration of the left parietal bone, from old disease ; the opening being closed, upon the inner surface, by a new growth of bone.

Casts of pre-historic specimens. 1-866.

Museum Fund.

3176. 1. The Neanderthal skull.

3177. 2. The Engis skull.

3178. 3. A lower jaw, from the cave at Arcy, Yonne, France. The original is in the possession of the Marquis de Vi- braye, Paris.

3179. Graeco-Egyptian skull. Cast ; from Dr. Morton. 1849.

3180. Ancient Egyptian skull. Cast ; from Dr. Morton. 1849.

3181. f Skull from an Egyptian mummy. Cast. P. C.

3182. Cranium fijom an Egyptian mummy, that belonged to Ward Nicholas Boylston, Esq., and that was given after his death to the late Dr. S. The sethmoid is broken away, as usual ; and in the cranial cavity is a large quantity of a very pure bituminous substance. Parietal foramina, % in. in diameter ; and there are some appearances of disease upon the surface of the frontal bone. 1859.

Dr. Geo. G. ShattucJc.

3183. One of the legs, from the above ; with many thicknesses of bandage about it, and applied with the usual regularity. 1859. Dr. ShattucJc.

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