Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/728

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��they occupied was then indicated by a wooden cylinder, that was fitted to the canister, and graduated to half an an inch. No. 3169 was measured with rice. The longitu- dinal diameter shows the distance from a point about 1 in. above the fronto-nasal suture, to the most prominent point of the occiput, upon the median line. The next column gives the distance from this last point to the anterior edge of the foramen magnum. To get this measurement, and to which Dr. Wyman attaches so much importance in his " Observations on Crania," the two points that indicate the long, diameter were brought very nearly, if not exactly, into a horizontal line ; plumb lines were then dropped to the ant. edge of the foramen and the post, point of the occi- put, and the distance between the two was measured. This was the method used by Dr. W. for the occipital region ; and by a very simple and ingenious contrivance, he made his measurements with great accuracy. It was very desirable to get this measurement in the case of the casts that were sent by Dr. Morton to Dr. Warren, as typ- ical specimens ; and it was taken, as the position of the condyles showed pretty exactly where the anterior edge of the foramen would have been. The last column shows the distance, over the top of the skull, from the fronto- nasal suture to the posterior edge of the foramen magnum.

�� �No.

�Int. capac- ity.

�Long, diame- ter.


�Over vertex.



�3 T 9 e


�" cast,

� �7 ft






�German ; cast,

� �6J


�Austrian, %


�Copt; cast;

� �7*






� �7f







�3i 5 <r

�From Aboukir,



�Engis skull ; cast,

� � � � �Graeco-Egyptian ; cast,

� �7i


�Ancient " "

� � �3&


�Egyptian mummy,

� � �� �