Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/735

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3379. f Part of skull of ditto, with the temporal muscle taken off on one side, and left on the other, in order to show the inefficiency of judging by sight, and not by pressure.

3380. f Lecouffe ; son.

3381. " brain. (See PhrenologicalJournal, Vol. vi. p. 483.) No. 8 in Dr. Gall's collection.

3382. Lecouffe; widow.

3383. t "

3384. " brain. (See Phrenological Journal, Vol. vi. p. 486.) No. 20 in Dr. Gall's collection.

3385. Henry Feldtrnan. (See Phrenological Journal, Vol. vi. p. 494.) No. 49 in Dr. Gall's collection.

3386. Burke. (See Phrenological Journal.)

3387. Hare. "

3388. Bishop. (See Lancet and Phrenological Journal.)

3389. Williams. " "

3390. Guichet. (See " Vol. vi. p. 486.) No. 18 in Dr. Gall's collection.

3391. f Griffiths, executed at Lancaster.

3392. f Mary Mclnnes.

3393. f Bellingham.

3394. William Corder, set. twenty-four. Executed for the mur- der of Maria Marten, at Polstead, Suffolk, May, 1828. (See English newspapers of this period.)

3395. Leger. (See Phrenological Journal, Vol. vn. p. 184.) No. 303 in Dr. Gall's collection.

3396. Asselino ; murdered his mistress. Guillotined in France.

3397. f Destructive amative madman.

3398. Murderess.

3399. Elizabeth Cook, alias Ross. Executed at the Old Bailey, London, for burking.

3400. Mrs. H'r, a lady of respectability, who, with a string, strangled her cat, for having stolen the fish.

3401. Bohours.

3402. t " (See Phrenological Journal, Vol. vi. p. 599.) No. 204 in Dr. Gall's collection ; marked Boutsours.

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