Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/748

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3599. * William H. Brown ; distinguished, in this city, for his remarkable skill in cutting profile likenesses of the whole person. Size, form, and constructiveness, large.

3600. * Karner Vaider. Famous for cutting caricatures, ex- tempore, and with scissors only. Organs of imitation, mirthfulness, form, size, and constructiveness, large.

3601. * Von Weber. Musical composer. Time, tune, ideality, and wonder, large. (See Ed. Phrenological Journal, p. 300, No. 14.)

3602. Ostinelli, a well-known and distinguished violinist for many years, in this city.

3603. Osburne. An Irishman, and musician.

3604. Gelineck, of Paris. Harpist.

3605. * W. M. Goodrich, an organ-builder of E. Cambridge. Celebrated for the excellent tone and construction of his instruments. Tune, constructiveness, and benevolence, large. Taken by Dr. N. B. Shurtleff.

3606. Dr. Dodd, the English divine. Executed for counter- feiting.

3607. Mark Winslow, of this city. Notorious for manufactur- ing and altering counterfeit money. Sentenced to the State Prison for life, but cut his throat in the Leverett Street Jail. Secretiveness very large, and hope small.

3608. Fortier. A rogue and gambler.

3609. Mitchell, a boy condemned to the State Prison in Maine for cruelty. Destructiveness very large.

3610-13. Papavoine, Assilinau, Ulbach, and Croquelit ; assas- sins.

3614. Orchard, brigand. Attacked a diligence.

3615. Chevalier de Lyon. The poisoner of many women.

3616. Antoine Le Blanc. Taken after death by Dr. N. B. Shurtleff. He murdered the family of Mr. Sayre, in Morristown, N. J., for money. Organs of destructiveness, secretiveness, and acquisitiveness, enormously developed ; and adhesiveness large. Perceptive faculties very defi- cient.

3617. John Pallet, murderer of Mr. Mumford. Taken after

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