Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/770

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fractured ; and Dr. H. supposed that some nervous filament may have been involved between the fragments, and been the cause of the neuralgia. After the fracture, also, there appeared a pulsating tumor below the clavicle. Dr. H. found it to be ill defined, not far from the size of a small lemon, and situated beneath the pectoral muscle, but not rising above the clavicle. He regarded it as an aneurism, and thought that it might perhaps explain the pain. On the 5th of April he removed the stump, according to Baron Larrey's method. Twenty ligatures were required ; the wound was washed with alcohol, and dressed with dry charpie. Hardly a drachm of pus was formed, and on the sixth day the edges of the wound had united, except where the ligatures hung out. On the day after the operation, seven grains of morphine were required for the pain, and taken by the mouth ; afterwards only one grain daily, and rather from habit than on account of pain ; and at the end of three weeks there had been no return of this last. The aneurism, meanwhile, has diminished in size and pulsa- tion.

Dr. H. having sawed the bone lengthwise, there is seen to be a very marked interstitial atrophy ; the parietes being very thin, and the cavity closed by a light cancel- lated structure. The fracture has united regularly, though not exactly in line. 1870. Dr. J. Homans.

3680. Ossified crystalline lens.

The patient, a girl, eighteen years old, was hit in the eye, with a stick, four years ago. For the first two years there was 'much pain, with failure of vision; and, at the end of that time she had lost all perception of light. The pain, however, then subsided, and she had not much after- wards, until a short time previous to the operation. For a year past the lens had been opaque, and seemed to be in the anterior chamber ; with occasional inflammation of the eye.

When seen at the City Hospital, on the 25th of March, by Dr. W., the cornea was somewhat cloudy, and the size and tension of the globe a little diminished ; iris atro- phied ; lens in the anterior chamber, and evidently hardened

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