Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/777

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recovery after sloughing, 496; conservative power of nature, 497; omentum excised, 497.

Horns, 3979.

Hospital yanyrene, 393.

Housemaid's knee, 329.

Hydrocele, 610; of the neck, 632, 633.

Hydrocephalus, 3847.

Idiots, 45-7.

Instruments, surgical, etc., 697, 698.

Impalement, 684, 685, 691-4.

Imperforate anus. Opening into urethra or vagina, 66, 67, 69. " rectum, 68.

Intestine, 62-4; malformed, 64-9, 104-5; in monsters, 115, 116, 118, 125, 129, 104, 108; laceration, 466, 477; distention, 467, 4G8; muscular coat hypertrophied, 467; hernia of mucous membrane, 467, 468; prolapse and excision, 468; intus- susception, 409, 470; internal strangulation, 470; ecchymosis, 472; inflam- mation, 472-80; inflammation in dysentery, 473; ulceration, 477-80; lymph, 473; gangrene, 477; follicles developed, 471; follicles inflamed, 471, 473-5; typhoid fever, 473-5; polypus, 481; stricture, 481; tubercular disease, 480; malignant disease, 483-6; foreign bodies, calculi, etc., 487-90; foetal bones, discharged from, 625. See Hernia, duodenum and tuphlo-enteritis.

Joints. Loose bodies, 331, 332. See Dislocation, Cartilage, Caries, and Anchylosis.

Kidneys. Healthy, 71; malformed, 71, 72; laceration, 516; ulceration, 522; Bright's disease, 522, 523; atrophy, 523; cicatrized appearance, 523; cyst, 519; encysted transformation, 516-18; encysted, congenital, 519; nydro- nephrosis, 519, 520; hydronephrosis, with suppuration, 520; malignant dis- ease, 527, 744; calculi, 572; calculus, with fistula, 522; parasites, 677.

Lacteals, 43 ; tubercular, 377.

Larynx, 59; cartilages ossified, 59, 60; inflammation, 428, 429; croup and diph- theria, 427; ulceration, 429, 430, 421; syphilis, 430; polypoid growth, 430, 431; cancer, 423.

Leucocythemia, 379, 380.

Lip. Fissure, 108, 94; horn, 399; cancer, 406.

Lithotomy, 572.

Liver, 70 ; absence of, 70 ; malformation, 70 ; malformation in double monsters, 115-17, 125, 128,130; laceration, 498; veins dilated in cardiac disease, 373; abscess, 499, 500; cyst, 500; granulated, 501; fatty, 501; syphilitic, 502; malignant disease, 502, 503; parasites, 503, 504, 675.

Lupus, 404, 405.

Lungs. Healthy, 60, 61; emphysema, 432; blood effused, 433 ; inflammation, 433; spurious melanosis, 433; "cattle disease," 434; cretaceous formations, 434,

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