Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/781

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Umbilical cord. Knots, 632; bifid, in case of twins, 84.

Urea, uric acid, urato of ammonia, and hippuric acid, 73.

Ureter. Double, 72; dilated in hydronephrosis, 519, 520,105; in cancer, 524; calculi, 521; impervious, 105.

Urinary bladder. Malformation, 105, 108; transfixed, 524; distention, 525; saccu- lated, 526; inflammation, 525; abscess opening into it, 480; tumor, 527; malignant disease, 528-31; foreign bodies from, 531, 532. See Calculi.

Uterus, 77,78; malformation, 78, 105, 113; gravid, 80, 81; after delivery, 80; rupture, 625; deeidua, 80, 598; inversion and removal, 582; hypertrophy and removal, 582; prolapse, with elongation, 584; abscess, in substance of, 584; opening into, and external to organ, 584; cyst, in substance, 585; polypus, 586-91; fibroid tumor, 591-8, spontaneous discharge, 593, degeneration, 594,595, sloughing, 596, subsidence of, 596; removed by abdominal sec- tion, 596-8; tubercular, 599; malignant disease, 599, 600.

Uvula. Fissure in the acephalous fcetus, 99.

Variola. Face, 395; trachea, 429. *

Venomous serpents. Poison gland, 57; bite of viper, 393.

Veins. Varicose, 372, 373; inflammation and results, 373-5; phlebolites, 375,

in the splenic vein, 368; malignant disease, 375. Vesicula seminalis. Tubercular, 612.

Wounds, 391.

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