Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/97

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726-8. Other specimens, of about the usual size, when injected : 1st. 9iin.; 4| in.; 6J. 2d. 9; 4; 5. 3d. 6f ; 3 ; 2. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

729. Penis of a negro ; in spirit ; showing the frsenum, which is sometimes wanting. (Catalogue of the Cabinet of the Soc. for Med. Improvement, No. 703.) 1861.

Dr. J. B. S. Jackson.

730. Bone from the penis of a dog. 1865.

Dr. J. B. S. Jackson.

731. The same ; from a raccoon. 1853.

Dr. 0. W. Holmes.

732. Hypospadias, from an adult. The urethra opens just be- hind the glans. 1850. Dr. F. S. Ainsworth.

733. Cast, in plaster, of a second case, from a child two years old, and whose brother had fissure of the palate. There was an external appearance, as of fissure of the scrotum ; and at the upper part the glans penis, with its prepuce, was half concealed, and drawn downward, so that the urine trickled over the parts below ; the corpora cavernosa being very slightly developed. The testicles were in place. An operation for its relief was performed by Dr. Cabot, at the hospital (136, 12 ; and Med. Jour. April 2, 1868), but the child died from the effects. On dissection, the parts were well formed, excepting the penis. 1868.

Museum Fund.

734. Organs of a malformed foetus. The penis, as seen exter- nally, consists only of a glans with its prepuce ; but just below this the urethra opens freely. Of the scrotum there is not a trace ; nor of an anus. The bladder is seen to be fully developed ; and the rectum opens freely into the membranous portion of the urethra. In the preparation, the intestine is distended,. and both openings are indicated by rods. 1810.

Dr. N. S. Chamberlain, of Marlboro'.

735-6. Casts, in plaster, of the developed breasts, and the un-

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