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Besche: f. A Spade.

Besché: m. ée: f. Pecked, or picked at; also, digged, opened, or broken vp, as the earth (by a Besche.)

Besche-bois: m. The bird called a Speight, Heigh-haw, or Wood-pecker.

Beschement: m. A digging, opening, or breaking vp of the earth; also, a pecking, or picking at.

Bescher. To pecke, or picke, as a bird; also, to dig, open, or breake vp the earth (with a Besche.)

Beschevet: m. as much as Double chef, or Double chevet; Looke Bechevet. Bescheur: m. A digger, or deluer; a labouring man.

Beseau: m. That side of a loafe which in the ouen cloue to another loafe, and thereby wants crustinesse. (¶Parisien.) Besfler. as Beffler. Besiale. champ b. A common field, ground, or pasture; a Common; Looke Bosialle. Besicles. as Besycles; a paire of Spectacles.

Besiclier. A Spectacle-maker.

Besier: m. The hearbe Orage.

Besle: m. as Beisle. Besinus: m. A sot, a doult, gull, woodcocke, lobcocke, asse.

Besoche: f. as Hoyau; Looke Bezoche. Besoing: m. Need, necessitie, want, or great vse, of. Besoing fait vielle trotter: Pro. Need makes the old wife trot. Qui a besoing de feu le cerche avec le doigt: Pro. Looke Feu. Besoing. Needfull, behoofefull, expedient, necessarie.

Besoingnant. Working, labouring, trauelling; busying himselfe.

Besongne: f. Worke, businesse, an affaire; labour, trauell. Besongnes de nuict. Ones night-geere. Besongne taillée. Seeke Taillé. Le temps des besongnes. Haruest time, reaping time. Apres besongne faitte le fol barguigne: Pro. Wise men doe the worke, and fooles agree for it. Apres besongne repos & denier: Prov. Ease and wealth succeed labour; Seeke Denier. Le paresseux aime bien besongne faitte: Pro. The sluggard loues to find worke done to his hands. Nul ne fait si bien la besongne que celuy à qui elle est: Prov. No man followes a businesse so well as he to whom it belongs.

Besongné: m. ée: f. Wrought, laboured, trauelled in, busied, occupied, fully employed.

Besongner. To worke, labour, trauell in; to busie, occupie, vse, or imploy throughly; also, to doe, or leacher with. À peu parler bien besongner: Pro. The most work's done with fewest words; or, the fewer words the more worke.

Besongnette: f. A little worke, small businesse, trifling affaire.

Besot. A dilling, or swill-pough; the last, or yongest child one hath.

Besq. as Visc. Besquée. as Bechée. Besse: f. A shouell headed with yron; or as Besche. Bessieres: f. The tiltings, dregs, or bottomes of low-running wine &c.

Besson: m. A twinne.

Besson: m. Bessonne: f. Twinne, twin-like, borne together, both of a birth.

  Amande bessonne. Two almonds in one shell.

Bestail. Cattell; See Bestiail. Beste: f. A beast; also, a sot, luske, doult, lurdaine, loobie, blockhead; heauie, or dull, fellow. Bestes blanches. Sheepe, Goats, &c. Bestes de compagnie. Troupes of wild Swine, consisting of the Sowes, and young Bores, who follow their dams vntill they be about 18 months old. Beste douce, ou fauve. a fallow Deere, red Deere, Roe, Goat; any harmelesse game; (Our huntsmen call the Buck, Doe, Rayndeere, Elke, Beare, Otter, and Martron, beasts of the Chase of the sweet foot.) Beste legiere; a Stag, Hind, Buck, Doe, Roe, Rayndeere. Bestes mordantes. The Wolfe, Bore, Otter, Fox &c. Beste noire. A wild Swine. Beste puante. A Fox, Otter, Badger, Polecat, &c; any vermine; (Our huntsmen call the Roe, Fox, Gray, Fulmart, Fitch, Polecat, Squirrell, and white Rat, beasts of the Chase of the stinking foot.) Beste rouge. as Beste douce; Beste rousse; the same. Bestes de somme. Horses, Cammels, Moyles, Asses. Bestes de voiture. Carriers, or cart-horses; draught-horses, or oxen; pack-horses. Faire la beste à deux dos ensemble. To leacher. Prendre du poil de la beste. To take a remedie for a mischiefe from that which was the cause thereof; as to go thin clothed when a cold is taken; or in drunkennes to fall a quaffing, thereby to recouer health, or sobrietie; neere vnto which sence our Ale-knights often vse this phrase, and say, Giue vs a haire of the dog that last bit vs. Vivre en beste. Looke Vivre. Bonne beste s'eschauffe en mangeant: Pro. We say, quicke at meat quicke at worke; or, he that eats apace, commonly, works apace. Telle beste telle teste: Pro. Looke Teste. C'est folie de se prendre aux femmes, & aux bestes: Pro. Tis but a folly to quarrel with women, and beasts. En vieille beste n'y a point de ressource: Pro. Of an old beast there is no recouerie; when an old man runs into errors, or looses the vigour of his spirit, there is no hope in him either of amendment, or of reinforcement. Il faut avoir mauvaise beste par douceur: Pro. Look Avoir. Le loup sçait bien que male beste pense: Prov. One knaue knowes well the thoughts, or shifts, of another.

Besteau: m. as Batail. The clapper of a Bell.

Bestelette. A little beast.

Bestement. Beastly, filthily; witlesly; heartlesly; dully, heauily, luskishly, lurdaine-like.

Besterie. as Bestise. Bestiail; or, Bestial: m. Beasts, or cattell of any sort, as Oxen, Sheepe, &c. Bestiail privé. The beasts which we feed, and put into the house a nights; tame cattell; as Oxen, Kine, Calues, Sheepe, Hogs, &c.

Bestial: m. ale: f. Beastly, filthie; sensuall, vicious, rude.

Bestialité: f. Beastlinesse, filthinesse, sensualitie, rudenesse.

Bestiole: f. A little beast.

Bestion: m. as Bestiole. Bestise: f. Sottishnes, dulnes, blockishnes, want of spirit.

Bestocquer. To stab, foyne, thrust, giue a stoccado vnto; (an old word.)

Bestourner. To amaze, astonish, make dizzie; (an old word.)

Besycle, or Besycles: f. Spectacles.

Besyclier: m. A Spectacle-maker.