Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/124

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is that halfepenie spent that saues a penie. Bon marché tire l'argent de la bourse: Prov. A cheape commoditie picks a customers purse. Bons mots n'espargnent nul: Prov. A good mans words are no way partiall; good words pay home. Bonne mule mauvaise beste: Prov. A good huswife is commonly no sheepe. Bons nageurs sont à la fin noyez: Prov. Looke Nageur. Bon païs mauvais chemin: Pro. In a fruitfull ground there is filthie going; in the best soyle the worst way. Bonne parole bon lieu tient: Prov. Good speech finds good entertainment; wins great preferment. Bon sang ne peut mentir: Prov. A worthy nature cannot conceale it selfe. Looke Mentir. Bon vin bon vinaigre: Prov. Good wine (yeelds) good vinegar. Bon vin mauvaise teste: Pro. Strong wine makes a weake braine; or, makes a man apt to brabble; (for we say of those that after drinking fall to swagger; their wine begins to worke.) À bon chien bon os: Prov. A good dog merits a good bone; Looke Chien. À bon demandeur bon refuseur: Prov. A bold asker is best matched by a resolute denier. À bon entendeur ne faut qu'une parole: Pro. The wise vnderstand a man by one word. À bon iour bon oeuvre, & bonnes paroles: Pro. A good day would be solemnized with good works, and good words. À bon vin il ne faut point d'enseigne: Prov. Good wine draws customers without any help of an iuy-bush. Apres bon vin bon cheval: Pro. Looke Cheval. Aux bons meschet il: Prov. The honester man the worse lucke. De bon terroir bon vin: Prov. A good soyle yeelds good fruit. En bonne maison l'on a tost apresté: Pro. In an orderly, or plentifull house all things are soone made readie; or, we seldome tarie for our victuals. Femme bonne qui a mauvais mary a bien souvent le coeur marry: Pro. Looke Femme. Il n'est si bon qu'aussi bon ne soit: Prov. The best man hath his match; the purest his Peere; one may be euerie way as good as another. Il n'est si bon que femme n'assotte: Prov. The wisest man's assotted by a woman. Il n'est si bon qui ne faille: Pro. The best men commit faults; the wisest, errors. Le mauvais emporte le bon. Seeke Mauvais. Qui bon l'achepte bon le boit: Pro. He that will go to the price of, or take pains for, good things, may enioy good things. Qui bons lopins mange bons lopins le suyvent: Pro. Prouision follows him that loues to fare well. Qui bon maistre sert bon loyer en attend: Pro. He that serues a good master looks for a good reward. Qui bon vin boit il se repose: Prov. He that drinks good wine takes good rest. Qui a bon voisin il a bon matin: Pro. Look Matin. Tel a bonne cause qui est condamné: Prov. A iust cause may be ouerthrowne by an vniust sentence. Toute chose qui est bonne à prendre est bonne à rendre: Pro. Any thing thats good to be taken may wel be restored.

Bonance: f. as Bonasse. Bonace: com. Calme, quiet, still, faire.

Bonadies. A good-morrow, good-day, good euen.

  Vn donneur de bonadies. One thats sent vp and downe to carie salutations, or complements; also, a populer, or liberall, saluter of euery one he meets.

Bonadres, for Bonadies. ¶Rab. Bonasse: f. A calme; faire, still, or quiet, weather at sea,

Bonasse: com. Calme, still, quiet; faire.

Bon-crestien. poire de b. A delicate Winter peare, in shape resembling our bastard warden.

Bond: m. A bound, a rebound; a hop, skip, leape, iumpe from the earth. Auoir le bond. Il eut doucement le bond. He had the gentle thumpe. Donner le bond à. In wrastling to ouerthrow, or giue a fall vnto. Faire vn faux bond; Elle a faict vn faux bond. She hath got a crack; she hath plaid false, or trod her shooe awry. Il m'a faict vn faux bond. He hath dealt falsly, or trecherously, with me. Perdre la volée pour le bond. To loose an opportunitie, by neglecting it, vpon a hope that it will returne. Que de bond que de volée: Pro. By hooke or crook; by right or wrong; any way; by any meanes; no matter how so we haue it; or, what by one means and another.

Bonde: f. A bung, or stopple; also, a sluce, or floudgate; and hence, also, the yate-stang, or beame thats pulled vp, when a mill is to be set agate. Lascher la bonde à. To giue libertie, or free passage, vnto a violent thing.

Bondelle. A kind of fish thats not much vnlike a great Smelt; or, the least kind of the fish Vmble, well known by those of Geneua, in whose lake it breeds.

Bondener. To reason, argue, dispute; also, to grumble.

Bondi: m. ie: f. Bounded, rebounded; leaped, iumped, ierted, skipped (suddenly, and swiftly) vpward.

Bondir. To bound, rebound; to leape, iumpe, iert, skip, rise (suddenly, and swiftly) vpward.

Bondissement: m. A bounding, rebounding, leaping, iumping, ierting, skipping vpwards.

Bondon: m. A bung, or stopple.

Bondonné: m. ée: f. Shut, or stopped vp with a bung, or stopple. Bondonner. To shut, or stop vp with a bung, or stopple.

Bondrée: f. A kind of short winged Eagle, that preyes altogether vpon fish, frogs, rats, and serpents; some call her, a Harrower.

Bone: f. as Borne: ¶Pic. Bon-enten-tu. A good conceit, readie iudgement, ripe wit, quicke vnderstanding.

Bon-Henry. The wild sorrell called, Roman sorrell, round sorrell, and Tours sorrell; also, the hearbe, good Henry, good king Harry, and Allgood.

Bonhort. as Behourd; A Iust, or Turney, wherein many runne together. Bonifié: m. ée: f. Made good; also, benefited, inriched, made wealthie.

Bonifier. To make good; to do good vnto, or vpon; to benefit, inrich, make wealthie.

Boniton: m. The fish called, a Bonitoe; seene most commonly playing in troups before a tempest.

Bonnage. as Bornage. Bonnaire: com. Gentle, courteous, affable; mild; without malice, faithfull, sincere.

Bonnairement. Gently, mildly, courteously; sincerely, faithfully, with an open heart.

Bonnaireté: f. Gentlenesse, mildnesse, courtesie, humanitie, affabilitie, good nature; also, sinceritie, faithfulnesse, plaine dealing, openheartednesse.