taken out of a circle.
Decercler. To vncircle; square a circle; take out of a circle.
Decerné: m. ée: f. Decreed, sentenced, adiudged, ordered; determined, concluded; appointed by iudgement.
Decerner. To decree, determine, sentence, order, iudge; conclude, appoint, in Court.
Deceu: m. euë: f. Deceiued, beguiled, gulled, cousened, circumuented, ouer-raught; disappointed; betrayed. Il est tost deceu qui mal ne pense: Prov. He that thinkes no hurt is soone deceiued; the harmelesse man is quickly ouer-raught.
Decevable: com. Deceiueable; deceitfull, apt to beguile, cousen, gull.
Decevance: f. as Deception. Decevant. Deceiuing, beguiling, gulling, cousening.
Deceveur: m. A deceiuer, beguiler, guller, cousener, imposter, cheater, connycatcher.
Decevoir. To deceiue, beguile, gull, cousen, circumuent, ouer-reach; mocke; disappoint; betray.
Decez: m. A decease, or deceasing; death, or a departure out of this life.
Dechalandé: m. ée: f. Out of trade, without customers.
Dechassé: m. ée: f. Expelled, eiected, driuen, or chased away.
Dechassement: m. A driuing, expelling, or chasing away; an expulsion, eiection, abdication.
Dechasser. To chase, or driue away, from, or out of; to abdicate, expell, eiect, thrust out.
Decheant: m. ante: f. Falling away from; also, decaying wasting, lessening, diminishing.
Decheoir. To fall away from; also, to minish, lessen; decay, wast, fall to want. Decheoir de claim; To relinquish, or giue ouer, his clayme; or, to be nonsuited. Decheoir du droict de. To loose, or forfeit his right in.
Dechet: m. A fall from former worth, or goodnesse; a decay, wast, lessening, minishing, in gold, siluer, wine, oyle, &c.
Decheu: m. euë: f. Fallen away (from;) minished, lessened; wasted, decayed; (Looke Decheoir.)
Dechiffrer. To decypher.
Dechiqueté. Looke Deschiqueté. Gelée dechiquetée. Cut Dyamond-wise.
Dechiqueter. as Deschiqueter. Dechiré: m. ée: f. Torne, rent, mangled, dismembred.
Dechirer. To rend, teare, mangle, dismember.
Decidé: m. ée: f. Decided, determined, compounded, ended; also, cut off, cut shorter.
Decider. To decide, determine, compound, bring a matter to end; also, to cut off, or cut shorter.
Decidu: m. uë: f. Falling, or fallen off; hanging, or falling downe.
Decimable: com. Tytheable.
Decimal: m. ale: f. Tything, or belonging to tythe; whence; Fruicts decimaux. Tythe-fruits.
Decime: f. The tythe, or tenth of.
Decimé: m. ée: f. Tythed; payed as, or, put vnto, tythe.
Armée decimée. Whereof euerie tenth souldior is culled out, and put to death for an offence commit-*
- ted by them all.
Decimer. as Dismer. To pay, or take tythe.
Decimestre. Of tenne moneths.
Decicif: m. iue: f. Decisiue, deciding, determining; fit, or able, to end a controuersie.
Decision: f. A decision, determination, end of a controuersie.
Decisoire: com. Decisorie, deciding; fit, vsed, or able, to decide controuersies.
Declamateur: m. A declamor; also, an outcryer.
Declamation: f. A declamation; an Oration made of a fained subiect, or onely for exercise; also, a crying out aloud.
Declamatoire: com. Declamatorie, declayming.
Declamer. To declaime; to make Orations of fained subiects, or onely for exercise; also, to cry out aloud.
Declarant. Declaring, telling, relating, publishing, manifesting; signifying; expressing, explaning, expounding; denouncing.
Declaration. A declaration; a relation; an interpretation, explication, exposition; a shewing, signifying, denouncing; a suruey of land, or Inuentorie of goods, couched in writing.
Declaré. Declared, told, related; published, denounced, manifested; signified; expressed, explaned, expounded.
Declarer. To declare, tell, relate; signifie, testifie; denounce, publish, pronounce; open, cleere, manifest, expresse, expound, explane.
Declaveté: m. ée: f. Vnpegged, vnboulted, vnpinned.
Declaveter. To vnboult, vnpinne, vnpeg; loose from.
Declin: m. A fall, declining, descent, or bending downewards; also, an eschewing, waiuing, swaruing, winding, or bending from; also, a wayning, decaying, decreasing; or, as in Declinement. Declinatoire: f. An exception taken against a Iudge, or to the Iurisdiction of a Court of Iustice; the disabling, or a refusall, of either of them, in a tryall.
Declinatoire: com. Disabling, excepting against, or refusing to be tryed by, a Judge, or Court of Iustice. Fin declinatoire. Looke Fin. Declinant. Declining, downe-falling; also, eschewing, wayuing, auoiding, bending from.
Decliné. Declined, bent, or fallen downewards; also, declined, eschewed, wayued, auoided, swarued, wound, or turned away from.
Declinement. as Declin; le declinement du jour. The later part of the day.
Decliner. To decline, bend, or fall downewards; also, to eschew, decline, bend from, wayue, auoid, swarue, turne away, passe by. Decliner la Iurisdiction. To except against, or refuse to be tryed by, a Court, as of insufficient Iurisdiction.
Decliquer. To iert, clacke, or clatter out; rashly to blab, or bable; to let fly, let goe, rap out.
Declive: com. Steepe, deepe, hanging, or bending downward.
Declos. Disparked, wide open; See Desclos. Decoction: f. A boyling, or seething; also, a decoction; or the liquor wherin things haue been sodden.
Decognoistre. as Descognoistre; To vnknow, or, not to know.
Decoler. as Descoler; To vnglue.
Decollation. A beheading.