Diarrhée. A laske, or flux without inflammation.
Diarrhoëtique. That hath such a laske.
Diarrodon. A kind of paine-abating syrrop.
Diarthrose. A knitting, or connexion of bones, that euidently moue together.
Diasene. as Diasenné. Diasenné. A purging composition made of Sene, or Trifolie.
Diaspertisant (or rather) Diaspermatisant. Disseminating, or sowing of seed: ¶Rab. Diastolé. The dilatation of the heart.
Diatipose: f. A double Description, or Figuring.
Diatolique: com. Continuall, without intermission: ¶Rab. Diaule: m. A measure containing two furlongs.
Dicastes: m. The Judges of the auncient Thebans: ¶Rab. D'ici. Looke D'icy. Dict: m. cte: f. Sayed, spoken, deliuered, vttered, expressed, shewen, told, declared, signified, reported vnto.
Dictam: m. as Dictame. Dictame: m. The hearbe Dittanie, Dittander, garden Ginger. Dictame bastard. Bastard Dittanie; somewhat resembles the right one, but is neither sweet of smell, nor biting in tast; some also call Fraxinella so. Dictame blanc. Tragium, Fraxinella; called also, bastard, or false Dittanie; and oft mistaken, and much vsed, by Apothecaries, for the right Dittanie, though, in forme, it be nothing like it: (¶Mathiolus.) Dictame de Candie. Dittanie, &, Dittanie of Candia, the right Dittander.
Dictamon. as Dictame. Dictateur: m. A Dictator; an Officer among the Romanes, who, for the time he ruled, had Soueraigne authoritie.
Dictature: f. The Dictatorship.
Dicté: m. ée: f. Dictated; indicted.
Dicter. To dictate, appoint, or tell another, what and how, he shall write.
Diction: f. A diction, speech, or saying.
Diction: m. A conceit, pithie sentence, prettie saying; an Apothegme; also, a finall arrest, sentence, iudgement, order, penned at large, and commonly subscribed by the Judge, and his assistants.
D'-icy. From hence; from this place, or time. D'-icy à quel temps? How long? in what time? till when?
Diesble, for Diable; The diuell: ¶Parisien. Diése: f. A sharpe, in Musicke.
Diete: f. Diet, or dailie fare; also, a Diet, Parliament, or assemblie of the States, & Princes of the Empire.
Dietitique: com. Of, or belonging to, diet; prescribing a diet.
Dieu: m. God.
Dieux! An Interiection of admiring; as we say, good God!
Boeuf de dieu. A Wren.
La Croix de par dieu. The Christs-crosse-row; or Horne-booke wherein a child learnes it.
La feste dieu. Whitsunday.
Vne Iambe de dieu. So doe the canting, and blasphemous rogues of France tearme a cankered, gangrened,
or desperately-sore leg. Maison dieu. A Spittle, or Hospitall. Paulme dieu. Palma Christi, Satyrion royall. Vn pleust à dieu. Looke Plaire. Dieu Colas. By S. Nicholas, or for S. Nicholas sake: ¶Lorrainois: ¶Rab. A dieu ne plaise. God forbid, God shield, God sware-*bot. De par dieu soit. In the name of God be it; God prosper it, or send it well to speed. De par luy bon dieu. In the name of God; or, for Gods sake: ¶Lymosin: ¶Rab. Et encor pour dieu soit, si. And he may thanke God, or, hee is beholden to his aduersaries pietie, if. Ne croire à dieu que sur bons gages. To trust no man, how rich soeuer hee bee, without good pawnes; to beleeue no man, how honest soeuer, without great proofes: (In which phrase though God bee mentioned, yet is not an impious, but a churlish, distrust meant by it.) Faire le doux dieu dessous vne pesle. Il fait &c. He is very nice, quaint, precise, or curious in all his actoins; Looke Pesle. Oublier dieu parmi tous les Saincts. Il oublie, &c; The neerer he is to the Church, the further he is from God. Dieu donne biens, & boeuf, mais ce n'est pas par la corne: Prov. Looke Boeuf. Dieu donne le froid selon le drap: Prov. God sends men cold according to their cloath; viz. afflictions according to their faith. Dieu sçait qui est bon pelerin: Prov. God knowes the hearts of Pilgrims. À pere à maistre, à dieu tout puissant, nul ne peut rendre l'equivolent: Prov. No man can sufficiently requite his Father, Maister, Maker. À toile ourdie dieu mande le fil: Prov. God works begun enables vs to follow. En petite maison dieu a grand part: Prov. In a little mansion God hath a great portion. En peu d'heure dieu labeure: Pro. God quickly does what he will doe. Il ne perd rien qui ne perd dieu: Prov. Hee looses nothing that keepes God his friend. Là ou dieu veut il pleut: Prov. Looke Plouvoir. Pour devenir bien tost riche il faut tourner le dos à dieu: Prov. The way to grow soone rich is, to forsake religion. Qui sert dieu il a bon maistre: Pro. He that serues God, serues a good maister. Secret de deux secret de dieu: Prov. Yet wee say, that, two can keepe counsell when one is away.
Dieu-donné: m. Theodore (a proper name for a man.)
Dieu-gard: vn dieu-gard. A salutation; or, a, God-saue-you.
Dieutelet: m. A little god.
Dieux! Interject. Looke Dieu. Diffamation: f. A defamation; defaming, deprauing, discrediting, traducing, open disgracing in speeches.
Diffamatoire: com. Diffamatorie.
Diffame: m. Infamie, obloquie, reproach, discredit, ignominie, dishonour, disgrace, an ill report, an euill name, an imputation.
Diffamé: m. ée: f. Defamed, infamous, discredited, dishonoured, much and ill spoken of; whose good name is tainted, reputation blemished, credit lost.