seised, or put into possession of.
Embaster. To saddle with a packesaddle; also, to put into possession of (land, &c.)
Embastonné: m. ée: f. Armed with, or prouided of, weapons; also, cudgelled.
Embastonner. To arme, or furnish with weapons; also, to cudgell; belabour, bethwacke with cudgels.
Embatage: m. The laying of streakes about the wheele of a Carroche &c.
Embatonner. as Embastonner. Embatre. To arriue, rush, or come in vpon suddenly. Embatre les bandages de rouës. To nayle, or fasten the streakes vnto wheels. Ie m'embati sur luy. I fell vpon him by chance, I met with him on a sudden, I light on him ere I was aware. Il luy embatit l'espée iusques au foye. Hee thrust him into the liuer.
Embattage. as Embatage. Embattes. The Easterlie winds which ordinarily raign about the Dog-dayes.
Embatu: m. uë: f. Arriued, rushed, thrust, cast, or come in vpon on a sudden; lighted, or slipt into, fallen vpon, ere he was aware.
Embauché: m. ée: f. Imployed, vsed, occupied, bestowed in, or put vnto, worke.
Embaucher. To imploy, occupie, vse in businesse, put vnto worke.
Embaveté, ou Embavieté: m. ée: f. Imbibbed; that, as a child, hath a bib, or mocket put before his breast, to keepe him from driueling thereon. Embavieté de machoueres. Whose broken Jawes hanging downe, serued him, in stead of a bib, to slaver on.
Embaumé: m. ée: f. Imbaulmed; annointed, or preserued with Baulme.
Embaumement: m. An imbaulming.
Embaumer. To imbaulme; to dresse, annoint, or preserue with Baulme.
Embecqué. That hath his lesson; instructed before-*hand. L'oiseau gazouille selon qu'il est embecqué: Prov. A man speaks euen as his hopes do moue, or passions vrge him; It may be also applied to a Lawyer, who according to the fee he hath receiued, pleads for his Client, better or worse.
Embecquer. as Emboucher; To giue one his lesson beforehand.
Embelli: m. ie: f. Imbellished, beautified; garnished, bedecked, adorned, set out.
Embellir. To imbellish, beautifie; garnish, adorne, bedecke; trimme vp, set out vnto the eye.
Embellissage: m. An imbellishing, beautifying; decking, adorning, garnishing.
Embellissement. as Embellissage; Or, an imbellishment. Embellissement de maison. A pleasant tuft, or groue of trees, growing neere, or about, a house; tearmed so in Law.
Emberni: m. ie: f. Couered with, or clad in, rug.
Embernir. To couer with, or clad in, rug.
Embesongné: m. ée: f. Busied, imployed, occupied, set on worke.
Embesongnement: m. A businesse, or busie worke; also, an imploying, or busying.
Embesongner. To busie, imploy, occupie, set on worke.
Embeurré: m. ée: f. Buttered, dressed, or annoynted
with butter.
Embeurrer. To butter, or bebutter; to dresse, or annoint all ouer with butter.
Embezars. Aumes ace on the dice: ¶Rab. Emblavé: m. ée: f. Sowen, as a field, with corne; also, whose corne is put vp a prettie height aboue ground.
Emblavence de bled. Corne sprung, or put vp, a prettie height aboue ground; or, the springing, or putting vp of corne.
Emblaver. To sow the ground with corne.
Emblaveures. Corne; whether growing, or in sheaues.
Emblayement. A trouble, comber, pesterment.
Emblé: m. ée: f. Stollen, filched, pilfered, purloined, imbezeled. Ie me suis emblé de la troupe. I slunke out of the companie.
Emble-coeur. Alluring, winning, heart-stealing.
Emblée. à l'emblée. Priuily, closely, by stealth, with two fingers and a reach. D'emblée. Subtily, craftily, vnderhand, at vnawares.
Emblemature: f. An emblemizing, or making of Emblemes.
Embleme: m. An Embleme; a Picture, and short Posie, expressing some particular conceit.
Embler. To steale, filch, lurch, pilfer, nimme, purloyne, imbezel, conuey away.
Emblesne: m. A Cataplasme, or Poultis.
Embleures. Corne standing, or hanging by the roots.
Emblic. A kind of round Mirabolan, wherewith th' Indians, for want of other things, tanne their leather, and make inke and blacking; neuer putting it, as we doe, (and as they all other Mirabolans) vnto Physicall vses.
Emblocquer à la Cupidique; autant que, besongner.
Embobeliné: m. ée: f. Botched, or patched vp; also, deceiued, gulled, beguiled; whose eyes are bleared.
Embobeliner. To botch, or patch vp; also, to deceiue, gull, beguile, bleare the eyes of.
Emboëtture: f. An imboxing, or putting in a box; as Emboiture. Emboire. To imbue, moisten, bedeaw; also, to soke, or drinke vp.
Emboistement. as Emboitement. Emboister. To imbox; inclose, insert, fasten, put, or shut vp, as within a box; also, to ioyne, or close together. S'Emboister. To enter, or be included, as a lesse thing within a greater, or one thing within another.
Emboisture: f. as Emboiture; Also, the ring, or plate of yron, &c, that keepes the box of a wheele from wearing. Emboité: m. ée: f. Imboxed; inserted, inclosed, entered, or put within a bigger, or other thing; also, ioyned, bound, or fastened together.
Emboitement: m. An imboxing, or inclosing within a bigger, or other, thing; any such fastening, ioyning, or closing.
Emboiter. as Emboister. Emboiture: f. An imboxing; inclosing, entering, or insertion, (as of one bone into the hollow end of another) any such colligation, closing, ioyning, or fastening of things together; also, the ioynt, part, bone, or thing so inclosed, or closed; also, as Emboisture. Embolismal: m. ale: f. Added, as a day vnto a yere; or increased, as the yeare, by so many dayes.
Embolisme: m. An addition, as of a day (or more) vnto a yeare.