Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/386

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Eschambouillure: f. as Eschaubouillure; a push. Eschampé: m. ée: f. Flowne out, runne, or gotten loosse; got abroad, at libertie, or at randome.

s'Eschamper. To fly out, to take libertie; to runne loosse, freely, licentiously, or at randome.

Eschampre. as Enchampre. Eschancré: m. ée: f. Infected with, or eaten into, by a Canker, or cankered sore; also, cut or made hollow, and into a halfe-round; semi-circled, halfe-rounded; also, neere pared, or nipped off; also, notched. Souliers eschancrez. Voided, or cut with an opening, in the sides.

Eschancrer. To eat, as a Canker, into; also, to cut or make hollow, and halfe-round; also, to pare very neere, nip off too too neere; also, to notch.

Eschancrure: f. A halfe-round; or a halfe-round notch, dint, or hole cut, made, or eaten; also, an eating into; a cutting, or making hollow, and halfe-round; a notching; a neere paring, or nipping off.

Eschandille: m. as Eschantillon. Eschandillé: m. ée: f. Scantled; or, as Eschantillé. Eschandillon. as Eschantillon. Eschandole: f. A short boord, or shingle, such as, in some places, houses are couered withall; also, a Thatchers Beater, or Combe and Beater.

Eschange: f. An exchange, trucking, barter, scoorsing.

Eschangé: m. ée: f. Exchanged, interchanged, chopped, scoorsed, bartered, trucked.

Eschanger. To exchange, interchange, trucke, chop, scoorse, barter, change one for another.

Eschanson: m. A cup-bearer, or cup-taster vnto a great person.

Eschansonne: f. A woman cup-bearer.

Eschansonner. To play the cup-bearer; and, to tast, or take an assay of another mans cup.

Eschansonnerie: f. The Office of a cup-bearer, or cup-taster.

Eschanteler. To breake into cantles; or, to cut off the corners, or edges of.

Eschantillé: m. ée: f. Curtalled, abridged; broken, or cut into corners, or cantles.

Eschantillon. A small cantle, or corner-peece; also, a scantling, sample, patterne, proofe of any sort of Marchandise. Vn petit eschantillon de ieunesse. A tricke of youth.

Eschantillonner. To breake off a small cantle, or corner peece; also, to cut, or take off a sample, proofe, patterne, or scantling.

Eschapeler. as Chapeler. To chip.

Eschappatoire: m. An euasion, starting hole, by-corner, meane to escape by, chinke to creepe out at; a shift, or excuse; also, an exception against.

Eschappé: m. ée: f. Escaped, euaded; shifted, slipt, or got safe away; deliuered, freed, rid, or discharged from; also, dissolute, licentious. La pierre est eschappée. Looke Pierre. Il n'est pas eschappé qui traine son lien: Pro. He is not freed that trayles his shackles after him; or, due punishment euer comes at length, although sometimes it be deferred a while.

Eschappée: f. A scape, escape, slip; shift, euasion.

Eschapper. To escape, fly, euade, auoid, shift away; to scape, come, or passe through, safely; to free himselfe, or get rid, from; to slip, creepe, or wind out of.

Eschaque: f. Scurfe, scales, or dandriffe in the head, or beard.

Eschar. as Eschars. Escharalle: f. A dead, and stinking flesh, which breeds about wounds made with shot, or otherwise much brused.

Escharas. as Eschalas. Escharaveau. as Charaveau. Escharbot. as Escarbot; a Beetle; also, a Saligot, Calthrop, water Nut. Escharboter. as Escarboter. ¶Rab. Escharcement. Scarcely, scantly, barely, hardly, miserably, needily; sauingly, neerely, niggishly, niggardly, pinchingly, pennyfather-like.

Escharceté: f. Scarcitie, scantnes, barenesse; pinching, neerenesse, miserie; also, basenesse, or want of due alloy, in coyne.

Escharcette: f. as Escharceté (in the last sence.)

Escharde: f. A splint, or splinter; a sharp, & short stumpe, of clouen wood, or flying from wood in the cleauing; also, a little, leane, or skraggie girle, that lookes as if shee were starued.

Eschardonner. To weed, or plucke vp, thistles; to cleere a ground, or garden, of thistles.

Eschardonneur: m. A weeder of thistles.

Eschardonneuse: f. A woman that weeds, or plucks vp, thistles.

Eschare: f. A skarre, or hard scab vpon a sore, hurt, wound; also, the crust which ariseth vpon an actuall, or potentiall cauterie.

Escharfaud, ou, Escharfaut. as Eschaffault. A scaffold.

Escharfaudé. as Eschaffaudé. Eschargotté: m. ée: f. Pruined, as a tree; picked round about.

Eschargotter. To pruine a tree; to picke any thing round about.

Escharné: m. ée: f. Fleshlesse; pulplesse, pithlesse; depriued of flesh; pulp, or pith.

Escharotique: com. Which breeds, or brings a scab, or skarre vpon a wound, sore, vlcer, &c.

Escharpe: f. A Scarfe; a Baudricke; also, a rap, or wipe ouer the shoulder with a sword. Escharpes de cordage. The ropes which strengthen, and settle the iaumbes, or cheekes of Cranes, or the like Engins. L'escharpe d'un pelerin. The scrip, wallet, or pouch wherein he carries his meat.

Escharpeux: m. euse: f. Scarfie; scarfe-like; flaunting it with many scarfes about him.

Escharre: f. as Eschare. Eschars: m. arse: f. Scarce, needie, scantie; sauing, sparing, hard, niggard, pinching, niggish, couetous, neere, strait-handed. Eschars plaidoyeur hardi perdeur: Pro. A niggardlie pleader is an euill speeder.

Escharsement. Seeke Escharcement. Escharseté: f. Scantnesse, or scarcitie; also, defect, or want of weight, in coyne.

Eschat. Droict des eschats, & Tavernes. A certaine dutie, or imposition vpon wine sold by retayle, & in Tauernes; from which all Priests beneficed within Bourdeaux are exempted, for as much as grew in their own grounds, glebe, or Prebendaries.

Eschasses: f. Stilts, or scatches to goe on. Mieux vaut vn pied que deux eschasses: Pro. Better is one foot then two stilts.

Eschasseur. One that goes vpon stilts, or scatches.

Eschassier. as Eschasseur.

Eschaubouillant. Scalding hot; or so hot, that it blisters where it touches.