Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/455

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Fonderie: f. Bell-founding, the trade of melting, or of casting things in mettall.

Fondeur: m. A melter, or trier of mettals; a founder. Estonnez comme fondeurs de cloches (quand la fonte n'a pas bien pris) extreamly amazed, appalled, abashed, out of countenance.

Fondier: m. A slinger; one that throws stones out of a sling.

Fondileures: f. Chops, rifts, choanes, in a womans ouer-*full breasts.

Fondrailles: f. The grounds, lees, or dregs of liquor.

Fondre. To melt, or cast, as mettals, &c; to resolue, as snow before a hot Sunne; also, to powre, or shead abroad; also, to sinke; fall, or goe downe; and hence; Fondre d'enhaut. To stoope; to fall downe plump, to come downe amayne, as an eager, and high-flying hawk do's vpon her prey. Fondre à terre. The same; or to stoope, as a hawke; to drop as a partridge. Se Fondre. to melt, wast, resolue, consume away; to sink downe on a suddaine.

Fondreau. as Fondrillon. Fondrée: f. as Fondrilles. Fondriere: f. A bog, or quagmire; also, a great bottome, or large, and deep valley; also, as;

Fondrilles: f. The grounds, dregs, lees, or thick-growne bottome of liquor that hath stood any time; the settlings of liquor.

Fondrillon: m. A bottom to wind silke, thread, or yarne on; also, a knot tangled in thread.

Fondroyer. To hangdowne to the ground; to hang low, or towards the ground; to hang so low that it touches the ground.

Fonds: Looke Fond; also, a font; looke Fons. Fondu: m. uë: f. Melted, resolued; cast as mettall, founded, as a thing of mettall; consumed, worne, wasted vnto nothing. Bastiment fondu. Sunke, or fallen, downe. Poix fonduë. Tarre.

Fondure: f. A founding, melting, or casting of mettals; &c.

Fonge: m. A Mushrome, or toadsstoole.

Fongeux: m. euse: f. Spungie; light, or full of holes, as a spunge.

Fongnement: m. A frowning, powting, louting, louring; also, a discontented grombling.

Fongner. To frowne, powt, lowt, loure, glow, sell sowce, also, to gromble.

Fons. Looke Fond. De fons en comble. From the very foundation; or, from the top to the bottome; wholly, throughly, fully.

Fons: m. A font to baptise children.
  Lever vn enfant des fons. To be a childs witnesse, or Godfather, at the font.
  Tenir vn enfant sur le fons. To Christen a child; to name the childe; as, Lever.

Font. as Fontaine; and hence;
  Au matin vers les monts, au soir vers les fonts: Prov. Looke Mont.

Fontaigner: m. ere: f. Of, or belonging to, a fountaine; or, as Fontenier.

Fontaine: f. A fountaine; spring, source; well; also, a Cocke, or spout in a fountaine; and, the quill, or faucet of a wine-vessell.
  La fontaine de meschanceté. The head, root, originall source, principall cause, of wickednesse.
  Fontaine de la teste. The mould of the head.
  Endurer la soif aupres d'une fontaine. To starue in a Cookes shop, we say.

  À petite fontaine boit on à son aise: Pro. Looke, Boire. Qui n'a laine boive à la fontaine: Pro. Let him that hath no wooll (viz. no wealth) drink water.

Fontaineux. Full of springs, or fountaines.

Fontainier. as Fontaigner. Fontanel: m. elle: f. veine fontanelle. The principall veine in the thigh of a horse, &c.

Fontanelle f. A running sore; or, an issue made for a griefe or sore; as Cabrol. Fonte: f. A melting, founding, or casting of mettalls. Torche de fonte. A kind of great linke, all of wax; Looke Torche. Fontenelle. A little spring, a small fountaine; also, as Fontanelle; an issue. Fontenelle de la teste. The vpper part of the head forward.

Fontenette. as Fontenelle; a little fountaine.

Fontenier: m. A fountaine-maker; a digger of wells, a searcher for springs; a conduit-maker, a conueyer of water from springs to conduits.

Fontenil: m. A small fountaine.

Fontenille: f. The same.

For: m. A Court, or common place for pleading; as, Le For l'Evesque. The bishops Court: ¶Parisien. For. (In Composition) signifies, out or without; as in Forclos, &c, and sometimes also, badly or ill; as in Forconseiller, &c. Foradjour. as Adiour. Forage. droict de fo. Foure pots of wine vpon euery peece thats sould by retayle, due vnto the lord of the Iurisdiction wherein tis sold; In some places it is also, two pots vpon euery peece thats sould in grosse; Looke Droict. Forain: m. ine: f. Forreine, strange, alien, outlandish. Chemin forain (de Boullenois) Js to be fiftene foot broat. Domaine forain. An ancient imposition of iiij d. Tour. in the pound, vpon marchandice, &c; or, as Resuë. Imposition foraine. An imposition of xij d. Tour. in the pound vpon marchandice, and commodities imported, or brought into the Realme (onely within Paris there is but vi d. taken.) Prevost forain. Seeke Prevost. Traite foraine. Is as Imposition foraine; but leuyed vpon commodities transported, or carryed out of the Realme.

Foraines: f. The Customes, or Tolls that are leuyed in faires, and markets.

Forans. A certaine receptacle for Sea-water (whereof salt is made) conueyed into it out of others by a trunk, or pipe of wood.

Forban. as, Ban; or an exclusion.

Forbanni: m. ie: f. Expelled, bannished, cast forth, driuen out.

Forbannir. To banish, reiect, expell, cast forth, driue out.

Forbannissement: m. A bannishment, expulsion, exclusion, out-casting, forth-driuing.

Forbatu: m. uë: f. Canuased, or beaten throughly; swinged out of doores.

Forbe: f. as Fourbe. A cunning, and coosening tricke.

Forbeu: m. euë: f. Mellow, fine, cup-taken, pot-shotten, whose fudling or barley Cap is on. Cheval forbeu. A horse that hath drunke being too hot, and is thereby foundered.

Se Forboire. To surfet with drinking, to be somewhat