Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/556

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Interdict: m. cte: f. Jnterdicted, prohibited, inhibited, forbidden, inioyned to the contrarie.

Interdiction: f. An interdiction, prohibition, inhibition, iniunction, forbidding.

Interdire. To interdict, prohibit, forbid, inioyne, or giue charge to the contrarie.

Interessé: m. ée: f. Intereßed, or touched in; dishonoured, hurt, or hindered by; wronged, grieued, pained. Interessé de sa personne. Of a weake, faint, crazie, or sicklie bodie. La partie civile, & interessée. Looke Partie. Interest: m. An interest in, a right or title vnto, a thing; also, interest, or vse for money, &c, lent; also, losse, dammage, hurt; hinderance, wrong, sustained in reputation, or estate; or (as a French Lawyer describes it) the loße one hath vndergone, or profit he hath failed of, by the default of another; and hereof he makes two kinds; viz. L'Interest conventionnel. Celuy qui est promis par convention, & contract fait entre les parties, ou vient de la nature du contract, & est appellé vsure au Droict Romain. Interest iudiciaire: Qui vient de l'office du Iuge, ou est adiugé par iceluy. This is double; viz. celuy qui procede de la nature de la cause; (& vient des poursuittes temeraires, fuites, calomnies, ou tergiversations de la partie adverse; qui ont esté cause de faire à celuy qui a obtenu plusieurs frais vains, & inutiles, lesquels ne viennent en taxe de despens:) Et celuy qui prent origine de la chose mesme qui est controuersée, & à esté souffert à cause d'icelle; comme execution, emprisonnement, trouble, spoliation, refus de tradition de la chose, &c; Hence, Les dommages, & interests. Ie y ay grand interest. It neerely concernes, or touches me. Il n'y a pas grand interest en cela. It greatly boots not, it is not a pinne matter.

Interject: m. An interposition; a speech put in, a word cast betweene.

Interjecter. To interiect, or interpose; to cast, put, set, betweene, or among; to bring in, or foist into the middle of; Looke Interjetter. Interjection: f. An Jnteriection (in Grammar;) also, an interposition; or, the allegation of some matter, or vsing of some tricke, in the middle of a cause, thereby to croße, or alter it.

Interjetter. as Interjecter. Interjetter vn appel. To appeale, not in respect of the whole cause, but for some small, or by point thereof.

Interieur: m. eure: f. Interior, inward, priuate, neere vnto.

Interieurement. Jnwardly, priuatly, within.

Interiné. as Enteriné. Interiner. Looke Enteriner. Interlocation: f. An interlocation, interplacing, interposition.

Interlocution: f. An interlocution, interposition, or interruption of speech; also, as Sentence interlocutoire. Interlocutoire: com. A stay, prolonging, or deferring of (sentence in) a cause in respect of some reasons alledged.

Interlocutoire: com. Jnterlocutorie; interrupting, speech interposing; casting in a word that giues a stop to, or breeds delay in, a cause.
  Sentence interlocutoire. An opinion, or sentence

of Court, which fully ends not the cause, but determines of some circumstance thereof; Or (as in the Customes of Nivernois) Qui ne fait fin au procez, mais reigle les parties à faire quelque chose pour parvenir à cette fin. Interloquer. To interpose some speech, or speake in another mans tale; also, to delay a cause by some new allegation; or, to stay the whole, for a while, by ending onely some part thereof.

Interlunaire: m. The season betweene the going out of the old, and comming in of the new, Moone.

Intermediat. In the middle, or intermedium; that is betweene two; that lyeth, or happeneth, betweene both.

Intermettre. To intermit, or put betweene; also, to slacken, discontinue, giue ouer, ceasse, leaue, or put off for a time.

Interminant. Boundleße, borderleße, vncertaine; also, as Intermittant. Interminé: m. ée: f. Vnbounded, boundleße, infinite, endleße, vndeterminable.

Interminer. To prescribe.

Intermis: m. ise: f. Intermitted, discontinued, pawsed on, left off for a season, let passe for a while.

Intermission: f. An intermission, discontinuance, pawse; a ceasing, or breaking off for a season; a leauing, or letting paße for a while.

Intermittant. Intermittant, intermitting, discontinuing, pawsing, or ceasing for a time; comming and going (as an ague) by fits.

Interne: com. Internall, inward.

Internecion: f. An vniuersall slaughter, a generall killing.

Internément. Internally, inwardly, within.

Interossel: m. elle: f. Betweene bones.

Interpellateur: m. An interrupter, disturber, troubler, incomberer; also, a suitor, or interceßor.

Interpellation: f. An interruption, disturbance; let, incombrance; also, a summons; request, suit, intercession.

Interpellé: m. ée: f. Interrupted, let, hindered, incombered; also, summoned, or called vpon; also, required, or moued vnto, by intercession; also, intermissiue, or, that comes (as an ague) by fits.

Interpeller. To interrupt, let, hinder, trouble, incomber; also, to summon, or call vpon; also, to require, or moue vnto, by intercession.

Interpolation: f. A polishing, scowring furbishing, new dressing of things.

Interposé: m. ée: f. Jnterposed; set in, put betweene; intermingled, or intermedled. Personnes interposées. Sticklers betweene partie and partie, Arbitrators, Mediators, Dayes-*men.

Interposement. as Interposition. Interposer. To interpose; to put, or set betweene; to interlace, intermeddle, intermingle; also, to intermit, pawse, delay, driue off. Interposer son iugement de. To giue his iudgement, vtter his opinion, paße his allowance of.

Interposition: f. An interposition, or putting betweene; an interlacing, or intermingling; also, an intermedling in, or stickling of, controuersies; also, an intermission, pawsing, delaying, letting passe, breaking off, for a time; also, an approbation, or allowance giuen.
  Interposition de temps. A pawse, respit, intermedium, interim.