Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/598

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prerogatiue, or power.
  Se faire recevoir par main souveraine. Looke Recevoir.
  La bouche & les mains. Homage, and fealtie; or, the ceremonies vsed in the doing thereof; for which looke Hommage.
  La derniere main. The last touch, worke, or act, which giues a thing it full perfection.
  Disme, & terrage à deux mains. A Lords taking of two sheaues vpon his tenants twelue; viz. one for his tythe, another for his Terrage.
  Garnison de main. See Garnison.
  La grande main. The whole arme and hand together.
  À main. Readie, neere, at hand.
  À main armée. By force of armes.
  À main forte. By maine force, or great power; with might and maine.
  À main sauve. Safely, securely, without any manner of losse, dammage, or danger.
  À la main. Nimbly, readily, ac*tiuely, at hand (quoth pick-purse.)
  Haut à la main. Proud, statelie, surlie, sullen, stubborne, a striker, like ynough to lay about him.
  Homme à la main, & Homme de main. A man of execution or valour; a man of his hands.
  Leger à la main. (Of a horse) light borne.
  À pleine main. Vne bouche à pleine main. A horses mouth which is neither too hard, nor too sensible, and thereby giues a full rest vnto the hand.
  De longue main. Of old, long since, of great continuance, a great while agoe.
  Tout d'une main. Hard after, all together, all vnder one.
  Les mains derriere le dos; &, les mains penduës à leur ceincture. In an idle, or careleße fashion.
  Avoir les mains crochuës. To be a light-fingered, or lime-fingered filcher; euerie finger of his hand to be as good as a lime-twig.
  Avoir les mains longues. To haue long hands, or large iurisdiction: applyable to Princes, whose power stretches verie farre.
  Avoir les mains nettes. To be honest, sincere, vncorruptable, vpright.
  Avoir la main seure. To be steadie handed (as he that would be a good workman must be;) also, to be honest, loyall, trustie, faithfull, true in his reckonings, iust in all his doings.
  Bailler la main. To reach a hand; also, a wife to giue her consent, before a Notarie, vnto the sale, or morgage of her inheritance.
  Changer de main. To shift out of one hand into another; also, to change the Lord, or Possessor; as land is said to doe vpon sales, gifts, exchanges, death &c.
  Faire main forte à. To ioyne strongly with.
  Faire la main. To make a hand, or make vp his mouth; to get a rich purchase, or great stake; to gaine much; to win all.
  Faire, & lever la main. To take vp the tricke (at Cards.)
  Faire d'une main l'autre. To patch vp one thing with another; to supply the defects of the one with the excesse of the other.
  Fourrer la main à. To grease the fist with a bribe, &c
  Garnir la main. To take a thing to pawne, or in morgage; also, to seize, or distraine; or (more properly) an arrested debtor to pay the debt presently, or deliuer valuable goods for the securitie, or in cōsideration, thereof.

  Iouër des mains. To fight.
  Iurer es mains d'autruy. To sweare vnto, or (any way) to take an oath; for the old fashion was, that he which tooke an oath held his hands within his that receiued it.
  Laver les mains de. To purge, cleere, iustifie, or excuse himselfe of.
  Mener les mains. To bestirre the fingers; (and particularly) to deale blowes, fall to handie strokes, lay hard about him.
  Mener les mains basses. To put vnto the sword.
  Mettre la main au baston. See Baston.
  Mettre la main sur le collet de. To arrest, or take prisoner.
  Mettre la main iusques au coude, Il y a mis la m. He hath stept verie farre into; he hath deepely ingaged himselfe in; he hath sounded the depth of, the matter.
  Mettre la main à l'heritage. To fall to the ground vpon his hands.
  Mettre la main à la paste. To assist, helpe, further, set forward.
  Mettre la main à la verge. Looke Verge.
  Partir de la main. To part from the hand; suddainely, or hastily to passe, or start, forward.
  Prendre la main. A Notarie to take the consent, and receiue the oath, of parties that agree to passe a contract.
  Se seigner de toutes mains. To be horribly afraid, or grieuously distressed; or, all-to-be-croße themselues in a time of affright or extremitie.
  Tendre les mains. To aske for mercie.
  Tenir la main à quelque affaire. To haue a hand in, be medling with, heed or looke vnto, a matter.
  Tenir la main à vn en quelque affaire. To further, fauor, helpe, or assist one in a matter.
  Tenir la main pour l'un & pour l'autre. To be a newter, or equally affected to both sides; also, to vndertake both for the one and the other.
  Tenir sous main. To keepe in secret, in priuate, in a corner, in hugger-mugger.
  Tirer à la main. A horse to preße vpon the hand, or striue to get forward, or to goe faster then his rider would haue him.
  Tomber en main tierce. Looke Tiers.
  Toucher en la main de. To shake hands with, or take by the hand, in signe of friendship.
  Il toucha la main entre leurs mains. He layed his hands betweene theirs, or gaue them his hand that he would be theirs.
  Venir aux mains. To come to bandie blowes; to buckle, graple, cope, or fight together.
  Venir es mains de. To be at the mercie, fall into the laps, come into the power, or vnder the iurisdiction, of.
  Main lavée moins levée: Prov. The more good parts one hath the lesse he should boast of them.
  À main lavée Dieu mande la repeuë: Prov. God sends th'vpright all neceßarie food.
  Vne main lave l'autre: Prov. One hand washes the other; applyable to such as giue vpon assurance, or hope, to be giuen vnto; or vnto such as any way serue one anothers turne.
  Pour laver ses mains on n'en vend pas sa terre: Prov. A cleane-washt hand makes no man sell his land.
  De mains vuides prieres vaines: Pro. Emptie hands (bad Orators) make intreatie proue idle.
  Connin, & vilain avec la main: Pro. See Connin.