Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/606

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  Manger les doigts. Vous en mangeriez vos doigts à force de lecher.) You would licke your lips after them.
  Manger avec vne faim de biscuit. To rauine, or eat verie greedily.
  Manger à vn grain de sel. To eat a man at a mouthfull (the cracke of a braggadochio;) also, to eat his meat hastily, or greedily, without staying for any sawce, or seasoning, other then a corne of salt will yeeld him.
  Manger son pain blanc le premier. To spend his best abilities (in estate, or bodie) on his youth, and leaue naught but wants, and weakeneße for old age.
  Manger son pain en son sac. To snudge it, or munchion alone in a corner; to conceale, obscure, or spend priuately his goods, good things, or parts, that others may haue no part of them with them.
  Manger des pois verds au veau. Looke Veau.
  Manger de la vache enragée. Il a mangé de la, &c. He is reduced vnto a great necessitie, or extremitie; he is in a miserable taking; also, he hath endured much hardnesse, or (as we say) drunke of many waters.
  Donner à manger au chien, & au chat. To maintaine hospitalitie, to keepe a plentifull house.
  Il est à table, & n'ose manger; (Applyable to a miserable spare good.)
  Il sçait plus que son pain manger. He is no child, no nouice, no babe; he knowes more wayes to the wood then one.
  A qui chapon mange chapon luy vient: Pro. Spend and God will send.
  Aller & parler peut on, boire ensemble & manger non: Prov. Such as desire to continue a friend, must not feed on him; or, tis better to visit a friend sometimes then to dwell with him euer.
  Brebis contées mange bien le loup: Pro. See Loup.
  Ce qu'on donne luit, ce qu'on mange puit: Prov. Th' effects of bountie shine, of eating smell.
  Il fait mauvais aller au bois quand les loups se mangent l'un l'autre: Prov. See Loup.
  Il ne faut pas manger des Cerises avec les grands seigneurs: Prov. Meane men are not to eat cherries (viz. are not to be verie familiar) with great Lords; least the stones of the best flye faster at their eyes then (their portion) the worst into their mouthes. (Much alike whereunto, is;)
  Il ne faut pas manger des prunes avec son Seigneur: Prov.
  Les gros poissons mangent les menus: Pro. Poore men are (easily) supplanted by the rich, the weake by the strong, the meane by the mightie.
  Mauvaise est la saison quand vn loup mange l'autre: Prov. See Loup.
  On se saoule bien de manger tartes: Prov. A man may take too much of a good thing.
  Peu à peu le loup mange l'oye: Prov. By little and little the Wolfe eates vp the Goose.
  Qui mange l'oye du Roy il en chie la plume cent ans apres: Prov. Looke Oye.
  Qui a honte de manger a honte de vivre: Pro. He thats ashamed to eat is ashamed to liue.
  Qui avec son seigneur mange poires il ne choisist pas des meilleures: Pro. He that eates Peares with his Lord either cannot, or should not, pick such as he likes.
  Qui se fait brebis le loup le mange: Prov. He that makes himselfe simple shall be sillily vsed.
  Vn seigneur de paille mange vn vassal d'acier: Pro. A Lord of straw deuoures a vassall of steele.

Mangerie: f. Gluttonie, rauening, deuouring, hastie or greedie feeding; also, a roome, or house to eat in. Faire mangerie avec. To eat, or keepe house with.

Mangeson: f. An itch.

Mange-sujet. A fit Epithite for a Tyrant.

Mangeves: f. Maste, Akornes; any thing that wild Swine vsually feed on.

Mangeur: m. An eater, feeder, glutton, rauener. Mangeur de charrettes ferrées. A notable kill-cow, monstrous huff-snuff, terrible swaggerer; one that will kill all he meets, and eat all he kills. Mangeur de crucifix. A notorious hypocrite; one who to seeme the more holie, is euer kissing of a Crucifix. Hardi gaigneur hardi mangeur: Prov. The better one falls to his meat, the better he followes his worke.

Mangeure: f. The feeding of wild Bores, &c.

Mangeurs. Qui estoient (jadis) ordonnez, & envoyez en garnison pour contraindre vn obligé au payement de son deu, ou vn condamné à souffrir l'execution d'un Arest, ou d'un mandement; & iusques à ce l'on vivoit en sa maison, & en ses biens, à ses despens. ¶Ragueau.

Mangonel: m. as Mangonneau. Mangonisme: m. The craft of pampering, trimming, or setting out of saleable things.

Mangonne: f. A Brokers wife, or brokerlie woman.

Mangonneau: m. An old-fashioned Sling, or Engine, whereout stones, old yron, and great arrowes were violently darted.

Mangonner. To pamper, trimme, sleeke, or set out vnto the eye sale things; also, to mangle, or disfigure by mangling.

Mangouri: m. A base Turkish coyne, whereof sixteene doe little more then counteruayle our pennie.

Manguiere: f. A great-headed, and short-stalked nayle vsed about ships.

Maniable: com. Tractable, wieldable, handleable, handsome, tollerable, passable.

Maniacle. as Maniaque. Maniance: f. A managing, handling, wielding.

Maniaque: com. Mad, franticke, raging, furious, outragious, braine-sicke, bedlam-like. Morelle maniaque. Seeke Morelle. Manicles. Manacles, hand-fetters, or gyues.

Manicordion: m. An (old fashioned) Claricord.

Manie: f. Madneße, furie, rage (by too great abundance of good bloud intoxicating the head.)

Manié: m. ée: f. Handled, handed, wielded, managed, often touched, or vsed. Manié de fortune. Afflicted, or persecuted by fortune, fallen into miserie, come to decay.

Maniement: m. A handling, managing, wielding, vsing, (often) touching. Maniement de sa personne. The carriage of his person.

Manier. To handle, hand, manage, wield, vse, touch. Manier en bisse. Looke Bisse. Manier tresbien ses harpes. To stirre his fingers verie nimbly, or, to play a clenlie tricke of legerdemain.

Maniere: f. A manner, fashion, forme, kind, sort; a custome, vse, wont, guise; a course, order, stile; condition. Par maniere de dire. As it were, as one should say.

Manieur: m. A handler, manager, wielder, vser, toucher of.