Mastic de Candie. Yellow, and bitter Masticke. Mastic de Chio. White Masticke, better then the former. Mastic d'Egypte. Blacke Mastick; more drying, and and lesse binding then the rest.
Mastication: f. A mastication, chawing, or chewing betweene the teeth.
Masticatoire: m. A Masticatorie; a medecine for the rhewme chawed, or held betweene the teeth.
Masticatoire: com. Masticatorie, chewing, champing. Muscles masticatoires. The muscles from which the Jawes receiue their chawing motion.
Mastich. as Mastic. Mastiché: m. ée: f. Mingled, or closed with Mastick; wherein there is Masticke.
Masticine: f. Manna in graines, Manna of the Leuant; so tearmed because it resembles Masticke.
Mastin: m. A Mastiue, or Ban-dog; a great (countrey) curre; also, a rude, filthie, currish, or cruell fellow. Oncques mastin n'aima levrier: Prov. See Levrier. Qui de mastin fait son compere plus de baston ne doit porter: Pro. He that will conuerse with clowns, must passe by rudenesse without frownes.
Mastine: f. A Mastiue, or Curre-bitch; also, a fell queane.
Mastiné: m. ée: f. Lined by a Mastiue, or great curre; also, rudely handled, filthily vsed, currishly dealt with.
Mastiner. To line, as a bitch with a Mastife, or great curre; also, to vse filthily, handle rudely, deale currishly or cruelly with.
Mastiquer. as Masticher; Also, to infuse, or put Masticke, Rosen, &c, vpon a thing before it be soldered; also, to ioyne, or close with Masticke, &c.
Mastoïde. Apophyses mastoïdes. Processes of bones descending from the sides of the head behind the eares. Cavité mastoïde. A hollow part of the head wherein are certaine little caues, or winding hollowes, which receiue, and yeeld backe reuerberation of sounds. Muscle mastoïde. A muscle that bends, and bowes downe, the head.
Masturbation: f. Filthie frigging.
Masure: f. An old decayed house, or wall; the ruines of a building.
Masure de terre. A quantitie of ground containing about foure Oxe-gangs.
Mat: m. A foole, fop, gull; mad-pash, harebraind ninnie; also, a mate at cheße-play. Eschec & mat. Check-mate; also, an vnauoydable disaster, a remedilesse mischiefe, or mischance.
Mat. Deaded, mated, amated, quelled, subdued, ouercome; also, as Flaccide. Or mat. Vnpollished gold.
Matachin: m. The Matachin daunce; also, those that daunce it.
Matagasse: f. A shrike, ninmurder, wariangle: ¶Savoyard. Matagot: m. A kind of Ape; also, an hypocrite: ¶Rab. Matassin. as Matachin. Matassiner des mains. To moue, knacke, or waggle the fingers, like a Jugler, Player, Jeaster, &c.
Mate: f. A number of sprigs growing together vpon an hearbe; also, as Matte; whence;
Enfans de la mate. Ruffianlie cutters; Cheaters, Cut-*purses, &c.
Matelas: m. as Materas; Also, a kind of Violl, or bottle.
Matelot: m. A Saylor, Shipman, Boatman, Waterman.
Matelotage: m. The hire of a ship, or boat, and of the Saylors, or Watermen thereto belonging; the fraight, or fare due for the vse of a ship, or boat.
Mateologie: f. Vaine inquirie, or ouer-curious search into high matters, and mysteries.
Mateologien: m. A vaine, or ouer-curious searcher into high matters.
Mateotechne. Vaine knowledge, crooked Art: ¶Rab. Mater. To mate, or giue a mate vnto; to dead, amate, quell, subdue, ouercome.
Materas: m. A Matteresse, or Quilt to lie on; also, a quarrell (or arrow) for a crossebow; also, as Herbe à Masses. Materas desempenné. A quarrell without feathers, or an vnfeathered quarrell; also, a light-braind, giddie-humord shittle-headed fellow.
Matereau. as Matz; or as Masterel. Materiaux: m. Any kind of rubbidge, or stuffe.
Materiel: m. elle: f. Materiall; stuffie, substantiall, well growne, well fed; also, dull, grosse, earthie, or earthlie.
Materien. as Marrein. An old word.
Maternel: m. elle: f. Maternall, motherlie, of a mother, on the mothers side.
Maternellement. Motherly, like a mother; tenderly, kindly, carefully.
Maternité: f. Maternitie, motherhood, the being a mother.
Matetoultier. Looke Maletoultier. Mathelin. as Mathurin. Mathelineaux: m. euse: f. Franticke, wild, wood, halfe mad.
Mathematicien: m. A Mathematician; a professor or practiser, of the Mathematikes; also, a caster of Natiuities.
Mathematique: com. Mathematicall, belonging to the Mathematicks.
Mathematiques: f. The Mathematicks; (comprehend foure of the liberall Sciences; viz.) Arithmeticke, Geometrie, Musicke, and Astronomie or Astrologie.
Matheothecne. Crooked Art, vaine knowledge: ¶Rab. Mathurin: m. The name of a Saint in Gastinois, held to be the Physitian, or Patron of mad fooles; also, a Mathurin Frier; (of th' Order of the Trinitie.) Maladie de S. Mathurin. Frenzie, extreame follie, madnesse. Saillie de S. Mathurin. A foolish tricke, fond prank, mad part. Mené à S. Mathurin. Gulled, grossely beguiled, ouer-*raught, made a foole.
Matiere: f. Matter; stuffe, substance; a matter, a thing; an argument, or subiect to write, or discourse of; a businesse, or affaire; a cause, case, or Action in Law. Matiere fecale. Dung, excrement, ordure.
Matin: m. The morning; the breake of day, beginning of the day.
Des le fin matin. Verie earlie, as soone as one can see.
Au matin les monts, au soir les fonds, &c. Looke Mont.
Les paroles du soir ne resemblent pas à celles du matin: Prov. He that giues thee a good morrow, may yet before night procure thy sorrow.
Le rouge soir, & blanc matin font resjouïr le pelerin: Prov. The euening red, and morning gray presage a faire succeeding day.