Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/62

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Araignée: f. A cobweb; or as Araigne. Araigneux: m. euse: f. Full of spiders, spinners; or of cobwebs; also, hunting, or feeding on, spiders; whence. Souris araigneuse. A Shrew mouse.

Araignier: m. ere: f. Spiderie; of, or like, a spider, or cobweb. Tunique araigniere. as Aragnoïde. Arain: m. Brasse. Oeil d'arain. A red, fierce, fierie, or sparkling eye, such as a Lion hath. Pierre d'arain. Red Vitrioll; the stone wherewith Brasse is tried. Il pense que nuës sont pailles d'arain. (Wee say of such an Idiot;) hee thinkes the Moone is made of greene cheese.

Araïre. A plough. ¶Lionnois. Araisonner. Seeke Arraisonner. Araisonner la marchandise. To set a rate, or price on it.

Aramme. A fine, or amerciament set on a plaintifes, or defendants head, for not appearing.

Aransor; as Harenc-sor; A red herring. Araroye. A round, and skreene-like ornament of feathers, worne by the West-Jndian Sauages at their backes.

Arasser. as Frayer. Arbaleste: f. A Crosse-bow; also, a Bow-net; also, the sinewie Crosse-bow, wherewith a man shoots, not deere, but his deerest. Arbaleste à boulet. A Stone-bow. Arbaleste à gelais. The same. Arbaleste de passe. The greatest, or longest kind of Crosse-bow; or as in Passe. Arbalestier: m. A Crosse-bow-man, one that shoots in, or serues with, a Crosse-bow; also, a Crosse-bow maker.

Arbalestrage: m. The shooting in a Crosse-bow.

Arbalestrier. as Arbalestier. Arban: m. A dayes worke in euerie weeke, due by some Vassalls, that hold by Villenage, vnto their Lords.

Arbausier: m. Th' Arbute, or Strawberrie tree.

Arbaux. Looke Herbaux. Arbenne: f. A kind of white Partridge (of a Pigeons bignesse) thats rough legd, and footed like a Hare; some hold, that she is browne in Summer, and onely in Winter, white; others, that one kind (which liues in plaines, and vallies) is euer browne; and another (which lurkes on the shadowie sides of snowie mountaines) alwayes, and all-ouer, white.

Arbitrage: m. An award, or arbitrement; the sentence, determination, authoritie, or Office, of an Arbitrator.

Arbitraire: com. Arbitrable; arbitrating; also, at the will, and pleasure of another; and hence; Amende arbitraire. Looke Amende. Arbitrateur: m. An Arbitrator, vmpier, stickler; a friendly compounder of differences (according to equitie.)

Arbitre: m. An Arbitrator (who is to iudge by the strict rules of Law) also, will, pleasure, fancie; scope of mind, libertie of iudgement, freedome of thought.

Arbitré: m. ée: f. Arbitrated, stickled; awarded; compounded, agreed; iudged, or adiudged, by award.

Arbitrer. To arbitrate, stickle; award; compound, a-**

*gree; iudge, or adiudge, by award.

Arborateur. A planter, primer, dresser, breeder of trees.

Arboré: m. ée: f. Stucke downe, fixed, or planted, as an ensigne into the earth; set vpright.

Arborer. To fix, plant, or sticke downe into the earth; to set, as a tree, vpright.

Arborise. A kind of white free stone.

Arboriser. To studie the nature, to obserue the properties, of trees.

Arbosier: m. An Arbute, or Strawberrie tree.

Arbouce; ou, Arbouse: f. The harsh red berrie, called an Arbute, or tree-Strawberrie.

Arbousier. as Arbosier. Arboutan. as Arc boutant. ¶Rab. Arbre: m. A tree. L'arbre fourchu. A standing on the head, or on the hands, with out-spread legs. Arbre marin, ou de mer. The greatest of the Starre-fishes; called so, because she spreads her selfe abroad, like a full-branched tree. l'Arbre d'un moulin. Th'Axletree; the beame that caries the wheele of a water-mil, and sailes of a wind-*mill. l'Arbre d'un navire. The Maste. Arbre de Paradis[*accent on i?]. The tree of Paradise; growes in Ægypt, and beares many blossomes, all at the top, and yeelding all but one fruit; which resembles a Pine-*apple, and tasts most delicately. l'Arbre d'un pressoir. The beame, tree, or timber of a presse; the thickest, and longest peece of wood belonging to it. Arbre de vermilion. The Scarlet Oke, or Scarlet Holme Oke. Arbre de vie. An Aromaticall tree, so called. Arbre trop souvent transplanté ne porte pas fruict à planté. Looke Planté. L'arbre ne tombe pas du premer coup: Prov. Though a little man can fell a great Oke, yet falls it not at the first blow; Rome was not built on a day; nor are great matters atchieued as soone as attempted. De l'arbre d'un pressoir le manche d'un Cernoir: Prov. (We say of one that hath squandered away great wealth) hee hath thwitten a mill-post to a pudding pricke. De doux arbre douces pommes. A sweet tree yeeldeth sauourie fruit.

Arbreau: m. A shrub, or small tree.

Arbret. A little tree.

Arbrier: m. The Tillar of a Crosse-bow.

Arbrisseau: m. A shrub.

Arbrisselet. A little shrub. Arbrisselet d'aigreur. The red Gooseberrie shrub.

Arbuste: m. A shrub; also, a groue of trees that are lopt, and cut.

Arbuster. To plant a ground with thicke rankes of shrubs.

Arbustif: m. iue: f. Shrubbie; also, running, or growing vp by the side of a shrub; as Iuie, Vines, &c.

Arc: m. A bow; a hand-bow, or long-bow; also, a vault, or arch in building; also, the circle that enuirons the ball, or apple of the eye; the bow, or Iris of the eye.
  Arc boutant. An arch, bowing pillar, buttresse, or post, that serues to shore, support, or vnderset a building; also, the arke, or arche of a vault; the couer of a cradle; the tilt of a boat, &c.
  L'arc au ciel. The Rainebow.