Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/677

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  Or sus. Goe too, on forward, well then.

Oracle: m. An Oracle; a sentence deliuered, an answer giuen, by God.

Oraculeux: m. euse: f. Oracle-like, true as the Gospell, infallible.

Orade: f. The Guilt-head; a sea-fish.

Orage: m. A storme, tempest, orage; outrage. Le vent, la tempeste, l'orage monstrent du nocher le courage: Pro. Looke Nocher. Tousiours ne dure guerre, ne orage: Prov. No violence, nor violent thing, lasts alwayes.

Orager. A tempest, or storme to rise.

Orageux: m. euse: f. Stormie, tempestuous, raging, outragious.

Oraison: f. Orison, prayer; also, a speech, language, discourse, communication; oration.

Orange: f. An Orange; also, a kind of pernicious fire-*ball; also, a certaine fowle.

Orangé: m. ée: f. Orange-tawnie, Orange-coloured.

Oranger: m. An Orenge tree.

Oraprimes. as Or primes. Orateur: m. An Orator; Spoakesman, Arguer, Pleader, Aduocate; Embassador.

Oration: f. An Oration, or Harang.

Oratoire: m. An Oratorie; a Closet, or priuate Chappell to pray in.

Oratoire: com. Oratorie, belonging to an Orator; of eloquence.

Oratoirement. Orator-like, eloquently.

Orayn. Whilere. ¶Picard. Orbateur: m. A Gold-beater.

Orbatu: m. Leafe-gold.

Orbe: com. Blind, sightlesse; wanting, or depriued of, sight; hence also, darke, obscure, without light. Coup orbe. A dry blow; a blow that neither makes ouerture, nor fetches bloud.

Orbiculaire: com. Orbicular, circular, globie, compasse, round.

Orbiculairement. Orbicularly, circularly, in a round compasse or forme; globe-like.

Orbiere: f. A blinding-boord, or head-boord (hung before the eyes of an vnrulie beast.)

Orbitaire: com. Belonging, or like, vnto the Orbite. Orbité: f. Orphanisme; lacke of parents; also, want of children; generally, any lacke, or want.

Orbite: f. The hole, or seat of the eye; the hole wherein an eye is placed. L'orbite d'une poulie. The mortaise wherein the shiuer of a Pullie runnes.

Orcanette. as Orchanette. Orchades: f. Great Ships; also, a kind of great fishes, mortall enemies to Whales.

Orchal. as Archal. Orchanette: f. Orkanet, Alkanet, Spanish Buglosse, wild Buglosse.

Orche. à orche. On the left hand. ¶Rab. Orchenie: f. A transposing.

Orches. as Orchades. ¶Rab. Orchestre: f. The Senators, or Noblemens Place in a Theatre, betweene the Stage, and common Seats; also, the Stage it selfe.

Ord: m. orde: f. Filthie, nastie, foule, sluttish; durtie, berayed, ouglie, or loathsome to behold.

Ordelot: m. otte: f. Sullied, slubbered, stained, somewhat vncleane.

Ordement. Filthily, nastily, sluttishly, durtily, vncleanely, loathsomely.

Ordi: m. ie: f. as Ourdi; also, fouled, defiled, berayed,

begrymed, soyled, slurried, slubbered.

Ordinaire: m. An Ordinarie; a Bishop (or his Chauncelor, &c) within his Diocesse; also, an Ordinarie Table, dyet, fare.

Ordinaire: f. Les Ordinaires de Sorbonne. Certaine disputations held among Sorbonnists before they commence Doctors.

Ordinaire: com. Ordinarie; common, vsuall; also, proper, peculiar, in ordinarie, of ones owne. Procez ordinaire. A ciuill Action, Cause, or Suit.

Ordinairement. Ordinarily, vsually, commonly, of custome.

Ordinateur: m. An Orderer, Ordainer, Appointer. Ordinateur des Thresors. The Lord high Treasurer of France; called so in Philip the faires time.

Ordinatif: m. iue: f. Ordinatiue; order-shewing, order-declaring; ordering.

Ordir. as Ourdir; also, to foule, defile, soyle, beray, bedurt, begryme, slubber, slurrie, sullie; blemish, distaine, inquinate, pollute.

Ordisseure: f. as Ourdisseure; also, a fouling, defiling, beraying, begryming, slubbering, sullying; distaining, polluting.

Ordon: m. A slouen; a filthie fellow; also, the ranke, or rowe which a Reaper hath vndertaken to goe on in.

Ordonnance: f. An Ordinance; Edict, Order, Decree, Statute, Jnstitution, Constitution; a Precept, Appointment, Commaundement; also, a right, or due ordering, disposing, digesting, arraying, ranking, or marshalling of things. Engin de telle ordonnance. Of such a bulke, size, or bore. Gens d'ordonnance, ou, Gensdarmes des ordonnances. Looke Gendarme. Ordonnateur: m. An ordainer, enacter, decreer; an orderer, disposer; enioyner, appointer of.

Ordonné: m. ée: f. Ordained, enacted, decreed, instituted; ruled, appointed, commaunded; ordered, digested, disposed, marshalled, raunged; arrayed; fitly placed; well furnished, in full equipage; armed, equipped, or fitted at all points.

Ordonnément. Orderly, fitly, handsomely, iust as it should be.

Ordonner. To ordaine, enact, order, decree; rule, determine; commaund, appoint; ranke, digest, marshall, range, dispose; array, prepare, furnish, prouide of necessaries; arme, equip, or fit at all points.

Ordonneur: m. An ordainer, author, enacter, appointer, commaunder; also, an orderer, disposer, marshaller, fit ranker of things.

Ordonques. Seeing then.

Ordoyer. as Ordir. To defile.

Ordre de Vay. The name of a verie small apple.

Ordre: m. Order; method, fashion; disposition; a rank, file, course, row, continuation; due place, or seat; fit state, or posture; also, the calling, degree, or estate of men; also, an Order, Societie, or Sect of religious men or women; also, a Companie, Fellowship, or Brotherhood of Knights, (tearmed) of the Order, and instituted by a Soueraigne Prince.
  Les ordres, ou les saints ordres. Priesthood, the Ministerie; or the institution of a Priest, &c; holie Orders.
  Ordre de l'Anonciade. An Order of Knighthood instituted in the yeare 1350 by Amadeus Earle of Sauoy.
  Ordre du croissant. The Order of the halfe Moone, instituted by René Duke of Aniou Anno 1464.
  Ordre du S. Esprit. The Order of the holie Ghost; by Henry troisiéme, in the yeare 1579.