Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/741

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that readily answers the spurre; hence also, titchie, that will not indure to be touched. Combatre a poincte, & à fendant. To fight against with point, and edge; viz. in all extremitie, by any hurtfull meanes, or way. Poursuivre sa poincte. To follow his thrust (in fencing;) to pursue his aduantage; also, to prosecute his former designes, or courses.

Poincté: m. ée: f. Pointed, sharpened at the point; also, stitched; also, quilted. Rose poinctée de. Bearded. (Blason.) Poincteler. To prickle, pricke, or point often; also, to bud, or shoot out.

Poincter. as Pointer. Poinctille. Seeke Pointille. Poinctiller. To prickle, or pricke often.

Poinctu: m. uë: f. Pointed, sharpe-topped; also, keene, or sharpe at the point.

Poindre. To pricke; sting; nettle, bite, vex, fret; spurre, stirre, incite; also, to peepe, or peere out (as a morning Sunne ouer the top of a hill;) whence; Incontinent que le iour poindra. By breake of day. Geline qui poind, & ne pond pas. Looke Pondre. Charité oingt, & peché poind: Prov. Charitie comforteth, sinne afflicteth; charitie supples the heart, sinne wounds the soule. Oignez vilain il vous poindra: Pro. (Applyable to the base ingratitude of a base chuffe, or churle.) Qui contre esguillon recule deux fois se poind: Prov. He doubly hurts himselfe that kickes against a pricke.

Poinez raclé. C'est vn p. raclé. Tis a thing resolued, or concluded on, a matter fully determined of.

Poing: m. The fist. Poing garni. See Garni. Faire de son poing vn maillet. To make hard shift; or, to be ignorant of the right vse of things; or, sottishly to ouertoyle, or take too much of, himselfe. Fol est qui de son poing fait coing: Prov. See Coing. Poinrée: f. A Peare tree. ¶Norm. Poinson: m. A bodkin; also, a puncheon; also, a stampe, marke, print, or seale; also, a Wine-vessell, containing, in most places, 216 Parisien Pints. Poinson d'Ay, et de Champagne. Containeth 192 Parisien Pints. Poinson d'une Tour. The ball, or middle of the top, of a round Tower; that part whereat all the rafters doe meet in point; that part whereon a weathercocke, &c, is vsually planted.

Poinsonnade: f. A pricke, or hole made with a bodkin; also, a stampe, or marke set on with a puncheon, &c.

Poinsonner. To pricke, or pierce with a bodkin; to stampe, or marke, with a puncheon, &c.

Point: m. Looke Poinct. Point. (An Aduerbe;) not, no one iote, by no meanes, in no manner, not at all.

Pointade: f. A pricke, thrust; stitch; or sting.

Pointe. as Poincte. Pointeler. Seeke Poincteler. Pointer. To point; or sharpen at the point; or leßen towards the point; also, to pierce, pricke, or sting; also, to stitch, quilt, or counterpoint. Pointer vn canon. To leuell it, or bring it vnto the marke.

Pointille: f. A pricke, or prickle; a little nice point; the

smallest, or sleightest matter that may be.

Pointiller. To prickle, or pricke often; also, to cut, quip, tax, or take exceptions vnto.

Pointu. as Poinctu. Pointure: f. A pricke; also, a prickling, or pricking; also, a shooting (as of paine in the bodie;) also, the Gowt in the ioints.

Poipre: f. The Purples. Looke Pourpre. Poiraisine: f. Rosin.

Poiré: m. Perrie; drinke made of Peares.

Poire: f. A Peare.
  Poire d'angoisse. A choake-Peare; or, a wild soure Peare.
  Poire d'amiot. A yellow, and hard-skind Peare, whereof excellent Perrie is made.
  Poire de beurée. The butter Peare; a tender, and delicate fruit.
  Poire de bon Chrestien (called by some the Eusebian Peare;) a great, and delicate Winter Peare, somewhat resembling the bastard Warden.
  Poire de campane. as Poire de Serteau.
  Poire chat. The Cat-Peare; a holesome, sweet-smelling, and sharpe-tasting fruit.
  Poire de chevalier. The Knight-Peare.
  Poire coing. The great Quince called, the Peare-Quince, or Quince Peare.
  Poire de conillart. A soft, and delicate kind of Peare.
  Poire dorée. The golden Peare; is reasonable big, almost round, and the most delicate of Summer Peares.
  Poire d'eau rose. The Rose-Peare.
  Poire de l'escuyer. The Esquire Peare; whereof excellent Perrie is made.
  Poire d'espine. The thorne-Peare; (ripe in Autumne.)
  Poire d'estranguillon. A choake-Peare.
  Poire de fin or. The golden Peare.
  Poire de garde. A Warden, or Winter Peare; a Peare which may be kept verie long.
  Poire de hastiveau. A Hasting, or hastie Peare.
  Poire laide bonne. A certaine ill-looking, but well-tasting, Peare.
  Poire de livre. The pound-Peare; a verie great Peare.
  Poire à main. A kind of great Peare which weighes almost a pound.
  Poire de mollart. A certaine tender, and delicate Peare.
  Poire musquette. The Muske Peare.
  Poire de nostre Dame. The Marie Peare, or our Ladies Peare; a reasonable good fruit.
  Poire de parmain. The Permaine Peare.
  Poire de rateau. A certaine Peare thats as big as a mans fist.
  Poire de renoult. A certaine tender, and delicate Peare.
  Poire de rosette. A soft, and verie delicate Peare.
  Poire de rouseau. Another; whereof good Perrie may be made.
  Poires sept en gueule. A kind of small, and soone-ripe Muske-Peares.
  Poire de Serteau. The Allablaster Peare, Bell Peare, or Gourd Peare.
  Poire superbe. The Muske-Peare; or water Peare.
  Poire à deux testes. The two-headed Peare; a yellow, and solide Peare, whereof excellent Perrie is made.
  Poire de verdelet. The Greening; a tender, and