Assez en dit qui apporte bonnes nouvelles: Prov. He that hath told good newes, needs tell no more. Assez escorche qui tient le pied: Pro. Looke Pied. Assez gaigne qui malheur perd: Prov. He gets ynough that balkes ill lucke; or, that looses nothing. Assez ieusne qui pauvrement vit: Prov. He that feeds barely fasts sufficiently. Assez parens assez tourmens: Prov. The more kinsmen the more afflictions. Assez peut pleurer qui n'a nul qui l'appaise: Pro. He may weepe till his heart ake, that hath no bodie to appease him. Assez sçait qui sçait vivre & se taire: Prov. Looke Sçavoir. Assez va au moulin qui son asne y envoye: Prov. He's guiltie ynough of an offence that appoints his man to commit it. Assez veille qui bien fait: Prov. Looke Veiller. De petit petit, & d'assez assez: Prov. From much take much, from little take a little. Rien n'a qui assez n'a: Prov. He that hath not ynough hath nothing; or, he that couets more then he hath enioyes not what he hath.
Assidu: m. uë: f. Daily, frequent, oft, continuall; diligent, serious, laborious.
Assiduellement. Daily, continually, frequently, commonly, often.
Assiduement. as Assiduellement. Assiduité: f. Assiduitie, frequencie, oftennesse, diligence, continuance in.
Assiegé: m. ée: f. Besieged, beleaguered.
Assiegement de ville. A besieging, or beleaguering, of a towne; a siege, or leaguer.
Assieger. To besiege, to beleaguer.
Assiegeur: m. A besieger, a beleaguerer.
Assiement: m. A sitting.
Assier: m. Steele.
Assiete. as Assiette. Assiette: f. A trencher-plate; also, the seat, scite, or scituation of a house, or place; also, a plot for, or the plat-*forme of, a building; also, a couch, bed, course, or laine of stone, &c, in building; also, a sitting; also, land surueyed and set out to th' vtmost rate; or th' vtmost rent raised, and extent layed, vpon land, for the payment of a debt, &c. Assiette à dorer. Size to gild with, gold size. Assiette de taille. A cessement, or cessing of a tax. Monnoye de bonne assiette. Of a good forme. Pastez d'assiette. Small Pasties, or Pies, serued in, at the first course, vpon Plates. Vin vendu en assiette. Wine vttered, and drunke, by pints, or quarts, &c, in a tauerne.
Assignal: m. Land assigned, or layed out vnto a woman for her iointer, or dower; and which she enioyeth vntill she haue leuied as much as she brought with her. Assignal de rente. Rents assigned vnto a woman for the same purpose.
Assignat. m. An assignation, or appointment; a distribution of, a limitation, or allotment, vnto; also, a day giuen, or place appointed.
Assignation: f. An assignation, assignement, appointment; a distribution; an assigning, or appointing ouer; a distributing. Se donner assignation. (Two, or more) to appoint a certaine place for their meeting.
Assigné: m. ée: f. Assigned; appointed, ordained, or deputed, for; allotted, layed out, set or put, ouer vnto; also, seised, or taken, as forfeited, into his owne hands.
Assigner. To assigne; appoint, ordaine, or depute, for; to allot, lay out, set or put, ouer (also, to giue day) vnto. Assigner sa main au fief de son vassal; &, Assigner à son fief les terres de son vassal; To seize, enter vpon, or take into his owne hands, as forfeited, th'inheritance of his vassall.
Assillonnement: m. A making of baulkes in plowing.
Assillonner. To baulke, or plow vp in baulkes.
Assimenter. To cement, close, or glue together.
Assimilation: f. A comparing, likening, resembling; an application, or applying of things, together.
Assimilativement. By comparison, sembably, in like manner.
Assimilé: m. ée: f. Likened, resembled, compared, vnto.
Assimiler. To compare, liken, resemble, apply things together.
Assis: m. Assessements; or, impositions.
Assis: m. ise: f. Set, sitting; seated, placed, setled, fixed, planted; also, limitted, appointed; also, taxed, cessed, or assessed. Oiseau trop haut assis. Whose staulkes (or legs) are too long. Il a le cœur assis en bonne part. He is honest, faithfull, resolute, valiant. Il n'y a pas bien assis ses lunettes. He hath mistaken the matter; or, he hath not looked into it so throughly as he might, so diligently as he should[*comma?] haue done.
Assise: f. An Assise, or Sessions (a word most vsed, as our Assises, in the plurall number) also, the customarie fine thats taken, in Brittanie only, for certaine beasts found dammage fesant; also, as Assize. Assises de Iustice. Are, by the customes of Normandie, assemblies of knights, and other discreet, and substantiall men, in companie of a Bailly, at a place, and for a time, certaine. La grande assise. is held by a Seneschall, or Bailly. La petite assise. is held by a Preuostall, or inferior, Iudge. Droict d'assise de six deniers. vj. d. Tour. Due vnto the towneship of Tournay vpon euery pottle[*bottle?] of wine retayled within it.
Assises: f. The solemne, or ordinarie Assises, Sessions, or sittings of Iudges; also, as Assis, substan.
Assistance: f. Assistance, helpe, support, countenance, presence of men in helpe of their friends; a standing to in extremitie.
Assistant: m. An assistant; a helper; a stander by.
Assisté. Assisted, helped, aided, defended; stood by, or vnto. Assisté de plusieurs autres. Accompanied with, or followed, by many others.
Assister. To assist, helpe, defend, aid, countenance; also, to accompanie, associate, be at, or be present at, stand by, or vnto.
Assize: f. as Assise; also, a course of stones, or bricks, in building. Associable: com. Companable, sociable, associable, fit to hold fellowship with.
Association: f. An accompanying, association, societie, fellowship.
Associé: m. ée: f. Associated, accompanied, consorted, kept much with.
Associer. To associate, accompanie, hold societie, or fellowship, consort, or keepe much, with.
Assode: com. Wasted, or much broken by sicknesse; forlorne, wearie of his life, carelesse of himselfe.