Prognostiqué: m. ée: f. Prognosticated, prophesied, foretold.
Prognostiquer. To prognosticate, foreshew, prophesie, foretell.
Prognostiqueur: m. A prognosticator, foreshewer, Almanack-maker, fortune-teller, foreteller.
Progreder. To proceed, passe on, goe forward, continue in a course begun.
Progrez: m. A progression, going forward, passing on, a proceeding, or continuing in a course begun.
Prohibé: m. ée: f. Prohibited, forbidden; let, stopped, hindered.
Prohiber. To prohibit, forbid; impeach, hinder, not to suffer.
Prohibeur: m. A prohibitor, a forbidder.
Prohibition: f. A prohibition, inhibition, forbidding.
Prohibitoire: com. Prohibitorie, prohibiting, forbidding.
Project: m. A proiect, purpose, designement, forecast, intent; also, a modell, or plot of a building made, or delineated, in paper; also, the iutting, out-bearing, or out-*leaning of a wall, garret, or vpper roome.
Projecté: m. ée: f. Proiected, purposed, forecast, fore-*thought of, designed, meant or intended before-hand; also, drawne, delineated, purtrayed.
Projecter. To proiect, plot, forecast; purpose, designe, intend; also, to draw, purtray, describe, delineate, proportion, a thing before it be done.
Projection: f. A proiection; a casting or throwing forth, a stretching or extending out.
Proisme. as Presme. Prolation: f. A pronouncing, vtterance, deliuerie of words.
Prolectation: f. A pleasant inticement, a delightsome prouocation.
Prolepsie: f. A naturall foreknowledge conceiued in the mind; and hence, a figure whereby we preuent, and auoid, that which another intended to alledge against vs.
Prolifique: com. Fruitfull, or breeding apace.
Prolixe: com. Prolix, long, tedious; large, abundant, bounteous.
Prolixement. Prolixly, tediously, at length, at large; liberally, abundantly, plenteously.
Prologue: m. A Prologue, or fore-speech; a preamble to a Play.
Prolongation: f. A prolongation, prolonging, drawing out in length; a protraction, demurre, delay.
Prolongé: m. ée: f. Prolonged, protracted, or drawne out in length; deferred, put off, delayed.
Prolongement: m. A prolonging, protracting, deferring, delaying.
Prolonger. To prolong, protract, put or driue off, draw out in length, deferre, delay.
Prolongeur: m. A prolonger, protracter, wyre-drawer, delayer.
Promarginaire: com. Extended on the margent.
Prome: m. A Butler, or Drawer; also, a yeoman of the Larder.
Promenement: m. A walking.
Promener. To walke; See Pourmener. Promesse: f. A promise; a vow made, or aßurance giuen, by word of mouth. Belle promesse fol lie: Prov. Faire promises oblige the foole; or, are no better then fopperies; (for the words fol lie equiuocate vnto folie.)
Prometteur: m. A promiser.
Promettre. To promise; couenant; vow; vndertake, or
giue his word, for; also (in bargaining) to offer. Promettre sans donner est sol reconforter: Prov. To promise and giue nought contents the foole. Beaucoup promettre, & peu tenir couste peu à entretenir: Pro. Jt costs a man but little to say much and doe little. Entre promettre, & donner doit on la fille marier: Pro. Betweene giuing somewhat and promising much, a man may be honestly rid of a daughter.
Promeu: m. euë: f. Promoted, aduaunced, preferred. Promeu aux ordres ecclesiastiques. Hauing taken Orders.
Prominence: f. A prominence; a standing, iutting, or strouting, out; hence, a Pent-house, &c, in building; and in the bodie, that part of a member which is bigger, or thicker then it fellowes, or those that be next adioyning to it.
Prominent: m. ente: f. Prominent; extending, out-*stretching, iutting out or ouer.
Promis: m. ise: f. Promised; vowed; couenanted; giuen by word; also (in bargaining) offered.
Promiscuë: com. Promiscuous; confused, mixed without order, mingled without consideration; also, mutuall, indifferent, or without difference, common to many.
Promiscuëment. Promiscuously, confusedly; indifferently, without difference, mutually, one with another.
Promontoire: m. A Promontorie; a hill which, elbow-*like, lies out into the sea.
Promoteur: m. A Promooter; also, a Proctor; whence; Promoteur d'office. as Procureur fiscal. Promotion: f. Promotion, aduancement, preferment.
Promouvoir. To promote, aduance, preferre.
Prompt: m. te: f. Prompt, quicke, speedie, nimble; prepared, readie at hand. La plus prompte courtoisie c'est la meilleure: Pro. A prompt, and willing speed indeareth courtesies; the promptest, and most willing fauor's best.
Promptement. Promptly, quickly, speedily, readily, at hand.
Promptitude: f. Promptneße, quicknesse, readinesse; pronenesse, preparation.
Promptuaire: m. A Promptuarie, Storehouse; Buttrie, Sellor, Spence.
Pronateurs: m. Certaine muscles whereby the hand is bent, or bowed downewards.
Pronau: m. A Pulpit; or the place out of which the Prone is deliuered.
Prone: m. The publication made, or notice giuen, by a Priest vnto his parishioners (when Seruice is almost ended) of the holy daies, and fasting daies in the weeke following; of goods lost, or strayed; of such as desire to be relieued, or prayed for; of Banes of Matrimonie; or of any such thing, besides their prayers, fit for them to vnderstand.
Prone: com. Prone; readie, nimble, quicke, wheeme, easily mouing; also, inclined, lying downe or toward, bending or stooping downewards.
Prononçable: com. Pronounceable.
Prononcé: m. ée: f. Pronounced.
Prononcer. To pronounce; expresse, name specially, deliuer out or openly, vtter precisely, denounce plainely, make expreße mention of.
Pronontiation: f. Pronunciation; plaine vtterance, open declaration, expresse deliuerie, precise mention of; a pronouncing; a denouncing.