Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/782

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Rabine: f. A high-growne wood; or, as Bois de haute fustaye. Rabinique: com. Rabbie-like, of the Rabbies.

Rabioles: f. Turneps: ¶Provenç. Rabitué: m. ée: f. Reaccustomed, reinured, vsed anew; setled againe.

Rabituer. To reaccustome, reinure, vse anew; also, to settle againe.

Rable: m. A Plaisterers beater; also, the chine, or parts about the chine, of a Deere, &c; thence also, the power or vertue of the backe in venerie, &c.

Rablé. Strong-backed, well furnished about the reines; and thence, able for venerie.

Rablette: f. A Shrew-mouse.

Rabobeliné: m. ée: f. Patched, or peeced againe.

Rabobeliner. To patch, or peece againe.

Rabobelineries: f. Patches renewed, or patches vpon patches.

Rabolliere: f. A Rabbets neast; the hole wherein a Doe Conie keepeth her young ones.

Rabot: m. A Joyners Plane; also, a Plaisterers beater.

Raboté: m. ée: f. Planed; euened, leuelled, smoothed.

Rabotement: m. A planing, euening, leuelling; also, roughnesse, raggednesse, vneuennesse.

Raboter. To plane; leuell, make or lay euen; also, to smooth.

Raboteur: m. A planer; leueller; smoother.

Raboteure: f. A planing; leuelling, laying euen; smoothing.

Raboteux: m. euse: f. Rugged, rough; vneuen, craggie, stonie.

Raboudris: m. Wraglands; crooked, or misgrowne trees which will neuer proue timber.

Rabougri. vn rab. A grub, counterfeit, short or short-*necked crooke-backe.

Rabougri: m. ie: f. Growne crooked, and low; wrie, mishapen, or imperfect of shape; misgrowne; grubbie, dried vp, shortened more then ordinarie by extraordinarie heat.

Rabougrir. To grow crooked, and low withall; to wax mishapen, or imperfect of shape; to become a wragland, or grub; to be shortened, or dried vp by extraordinarie heat.

Rabouliere. as Rabolliere. Rabroüant. Checking, chiding, schooling, reprouing.

Rabroüé: m. ée: f. Checked, chidden, taunted, reproued; dismissed with a sharpe, or sower deniall.

Rabroüer. To checke, chide, reproue, taunt, schoole, dismisse with a sharp, or crabbed answer; speak sowerly, or frowardly vnto.

Rabroüeur: m. A sower, or froward reprouer, checker, taunter, censor; an austere companion.

Rabuser. To reabuse.

Racaille: f. The rascalitie, or base and rascall sort; the scumme, dregs, offalls, outcasts of any companie.

Raccamusé: m. ée: f. Squashed, or pashed downe; flattened, beaten or made flat.

Raccamuser. To squash, or pash downe; to flatten, beat or make flat.

Raccointer. To reacquaint; to make (or grow) once more acquainted with; also, to reconcile.

Raccoller. To reimbrace, iterate imbracements, imbrace againe.

Raccorder. To reaccord, reconcile, make friends againe.

Raccorni. as Racorny.

Raccornir. To make hornie, or as hard as horne; also, to wax hornie, or grow hard like horne.

Raccoupler. To reunite; to couple, or yoke together againe.

Raccourci: m. ie: f. Shrunke, shortened, contracted, compacted; chubbie, trust vp, short and strong, knit well or close together. Croix raccourcie. A crosse Humet, in Blazon.

Raccourcir. To shorten, abridge, curtall, contract, compact, shrinke or draw vp, knit or draw close, together.

Raccourcissement: m. A shortening, a curtalling, a contracting, a drawing vp close together.

Raccoustré: m. ée: f. Mended, repaired, new dressed or trimmed vp.

Raccoustrement: m. A mending, repairing, new trimming or dressing vp.

Raccoustrer. To mend, amend, reedifie, repaire, make, trimme, or dresse vp anew.

Raccoustreur: m. A mender, a repairer, a renewer; a dresser or trimmer vp of old things; a botcher.

Raccoustumé: m. ée: f. Reaccustomed, reinured, brought vp, or into vse, againe.

Raccoustumer. To reaccustome, reinure, to renew a custome, to bring vp, or into vse, againe.

Raccueilly: m. ye: f. Gathered.

Race: f. A race; linnage, familie, kindred, house, bloud; litter, brood; sort, kind; also, as Rape. Faire race. To get children; also, to begin, or set vp, a race, or brood, of horses, dogs, &c. Noble de trois races. Noble for three descents, or three manner of wayes.

Rachais: m. aise: f. Leane, carrion, scraggie, starueling.

Rachalander. To recouer former customers, to get into trade againe.

Rachapt: m. A redemption, redeeming, rebuying, recouerie of a thing sold, by paying that for which it was sold; also, an abilitie, or power to redeeme, or to recouer land in that manner, by being next of kin to the seller; also, a ransome, or paying of ransome; also, a Reliefe; or whole yeares possession, & profit of land, or a summe of money (as the custom is) due vnto the Lord of whom the land is held by homage, vpon euerie redemption, collaterall descent, exchange, or other change of the tenant. Rachapt abonné. A Reliefe rated vnto the tenant at a certaine price. Rachapt rencontré. A Reliefe vpon a Reliefe; or, Quand durant l'année du rachapt eschet autre rachapt d'aucune terre tenuë à homage de la terre qui court en rachapt: In which case though theLord enioy both, yet it must be no longer then during his yeare in the former. Droict de rachapt. as before in Rachapt; also, as Droict de ventes. Rachapté: m. ée: f. Redeemed, recouered, or deliuered, ransomed; brought backe, or bought out, for money.

Rachapter. To redeeme; to recouer, or deliuer, to ransome or buy out, for money. Rachapter du Seigneur feodal. (Le nouvel acquereur ou vassal) accorder au Seigneur feodal pour retenuë, ou profits de fief, & luy payer les droicts de rachapt. Rachapteur: m. A redeemer; a ransomer.

Rachassé: m. ée: f. Chased, or driuen, backe againe.

Rachasser. To chase, or driue, backe againe.

Rachasseur: m. A chaser, or driuer backe againe.
Sergent rachasseur. Looke Sergent.

Rachat. as Rachapt.

Rachater. Looke Rachapter.

Rachetable: com. Redeemable; ransomable; recouerable for money.