Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/807

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Rejetté, & Rejetter. as Rejecté, & Rejecter. Reifort. as Raifort. Reigle: f. A rule, canon, order; precept, institution, prescription, instruction; also, a line; square, forme, patterne; method, maner, fashion. Mieux vaut reigle que rente: Prov. Good gouernement is of more worth then gold.

Reiglé: m. ée: f. Ruled, ordered, gouerned, moderated; directed, held in forme, kept in fashion.

Reiglemént: m. A ruling, ordering, direction, guiding, discipline, gouernment, gouerning; also, a rule giuen by a Judge in a cause; also, the draught of lines by the rule.

Reiglément. Regularly, orderly; moderately; formally, in good fashion.

Reigler. To rule, order, gouerne; temper, moderate; guide, square, direct; to doe things by line and leuell; also, to decree, establish, determine, ordaine; and, to giue a rule in a cause.

Reiglet: m. A little rule, or line; also, a Carpenters Squire.

Regleur: m. A ruler, orderer; moderator; director.

Reigleure: f. as Reiglement; or, a ruling, or drawing by lines; a proceeding by rule and line.

Reiglure. The same.

Reilhage: m. c'est le charrüage, le trainage, & suite de disme.

Reimber. as Redimer. Reimportuner. To reimportune, or to reimportunate.

Reimposer. To reimpose, to recharge.

Reimprimé: m. ée: f. Printed againe.

Reimprimer. To reimprint, or to print againe.

Reimproperer. To exprobrate, reupbraid, reproach, or blame againe.

Reimputer. To lay a new imputation on.

Rein: m. The kidney.

Reinciser. To make a new incision into.

Reincité: m. ée: f. Reincited; reinuited.

Reinciter. To reincite; reinuite.

Reincliner. To bend, leane, or incline, againe.

Reincorporer. To reincorporate, reintegrate; restore vnto the bodie a part thereof.

Reinduire. To reinduce.

Reine: f. A Queene; Looke Royne; also, a Frog; also, the reine of a bridle.

Reineux: m. euse: f. Lustie, able-bodied, strong-backed, hauing strong reines; also, of, or belonging to, the reines; whence; Maladie reineuse. The running of the reines.

Reinfecter. To reinfect.

Reinformer. To reinforme, to present with new informations.

Reingerer. To reinsinuate, or thrust in againe.

Reinhumer. To burie againe.

Reinjurier. To reuile, or to wrong againe.

Reinnover. To reinnouate.

Reins: m. The reynes. Bander aux reins. To bend a crossebow backward.

Reinser. To reinse, to wash.

Reintegrande: f. An Action, or Sentence, for the restorall of a poßession, taken from a man either by force, fraud, or any other indirect meanes; And this hath an easie & speedie passage, how vniust soeuer that possession were; for no man is to be his owne caruer, but must recouer his right by Law; (This word was deuised by the Canonists.)

Reintegration: f. A reintegration, reestablishment, full restorall vnto a former estate.

Reintegré: m. ée: f. Reintegrated, reestablished in, fully restored vnto, an estate.

Reintegrer. To reintegrate, reestablish in, restore vnto, his whole estate. Reintegrer les fruicts. To make restitution of, or giue satisfaction for, them; to make them good.

Reinterpreter. To reinterpret, reexpound.

Reinterroguer. To reinterrogate, reexamine, aske new questions of.

Reinviter. To reinuite, or bid once more.

Rejoindre. To reioyne, reassemble, rally.

Rejouër. To play againe.

Rejouïr. To reinioy, reposseße, haue againe.

Rejouïssance: f. A reinioyment, repossession, reinioying.

Rejouster. To iust againe.

Reiponce: f. as Raiponce. Reistre: m. A Reister, or Swart-rutter; a German horse-*man; also, a fashion of long cloake, vsually worne by one of them. Faict à la Reistre. Made after the new cut, or fashion (especially if there be any großenesse in it.)

Reïteration: f. A reiteration, a frequent repetition.

Reiteré: m. ée: f. Reiterated, often repeated, often remembred.

Reïterer. To reiterate; (often) repeat, rehearse, renew, remember.

Rejudication: f. A reiudication, a readiudging vnto (c'est quand la chose qui a esté venduë & adiugée publiquement, est derechef mise en criées, & readjugée.) Rejurer. To sweare againe, to offer a new oath vnto.

Relabouré: m. ée: f. Tilled, or plowed ouer againe.

Relabourement: m. A second tilth, earing, or plowing.

Relabourer. To plough, till, or eare the second time.

Relaict: m. Whey.

Relaïer. See Relayer. Relais: m. A seat, or standing for such as hold Chiens de relais; also, as Armaire; a hole, or box contriued in, or against, a wall. Champ de relais. Fallowes, or a fallow field; ground thats sowed but euerie other yeare. Chevaux de relais. Horses layed in certaine places on the highway, for the more hast making, or the ease of those one hath alreadie rid hard on: (In trauelling most of the highwayes of Fraunce, you may (en payant) haue at euerie seuen or eight leagues end fresh horses; so that you leaue behind you those you last rid on, and shew a ticket from the place where you had them: And these are most properly tearmed, Chevaux de relais.) Chiens de relais. Dogs layed for a back-set; such as are held by the side of a long course, to bee hounded after a Deere alreadie pursued by other dogs. À relais. Spared, at rest, that is not vsed; or as; Par relais. By turnes, by change of hands; one resting while another labours, one running while his fellow rests.

Relaisser. To leaue, relinquish, forgoe againe; also, a Hare to squat.

Relancé: m. ée: f. Flung, darted, hurled, backe; also, imprimed, as a Deere; recouered, as a Hare.