Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/838

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Rouër: m. Vn rouër. A wheeling, a compassing, a round turning, a swinging about.

Rouër. To wheele, turne round, swing about, goe compasse, draw after him turning; also, to breake vpon the wheele. Rouër sur les miseres & calamitez. To turne vpon the wheele of aduerse fortune.

Rouësse: f. The name of a certaine great Peare.

Rouët: m. A spinning wheele; any little wheele; also, a Weauers Cloth-beame; also, the locke of an Harquebuse, &c. Rouët dentelé. The cog-wheele of a Mill. Mettre au rouët. To grauell, plunge, lay sore to, put to his last shifts; (from a Hare, which being so farre spent that she can runne no more end-wayes, but is faine to wheele about the dogs, they say of her, Le lievre est mis au rouët.)

Rouëter. To turne a (spinning) wheele.

Rouëtte: f. A little wheele.

Rouge d'avoine. A certaine Peare whereof excellent Perrie is made.

Rouge: com. Red, vermillion, bloud-red. Rouge bourse. A Robin-red-breast. Rouge grenat; ou grenat rouge. as vnder Grenat. Bestes rouges. Any kind of Deere, or harmelesse game. Gorge rouge. A Robin-red-breast. Monnoye rouge. Golden coyne. Rouge comme vn Cherubin. Hauing a Fierie facies. Le plus rouges y sont pris. The craftiest, or cunningest of them are intrapped there. Rouge visage, & grosse pance ne sont signes de penitence: Prov. A swagging bellie and a drunken face, are not the signes of a repentant grace.

Rougeastre: com. Reddish, ruddie, somewhat red.

Rouge-bourse. as Rouge-gorge. Rouge-brun: m. A darke red which Painters lay for a ground to their Vermillion.

Rouge-clair: m. An excellent Enammell (made of Gold, Quick-siluer, and the spirit of Copper) which will not settle on any thing but Gold.

Rouge-gorge. The small bird called a Robin-red-breast.

Rougelet: m. The name of an Apple.

Rougement. Redly.

Rougeolle: f. The Meazles.

Rouget: m. A Rochet fish; also, a great round Apple that yeelds excellent Cyder. Rouget barbé. The sore Mullet.

Rougette: f. The Red-fish; verie like a Gurnard, and by some held to be the same.

Rougeur: f. Rednesse.

Rougir. To blush, to grow red.

Rougissant. Blushing, waxing red.

Rougnette. Looke Rongnette. Rouhard: m. arde: f. Crooing, crying, mourning, like a Woodculuer, or Turtledoue.

Rouhastre: m. A scuffling, incounter, conflict, contention, bickering, debate.

Rouille: f. Rust, rustinesse.

Rouillé: m. ée: f. Rustie, full of rust. Plus rouillé que la claveure d'un vieil charnier. See Claveure. Rouiller. To pummell, or beat about the eares. (v.m.) Se Rouiller. To rust.

Rouillons: m. Chichlings, pettie Fitches, or Vetches.

Rouillure: f. Rustinesse.

Rouïr du chanure. To steepe or water Hempe.

Rouïsse: f. The name of a great Peare.

Rouïssoir: m. A Pond, or Poole to water Flax, or Hempe in.

Roul: m. The stay of a Weauers Loome, hauing teeth of Reed, &c, like a combe.

Roulant: m. ante: f. Rowling, foulding vp into a rowle, turning round. Chardon roulant. The hundred-headed Thistle, field Eringus, Leuant sea-Holme, champion sea-Hollie.

Roule: m. A Rowle; a List, Jnuentorie, Catalogue, Bill, Scrowle, Register, of Names, or of Causes; also, a rowling, foulding, turning, rounding; also, mutabilitie, vnsteadinesse, continuall motion. Tour du roule. The catalogue of causes to be heard that day, deliuered to the Iudges at their sitting downe in Court. À tour de roule. Jn course, in order, by turnes, one after another. Gaigner le tour du roule. Which an aduocate is said to doe, when he procures the hearing of a Cause which he is towards (and which is called on in course) to be put off vnto a further day. Iouër son roule. To play his part.

Roule: f. The high way for Carts, and Waggons; the Rut, or street, way.

Rouleau: m. A Roll of Paper, or of Parchment; also, the round pinne, stritchell, or strickle vsed in the measuring of Corne; and, more generally, any rolling pinne; also, the cloth tearmed Cotton; or a course woollen Stuffe of the making of Cottons. Rouleaux. Long and round Leauers whereon Ships are gotten into a Docke, and launched into the water againe; also (in Architecture) Rolls, Cartridges, or Cartouses.

Roulement: m. A rowling, turning, foulding vp or inwards; a rowling, or a running, along.

Rouler. To rowle, turne round, fould vp, wrap inwards; also, to rowle along; whence; Roule boule. Runne Bowle; and hence also; Il fait beau rouler en esté. Tis good trauelling by Coach, or driuing of a Cart, in Summer.

Roulet: m. A List, Roll, Inuentorie, Catalogue, Scrowle; also, a set speech. Bastir, (ou faire) à quelqu'un son roulet. To prompt, appoint, instruct, or teach one, what he shall speake, or doe. Qui sçait bien son roulet. That knowes his liripoope, thats throughly prouided to speake.

Roulier: m. A Carter, Carrier, Wayne-man, Waggon-*man, that carries other mens things from place to place; generally, any one that guides, driues, or goes with, a Cart, Waggon, &c; also, a Hogs-stye.

Roulier: m. ere: f. Whence, Cheval roulier. A strong Cart-horse, a lustie tugging Jade.

Roulis: m. Great round stakes, or piles.

Roulle, & Roulleau. as Roule & Rouleau. Rouller. as Rouler; also, to driue, or guide a Cart, Waggon, Wayne, &c.

Roullis. Looke Roulis. Roumarin. Rosemarie.

Roupeau: m. A little Heron which haunteth rockes, and hills, and hath a peake of feathers falling backwards on the hinder part of his head.

Roupie: f. An Jsicle; or (more properly) the snot, sniuell, or waterie drop that hangs at the nose end in cold weather; also, a Robin-red-breast.