Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/841

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Rubienne: f. The Red-tayle, or Starke; a small bird.

Rubis: m. A Rubie. Rubis balay. A Rubie ballais; a kind of pale, or peach-*coloured, Rubie.

Ruble: m. An Jtalian weight of about 600 pound, after 12 ounces to the pound.

Rublitelle: f. The halfe of a Ruble. Rubrication: f. A rednesse, or a ruddinesse; also, a making, or waxing red.

Rubriche. Rudle, oaker, red lead, red chaulke, red marking stone.

Rubriché: m. ée: f. Rubified, made or growne red; also, marked with rudle, red oaker, &c; and written with, or (as a Rubricke) printed in, red Jnke; whence; Son Kalendrier est rubriché. Said of a woman that hath her monthlie disease.

Rubrificatif: m. A Rubrificatiue; a plaister of so strong, or strongly-drawing simples, that it vlcerates, or (at least) makes red, the place it is applyed vnto.

Rubrique: f. A Rubricke; a speciall title or sentence of the Law written, or printed, in red. Rubrique Sinopique. Sinopian red earth; a heauie, massiue, liuer-coloured, and astringent earth, or minerall, which put into water soone moulders, and falls into peeces: This may verie well be the ordinarie Bole-armenie that is, at this day, vsed by manie Surgeons in the staunching of bloud, &c, but is not the true (Orientall) one, redder then it, and not so easily dissolued by water as it. Ce nous sera vne rubrique de droict. This shall be an absolute Law vnto vs; according thereto will we gouerne our selues.

Ruche: f. A Bee-hiue; also, an earthen pot, &c, for birds to breed in.

Ruchée: f. An Hiue-full.

Rucher. To hiue, make hiues, gather honey into hiues.

Ruchette: f. A little hiue.

Ruchot: m. (A fashion of) a cloke tyed close about the necke, and thence falling downe round about the bodie.

Rudache. as Rondace. Rude: com. Rude, rusticall, clownish, boorish, hoblike, lumpish, loblike; blunt, blockish, brutish, barbarous, vnmannerlie, vnciuill, ignorant, home-bred, vntaught; also, curst, soure, surlie, churlish, froward, rigorous, pittileße, vntractable, vngentle, austere; also, base, plaine, simple, homelie, bungarlie; also, rough, harsh, knottie, rugged, vnsmooth, vnpolished, ill-planed. Temps rude. A stormie, tempestuous, or turbulent season. À rude chien dur lien: Prov. Curst vsage fits a churlish youth; or, surlie humors must be repreßed by soure vsage.

Rudement. Rudely, clownishly, vnciuilly, churlishly; sourely, surlily, frowardly, pittilesly, rigorously; basely, plainely, simply; roughly, ruggedly, harshly, bunglar-*like.

Rudenté: m. ée: f. Wreathed like a Cable.

Rudenture: f. A wreath, wreathing, wreathed worke; a border thats wreathed, or of the forme of a Cable.

Rudepeau: m. A verie long browne-tawnie Adder, full of scales, and stinking most abhominably.

Rudesse: f. Rudenesse, hardneße, harshnesse, bluntnesse, lumpishneße, churlishneße, inciuilitie, surlineße; roughnesse, curtneße, frowardnesse, rigor, vntractablenesse, austeritie, sourenesse.
  Rudesse de paroles. Rude speech, hard words, harsh

tearmes, rough language.

Rudoyement: m. A chiding, rating, checking, reproaching, reprouing.

Rudoyer. To chide, rate, reproach, reproue, checke, tax, take vp, giue ill words to, vse verie hardly in words.

Rue: f. Rue, Hearbe Grace. Rue de chevre. Italian Fitch, Goats Rue. Rue de muraille. Wall Rue, Rue Maiden haire, white Maiden haire. Rue sauvage. Wild Rue; (whereof there be diuers kinds) more vehement in smell, and violent in operation, then garden Rue. Rue vineuse. Some hold to be the hearbe called Oke ofJerusalem.

Rue: f. A street, in a Towne; also, a causey, or high way (called, in diuers parts of England, a street, and the street way;) also, a Taylors hell, or the place whereinto he casts all his shreds. Batre les rues. To iet, reuell, or swagger vp and downe the streets in the night.

Rué: m. ée: f. Beaten or cast down, ruined, ouerthrowne; cast, hurled, flung.

Ruelle: f. A little street, a lane. La ruelle du lict. The space betweene the bed and the wall.

Ruer. To rush, flye, runne, breake violently in, or vpon; also, to cast, hurle, fling, throw; also, to ouerthrow, subuert, batter, beat or cast downe. Ruer vn coup d'estoc à. To make a thrust, or dart aRapier, at. Ruer coups sur. To beat extreamely, to poure blowes vpon. Ruer en cuisine. Il rue tresbien en cuisine. He is a good trencher-man, he falls to his victualls eagarly. Ruer des pieds. To kicke, winse, yerke, strike, fling, flye out with the heeles. Encores n'a pas failli qui a à ruer: Pro. He hath not faild thats yet to fling; or, he thats to fling hath not yet failed. On ne sçait qui mord ne qui rue: Prov. One knowes not what may happen, who may hurt him, what mischiefe may in time betide him.

Ruette: f. A lane, a little street.

Rueur: m. A kicker, striker, winser; a thrower, an ouerthrower.

Ruffage: com. Currish, dogged, harsh, churlish.

Ruffien: m. A Bawde, a Pandar.

Ruffienner. To ruffianize, Pandarize, it; make or set leacherous matches, play the Pandar.

Ruffiennerie: f. Ruffianisme, Pandarisme, Bawderie.

Rufien, Rufienner, & Rufiennerie. Looke Ruffien, Ruffienner, & Ruffiennerie. Rufisque: m. as Ruffien. Rugiment: m. A roaring, or bellowing.

Rugine: f. The Jnstrument wherewith a Surgeon scaleth bones.

Ruginer vn os. To scale (or scrape) a bone.

Rugir. To roare, or to bellow.

Rugissant: m. ante: f. Roaring, bellowing.

Rugissement. as Rugiment. Rugisseur: m. A roarer, a bellower.

Rugosité: f. Ruggednesse, wrinkledneße, roughnesse; a crumpling, wrimpling, furrowing, harshnesse to the feeling.

Rugueux: m. euse: f. Rugged, wrinkled, wrimpled, crumpled, riuelled, rough, harsh to be felt.

Ruille; &, Plomb à ruille. A Masons plumb-rule, or plumb-line.