Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/846

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  Il n'est miracle que de vieux saincts: Prov. We credit not reports, or miracles, of a fresh date; antiquitie is of awfull authoritie. Il n'y a si petit sainct qui ne desire sa chandelle: Pro. Looke Chandelle. Le fleuve passé le sainct oublié: Prov. The danger past our vowes are soone forgotten.

Sainct: m. cte: f. Holie, sacred, sanctified, godlie, religious, deuout, pure, of perfect or vnspotted life; (and sometimes) also, the contrarie; as, O le sainct homme, what a prophane wretch is this. Bois sainct. The wood Gwacum, or Gayac, whereof diet-drinke for the pocks is made. Huile sainct. The oyle vsed by Papists in Baptisme, and Extreame vnction. Huile saincte, ou de Sapience. Looke Sapience. La semaine saincte. The weeke before Easter, the Passion weeke.

Saincte: f. A she Saint; a most holie woman.

Sainctelot: m. otte: f. Somewhat holie, or Saint-like.

Sainctement. Holily, sacredly, godlily, deuoutly, religiously.

Saincte-n'y-touche. An hipocrite; an ouer-scrupulous Puritan; one that, fearing to seeme prophane, will not be touched, or dares touch almost nothing.

Sainct-foin: m. Medicke fodder, Snayle-Clauer, Spanish Trifolie, horned Clauer.

Sainement. Healthfully, soundly, wholly, wholesomely.

Sainne. Looke Seine. Saint, & Sainte-n'y-touche. Look Sainct, & Saincte-n'y-touche. Sainteur: m. A certaine rent payed by those that haue beene freed from bondage vnto those that affranchised them.

Saint-foin: m. Medicke fodder, Spanish Trifolie, horned or Snayle-Clauer.

Saintre. Droict de s. Looke Droict. Sainture. Looke Ceincture. Sais: m. Certaine peeces of yron, whereby the axletree is fastened vnto the bodie, of a Wayne, &c.

Saisi: m. ie: f. Seised, layed hold on, poßessed of; attached, arrested.

Saisie: f. A seisure, arrest, or attachement of goods, &c.

Saisine: f. Seisin, liuerie and seisin, possession. Cas de saisine. An Action, or Suit vpon a disseisin; lyes where a man, out of possession a full yeare and a day, had peaceably inioyed within tenne yeares before, either continually, or by times, and the most part of those yeares; in which case the defendant is to continue his possession during the suit: whereas in Cas de nouvelleté (which is for a disseisin within the yeare and day) he is to haue the present possession that can shew the last impeachment thereof to haue been receiued by himselfe. Droict de saisine. Looke Droict. Saisir. To seise, lay hold or hands on, take poßession of; also, to attach, or arrest. Le Mort saisit le vif; &, le pied saisit le chef. Looke Mort, & Pied. Saisissement: m. A seising, a laying hold or hands on, a taking possession of; also, an attaching, or arresting; also, a suddaine taking with a qualme, or sowne.

Saison: f. Season, due time, fit opportunitie; also, a terme, or time.
  Mauvaise est la saison quand vn loup mange l'autre: Pro. It is hard yeare when one Wolfe eates another; when one theefe robs, when one pyrate preyes on, another.

  Si le fol ne folie il perd sa saison: Prov. A foole not fooling is much out of date; or, a foole is most, when he playes least, the foole.

Saitte: f. A kind of two-pennie broad Ribbon made of verie course silke.

Saive. Looke Seve. Salace: com. Leacherous, lasciuious, lustfull.

Salacité: f. Leacherie, lustfullneße, ranknesse, a prouocation or tickling vnto lust.

Salade: f. A Salade, Helmet, Headpeece; also, a Sallet of hearbes, &c; also, the young head of a Deere (long, tender, woollie, and but beginning to braunch) tearmed by our Woodmen, the crossing, or a Deeres head put vp to the crossing. Tant de salades. So many horsemen. Qui vin ne boit apres salade est en danger d'estre malade: Pro. A Sallet without wine is raw, vnwholesome, dangerous.

Saladier: m. ere: f. Belonging to, or fit for, a Salade, or Sallet.

Salage: m. Saltage; saltneße; or salt things. Droict de salage. Looke Droict. Salaire: m. A salarie, stipend, pension, hire, wages, fee, pay giuen.

Salaison: f. Salt-making, or a trading for salt.

Salamandre. A Salamander. Looke Salmandre. Salant: m. ante: f. Salting; powdering or seasoning with salt. Marais salans. Salt marshes; or marshes whereon salt is gathered.

Salarié: m. ée: f. Hired, waged, feed; rewarded.

Salarier. To hire, wage, fee; giue a stipend, allow pay, vnto; also, to reward.

Salariser. as Salarier. Salaude: com. Looke Sale. Salcoque: f. An vncased Prawne. ¶Normand. Sale: f. Looke Salle. Sale: com. Foule, soyled, nastie, sluttish, vncleane, filthie, loathsome, beastlie. Le doigt sale. The middle finger, which we (after the Latines) call the fooles finger. Le gris sale. A darke, or duskie gray.

Salé: m. ée: f. Salted, powdered, pickled; also, brackish, or saltish.

Salecoque: f. An vncased Prawne. ¶Norm. Salément. Foulely, filthily, nastily, sluttishly.

Saler. To salt, powder, pickle; season or corne with salt, steepe or lay in brine.

Salet: m. ette: f. Sullied, slubbered, soyled; somewhat nastie, sluttish, or vncleane.

Saleté: f. Foulenesse, nastinesse, ordure, sluttishnesse, filthinesse, vncleanenesse, beastlinesse.

Salette: f. A little hall; also, the hearb Sorrell, or Soure-*docke. Petite salette. Pettie Sorrell, sallet Sorrell.

Saleure. Looke Salure. Saleures. Salt meats.

Salez: m. The Burgonians, called so in old time by the French, mocking them for their controuersies with the Germans touching their Salt-pits.

Salezart: m. An arrant or extreame slouen, a filthie or greasie slowch.

Salfuge: f. A kind of Serpent thats poisoned by salt.

Salicoque. Looke Salecoque. Salicor: m. The hearb Saltwort, Glassewort, Crab-graße, Frog-grasse.

Salicorne. The same.

Salicots. Looke Saligots.