Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/872

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Sisalle. grive sisalle. A Fieldfare; or a kind of great, and Doue-coloured Thrush, which vsually makes her neast in walls.

Sisame. Looke Sesame. Siserre: f. The Throstle, or Mauis: ¶Lionnois. Sistolique: com. Without intermission, in motion: ¶Rab. Sistre: m. A kind of brasen Timbrell.

Sistre. The hearbe Spignell, or Spicknell, Mew, Baldimonie, and Bearewort.

Sit: m. A site, or seat.

Sitibond: m. onde: f. Extreamely athirst.

Siticines: m. That sounded Trumpets, or sung vnto Pipes, at Funeralls: ¶Rab. Situation: f. A situation; the seat, site, or standing of a place.

Situé: m. ée: f. Situate, or situated, seated, sited, standing, placed.

Situer. To situate, site, seat, place.

Sivé: m. A broth, or sauce made of th' intralls of a hog; also, broth, or sauce for the forepart of a fried Hare, made of wine, vinegar, veriuyce, hearbes, and spices, & serued with tosts, or sops; also, seame, or swines grease. Du sivé d'huistres. Oyster broth, or broth made of boiled Oisters.

Sive: f. A Chiboll, hollow Leeke, Scallion.

Sivele: f. A buckle: ¶Langued. Sivette: f. Ciuet; also, a Ciuet Cat; also, a Chiue, or small Chiboll.

Siviere. Looke Civiere. Sivot: m. A Scallion, a hollow or vnset Leeke.

Six. Six, halfe a dozen.

Sixain: m. A sixt, a sixt part, the proportion of six; Hence, a Poeme, or stanzo of six verses; and, the halfe of a Sol, a coyne worth six Deniers, or somewhat more then our halfepenie.

Sixener. To yeeld six for one; also, to come forth by halfe-dozens, or by six and six together.

Sixiesme: m. A sixt, or sixt part; a proportion of six. Droict de sixiesme. An yearelie rent of six pence due by euerie affranchised inhabitresse of Henault vnto the Earle thereof, in acknowledgement of her former thraldome, and as a gratuitie for her new-gotten freedome.

Sixiesme: com. The sixt, or sixth. Droict du sixiesme denier. The sixt penie, or part of the price of aliened land, due (in some places) vnto the Lord of whom it is held.

Sixte: m. A sixt, a proportion of six, in Musicke.

Sizement: m. A sitting, setling, seating.

Skelete. Looke Scelete. Smirge: m. Louage, or Parsley of Macedonia.

Sobre: com. Sober, temperate, continent, stayed or setled in humor, well aduised.

Sobrement. Soberly, temperately, continently, staiedly; aduisedly.

Sobressaut: m. A Sobressault, or Summer-sault; an actiue, or nimble tricke in tumbling, &c.

Sobresse: f. as Sobrieté; also, actiuitie, or nimblenesse.

Sobrieté: f. Sobrietie, temperance, continencie, stayednesse, aduisednesse.

Sobriqué: m. ée: f. Pranked, or perfumed.

Sobriquet: m. A surname; also, a nickname, or by-*word; and, a quip or cut giuen, a mocke or flowt bestowed, a ieast broken on a man.

Soc d'une charruë. The culter, or share of a plough; also the plough it selfe; whence;
  Le pourpre au soc mort d'egal poids balance: Pro.

Death equalls plough-driuers with purple-wearers.

Sociable: com. Sociable, companable, familiar, courteous, gentle, friendlie.

Societé: f. Societie, fellowship, consort, companie.

Socque: f. A socke or sole of durt, or earth, cleauing to the bottome of the foot in a cloggie way, or in a moist & clayie soyle.

Sodalité: f. Sodalitie, fellowship, societie, brotherlie companie.

Sodomie: f. Sodomie, buggerie.

Sodomite: m. A Sodomite, Ingler, Buggerer.

Soëf: m. soëfve: f. Sweet, plausible, delicious, delicate, soote; gentle, courteous, mild; soft, smooth.

Soëf. (Aduerbially, & in stead of Soëfvement;) whence; Le boeuf las marche soëf: Prov. The wearie Oxe treads gently or gingerly; goes faire and softly.

Soëfflairant, & Soëffleurant: m. ante: f. Most fragrant, delicately smelling.

Soëfvement. Sweetly, deliciously, smoothly, gently.

Soëfveté: f. Sweetnesse, pleasantnesse, deliciousnesse, plausiblenesse; gentleneße, mildnesse, smoothnesse.

Soeil du sanglier. Looke Sueil. Soeur: f. A sister. Le frere veut bien que sa soeur ait, mais que rien du sien n'y ait: Prov. The brother would haue his sister thriue by any meanes but by his.

Soeurette: f. A little sister.

Soeurorge. Looke Sororge. Sofistication: f. A sophistication, or sophisticating; an adulterating, or falsifying.

Sofistiquer. To sophisticate, falsifie, adulterate.

Sogrenu: m. uë: f. Looke Saugrenu. Sogrenuë: f. A ieast.

Soïage: m. The reaping of corne, &c.

Soïe de porc. The bristles, or stiffe haire, of a hog.

Soïer. To reape, or cut downe corne.

Soïeur: m. A reaper.

Soif: f. Thirst; a drouth, or drought; a desire to drinke. Endurer la soif aupres d'une fontaine. To suffer want in the middest of abundance. Il n'a pas soif qui de l'eau ne boit: Prov. Hee's not athirst that water drinkes not. On a beau mener le boeuf à l'eau s'il n'a soif: Pro. Looke Boeuf. Qui mieux aime autruy que soy au moulin il meurt de soif: Prov. Hee that loues others better then himselfe dies athirst on a Mill-damme.

Soigner. To care, heed, regard, attend, see to, prouide for, take paines in, be diligent about.

Soigneusement. Carefully, heedfully, diligently, painefully, seriously, laboriously, studiously.

Soigneux: m. euse: f. Carefull, heedfull, regardfull, circumspect, attentiue, warie, solicitous, diligent, vigilant, studious, industrious, laborious, painfull, earnest.

Soil de sanglier. Looke Sueil. Soilure: f. A galling, or breaking of the skinne by frequent vse, or ouermuch rubbing; some call it a chafe-*gall.

Soimesme. Himselfe.

Soing: m. Care, studie, diligence, vigilancie, warinesse, heed, regard, attention, circumspectiō, industrie, labour, paines.

Soir: m. The euening.
  Nul soir sans iour: Prov. No dawning without a day.
  Les paroles du soir ne resemblent pas à celles du matin: Prov. Ere night our morning stile is chaunged; or, few make at night their mornings promise good.