Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/877

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Sotart: m. A noddie peake, wittall, cockscombe, wood-*cocke, dotterell, ninnihammer; or as Sottart. Sotbriquet. Looke Sobriquet. Sotiner. To play the sot.

Sotise: f. Sottishnesse, dotage, dulnesse, blockishnesse, absurditie, follie, foppishnesse.

Sottart: m. A dunce, foule sot, great asse, blockish luske, foolish lob.

Sottelet: m. A little sot.

Sottement. Sottishly, blockishly, grossely, absurdly; friuolously.

Sotterie, & Sottie. Looke Sotise. Sottiner, & Sottise. Looke Sotiner, & Sotise. Sou: m. Hogs feet in pickle, or souce; also, the Sous, or French shilling; Looke Sol. Soüater. To partake with, or be a partner in; also, to ioyne with, or together, after the manner of countrey peasants, who bring euerie one a horse or two for the making of a teame, which no one of himselfe can furnish.

Soüaton: m. A partner, or partaker with; also, one that ioynes, or contributes, with his neighbors, to the making vp of a thing for their common vse; as in Soüater. Soüatter. Looke Soüater. Soubarbe: f. The part thats betweene the chinne and the throat; also, as Sousbarbe; and as Soubride. Endurer vne soubarbe. To indure an affront, pocket vp an iniurie, swallow downe a wrong.

Soubassement de colonne. The base, or foot of a piller. Soubassement de lict. The bases of a bed; that which hangs downe to the ground at the sides, & feet of some statelie beds.

Soubastement: m. A foundation, or ground-worke; a low building within the ground for the support of roomes aboue-ground.

Soubattuë: f. A surbate; or, surbating.

Soubatture: f. A surbating; or, surbate.

Soubchanter. To sing vnder, or after, another; to hold the base or ground vnto; to follow, in a song of three, or foure parts in one.

Soubchantre: m. An vnder-chaunter; an Officer in a Cathedrall Church inferiour to the head Chaunter. Gardez le soubchantre. (Said when a man stoopes so low, or straines so hard, that he is in danger to let a fart;) ware crackes hoe.

Soubcontrolleur: m. An vnder Controller.

Soubcurateur: m. An vnder Gardian; one that hath the tuition, or charge of a thing vnder another.

Soubdain. Looke Soudain. Soubdainement, & Soubdaineté. Looke Soudainement, &c. Soubdespensier. An vnder Cater, or an vnder Clerke of a kitchin.

Soubdiacre: m. A Subdeacon.

Soubelin. vn chat soubelin. A great or mightie Cat.

Soubeliné: m. ée: f. High, loftie, hautie; or, extolled, lifted vp, set on high.

Sougardien: m. An vnder Warden, vnder Keeper, vnder Gardian.

Soubhaiter. Looke Souhaiter. Soubhastation: f. Open sale or portsale, sale of things forfeited, &c, by an outrope, or outcrie.

Soubhaster. To make open sale, or portsale of, to sell at an outrope, or outcrie, things forfeited, &c.

Soubiect: m. A subiect; Looke Subject.

Soubiect: m. cte: f. Subiect; Looke Subject.

Soubiection: f. Subiection; Looke Subjection.

Soublevé: m. ée: f. Lift, raised, houen or held, vp; eased, lightned, helped, supported; peised, or weighed with the hand.

Soublevement: m. A lifting, heauing, raising, a holding vp; an helping, easing, lightning; also, a peising, or weighing with the hand; also, a commotion, insurrection, vprising.

Soublever. To lift, raise, heaue, or hold, vp; also, to helpe, aid, ease, lighten, or lessen the burthen of; also, to peise, or weigh with the hand.

Soublin. as Soubelin; whence, Marte Soub. a Sable.

Soub-maistre: m. An vnder Maister, an Vsher in a Schoole.

Soubmerger. to drown, ouerwhelm, sink, boulge, plunge.

Soubmettre. To submit, lay vnder, put below; vnderset, vnderprop; debase, humble, subdue. Se soubmettre à. To vaile bōnet, strike sayle, crooch, giue place or obedience, applie himselfe, vnto; to come vnder the lee, iurisdiction, or power, of.

Soubministration: f. A subministration, an vnder seruice.

Soubministre: m. An vnder minister, vnder seruant, vnderling in Office.

Soubministrer. To subminister vnto, to minister or serue vnder another.

Soubmis: m. ise: f. Submitted, humbled, abased, vnder; inthralled, subiected, or yeelded, vnto.

Soubmission: f. A submission; humiliation, or humbling; a putting, or setting vnder.

Soubors. Looke Sabors. Soubpenduë: f. Looke Souspenduë. Soubpeser. To peise, weigh, ponder diligently.

Soubrecoup: m. A downe-right blow. (v.m.) Soubresault: m. A Sobresault, or Summer sault; a Gamboll, or friske; an actiue or nimble tricke in tumbling, &c.

Soubresaulteux: m. A Tumbler; or, one that fetcheth many an odde, or nimble friske.

Soubride: f. A checke, twitch, ierke, or iob giuen to a horse with his bridle; also, as Sousbarbe. Soubriquet. Looke Sobriquet. Soubrire. To smile.

Soubris: m. A smile, or smiling.

Soubs. Vnder, &c; Looke Sous. Soubs-acazement, & Soubs-acazer. Looke Soubz-acazement, &c. Soubs-agé: m. ée: f. Vnder age, not yet of yeares.

Soubs-aide: m. An vnder Aid; the Aid which tenants pay vnto their mesne Lord, towards that which is due both by him, and them vnto the Lord Paramount.

Soubsarrenter. To let out at an vnder rent, to let goe at a low yearelie rate.

Soubscelerier: m. An vnder Butler, or a Yeoman of the sellar.

Soubscription: f. A subscription, or subscribing.

Soubscrire. To subscribe.

Soubs-fiefver. C'est bailler en arrierefief partie de son fief: ¶Ragueau.

Soubsigner. To subsigne, subscribe, set his hand; marke, or signe manuell vnder.

Soubslevement: m. Looke Soublevement. Soubs-majeur: m. (Is in some townes) a Magistrate of authoritie, or dignitie, next vnto the Maior.

Soubs-maistre: m. An vnder Maister; or, an Vsher in a Schoole.

Soubs-manant: m. A tenant, vassall, or subiect vnto a Lord; (an old Picard word.)

Soubson, & Soubsonner. Looke Souspeçon, & Souspeçonner.

Soubspoictrine: f. The flanke-peece, or bottome of the brisket of an Oxe, &c.