Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/897

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Tabouriner. To play on a Tabor; also, to drumme or strike vp a Drumme.

Tabourinesse: f. A woman that playes on a Tabor, or strikes vp a Drumme.

Tabourinet: m. A Drumme, or Tabor for a child; a little Drumme, or Tabor; also, a little roome contriued in the corner of a square hall with Tapistrie, or boords. Mener au tabourinet. To inueagle, allure, lead by the nose, draw whither, or to what, he list.

Tabourineur: m. A Taborer; one that playes on a Tabor.

Tabourineuse. as Tabourinesse. Tabouriniere. The same.

Tabourne. as Tadorne. Tabouter. as Tabuter. Tabureau: m. A mocker, or scoffer.

Tabut: m. Trouble, turmoile, disquiet, molestation. Fagoteur de tabus. A seditious, turbulent, or troublesome fellow. Ce vilain ne vaut pas le tabut. Is not worth the beating, or not worth the paines one must take in the beating of him.

Tabuter. To ioult, butt, or push; to trouble, disquiet, molest, infest; not to let alone one that would faine be in quiet.

Tac: m. A kind of rot among sheepe; also, a Plague-spot, or Gods-token on one that hath the Plague; also, as Tal; also, the name of a strange disease (raging in the yeare 1411) wherein the patient lost both rest, and appetite; feeling, whensoeuer he did eat, a fit of an Ague; often coughing; euer trembling; and voiding, vpon his amendment, great store of bloud at his mouth, nose, and fundament. Herbe du tac. Lungwort, wood Liuerwort.

Tacconnet. as Taconne. Tache: f. A spot, staine, blemish; mole, naturall marke; also, a reproach, disgrace, disreputation, blot vnto a mans good name. Taches de fumier. Buds, or hard and bluish pimples, breaking out on the face.

Taché: m. ée: f. Spotted, blotted, stained, blemished; disgraced.

Tacher. To spot, blot, staine, blemish; disgrace; also, as Tascher. Tacheté: m. ée: f. Spotted, speckled, marked.

Tacheter. To spot, speckle, marke.

Tachette: f. A little spot, blot, staine, blemish.

Tacheture: f. A spot, specke, or speckle; also, a spotting, speckling, marking.

Tacite: com. Silent, still, husht, quiet; secret, couert, inward; holding his tongue, saying nothing; let passe without mention, passing on without any noyse.

Tacitement. Silently, stilly, quietly, secretly, couertly, priuily, inwardly, without noise, without any words.

Taciturne: com. Silent, secret, holding his peace, vttering little, vsing few or no words of.

Taciturnité: f. Taciturnitie, secretnesse, or secrecie, silence, counsell-keeping.

Tacle: m. Any (headed) shaft, or boult, whose feathers be not waxed, but glued on.

Tacon: m. A little Salmon; or more properly, a kind of small, and delicate Trout, caught in a riuer that passes by Clermont en Auvergne. Taconne: f. The hearbe Fole-foot, Horse-foot, Coults-foot, Hall-foot.

Taconner vn soulier. To cobble, clowt, or set a patch on it.

Taconnet: m. as Taconne.

Tacroux: m. ouse: f. Sunne-burnt; growne verie bleake, or swart, by being all day in the Sunne; also, extreamely couetous, or miserable.

Tadorne. A black-headed, and whitishbodied water-*fowle, make somewhat like, but bigger then, a Ducke.

Taffetas: m. Taffata. Taffetas chenillé. Stript Taffata. Taffetas à gros grain. Silke Grogeram. Taffetas mouscheté. Tuffe-taffata. Taffetas velouté. The same.

Taforée: f. A horse-boat; a great flat-bottomed boat, or ship to carrie horses in.

Tahon: m. A Brizze, Brimsee, Gadbee, Dunflie, Oxe-*flie. Tahon marin. The sea Brizze; a kind of worme found about some fishes.

Tahou. Poire de Tahou. A small peare whereof excellent perrie is made.

Taïe: f. A great grandmother: ¶Pic. also, as Taye. Taige. A kind of vine: ¶Rab. Tail. as Taillade: ¶Langued. Taillable: com. Taxable, subiect or liable vnto taxes, which may be taxed; also, paying taxes. Heritages taillables. Held by villeines, or by Villenage; by seruile tenants, or by a seruile tenure.

Taillablier. Seigneur tail. A Lord that taxes, or may taxe his tenants; or to whom taxe is due from them.

Taillade: f. A cut, slash, gash; a slit; a launcing, or slitting.

Taillade: com. ¶Langued. as Tailladé; whence; Ribe taillade. A full-deepe shore; a shore, or side of a water of a plumpe, and downe-right depth.

Tailladé: m. ée: f. Cut, slashed, gashed, slit, launced, incisioned.

Taillanderie: f. The smithie, or shop of a Taillandier. Taillandier: m. A maker of Hatchets, hedging Bills, Axes, Chopping Kniues, and such other great cutting Instruments, or tooles of yron.

Taillandier: m. ere: f. Cutting, or snipping off.

Taillant d'un ferrement. Th' edge of a toole.

Taillant: m. ante: f. Cutting, slitting, hacking, gashing, nicking, notching, indenting, ingrauing; also, fashioning, or proportioning.

Taille: f. A cut, slit, gash, notch, nicke; any incision; also, a cutting, slitting, gashing, notching, indenting, nicking; ingrauerie, caruing; also, a iag, or shred; also, a tallie, or score kept on a peece of wood; also, the sharpenesse, keeneneße, or edge of a weapon, or toole; also, the proportion, size, or stature of man, or beast; also, the Tenor part in singing, &c; also, as Bois taillis; also, a tax, &c; (Looke the next marginall word.)
  Taille douce. Looke vnder Doux.
  Pierre de taille. Free stone.
  Vin de la seconde taille. Wine that comes of the last pressing, after the best of the grape hath beene squeezed out; (car taille se prend pour la coupeure du marc du vin, estant sur le pressoir, quand on le veut serrer derechef: ¶Nicot.)
  Avoir bonne taille. A Tailor to cut a garment handsomely, or fitly for such as are to weare it.
  Cocher sur la grosse taille. (As wee say) to lay it on, (take it off who as will;) to spend, or borrow, exceeding much.
  Il n'est de taille pour estre si mal traitté. He is not a man to be so abused; he is not fit to beare, or not likelie to brooke, such iniuries.
  De toute taille bon levrier: Prov. There are good and bad, valiant and cowardlie, strong and weake, of