*shard, or the peece of a broken pot; also, the hard shell of a Crab, Tortoise, &c.
Testu: m. The Pollard, or Cheuin; also, the Cod-fish. Le testu d'un masson. A Masons hammer.
Testu: m. uë: f. Testie, headie, headstrong, wilfull, obstinate; also, headed, or hauing many heads. Chardon testu. The hundred-headed thistle, field Eringus, Leuant sea Holme, champion sea Hollie. Femme testuë. A domineering, or maisterfull house-*wife; one that (at least) would be her husbands maister; one that hath too much head.
Tetard. Grand tetard. A great sucker, a child that sucketh much.
Tetasse: f. A long, swagging, flaggie, withered, and filthie dug; whence, Avallé en tetasse de vieille. Hanging downe like the wrinckled, and ouglie breast of an old hag.
Tetassier: m. ere: f. Duggie, hauing great or long dugs.
Tete: f. A teat, pap, dug.
Teté: m. ée: f. Sucked as a dug; Looke Tetté. Teter. To sucke a dug.
Tethe. as Tette. Tethine: f. A little teat, pap, or dug.
Tethye: f. A certaine deformed excrescence (being neither fish, nor plant) of the sea.
Tetin: m. The nibble, or nipple of a dug. Du tetin en hors. From his infancie.
Tetine: f. as Tette; also, an instrument of glasse, wherewith new-deliuered women get out their beest, or first grosse milke out of their breasts.
Tetineux: m. euse: f. Duggie, or hauing great dugs.
Tetons. Little teats, or dugs.
Tetrade: f. A quaternitie, or messe; the proportion, or number of foure.
Tetradique: com. Of, or belonging to, foure. Degrez tetradiques. Which haue betweene euerie foure steps one broad one, called by our workmen the landing place.
Tetragnathe. A white, rough-legd, and most venomous spider.
Tetragnatic. as Tetragnathe. Tetragone: com. Quadrangle, or of foure corners.
Tetrahil, ou Tetrahit. The Judaicall hearbe, called otherwise, Glidewort.
Tetrasyllabe: com. Of foure syllables.
Tetrique: com. Rude, harsh, vnpleasant, rough, sowre, crabbed, froward, crosse, hard to away with.
Tette: f. A teat, pap, dug, breast.
Tetté: m. ée: f. Sucked; drawne, or milked by a young one. Il a tetté de bon laict. He hath beene well bred; there is much worth, or much good stuffe, in him.
Tettée: f. One sucking, a childs meale, as much as it will sucke at once.
Tetter. To sucke a dug.
Tetthe, & Tetther. as Tette, & Tetter. Tetthons. Looke Tetons. Tevot: m. A cowardlie braggadochio; one that will say much more then he dare doe.
Teur: m. A lattise-like couer of horse-tayle haire, in many doubles, vpon the narrow boord, whereon Clothworkers doe sheere their clothes.
Texte: m. A Text; the originall words, or subiect of a booke, &c, whereon Comments, or Discourses, are sometimes made.
Textuel: m. elle: f. Of, or in, a text.
Iuges qui sont bons textuels. Learned, text-readie,
good booke-men, such as can readily cite all the bookes which are in a Case.
Texture: f. A texture, contexture, web, or weauing; composition, worke, frame.
Tez. Le tez de la teste. The scaulpe, or scull of the head.
Tezez. ¶Rab. Shauen, or bald fellowes; or, as Niais, younglings, fops, fondlings.
Thacor. A scab, or pile in the fundament. ¶Rab. Thagadie. Looke Rhagade. Thairir. as Tarir. To wither.
Thalasié: m. ée: f. Sea-sicke.
Thalasse. The sea. ¶Rab. Thale: f. A Greene; or, as Talle. Thalent. Looke Talent. Thaller. Corne to bud, shoot out their tops, or begin to eare.
Thalmud: m. The Jewish Thalmud; a superstitious and blasphemous Booke, or Law, deuised by their Rabbies, and of great authoritie among them.
Thalmudiste: m. A Thalmudist; a student, or professor of the superstitions contained in the Thalmud. Thamarinde. as Tamarinde. Thapsie: f. The stinking, or deadlie Carrot.
Tharir. Looke Tarir. Thassot: m. A Newte, or Aske.
That: m. A Salamander.
Thaumaste. ¶Rab. The Will.
Theatins: m. The Theatins; a sect of Priests, in credit about Pope Clement the seuenths time, and of more antiquitie, by some few yeares, then the Iesuits.
Theatral: m. ale: f. Theatrall; of, belonging to, or done in, a Theater.
Theatre: m. A Theater; a publike Play-house; an halfe-*round house wherein people sit to behold publike Playes, or Games.
Theïe: f. An Aunt. ¶Pic. Theïon: m. An Vncle.
Thelemite: m. A Libertine; one that does what he list.
Theme: m. A theame; also, the Bill put into a Court by a plaintife.
Theologal: m. ale: f. Theologall; belonging to Diuinitie, or Diuines. Vin Theologal. Notable good, and strong Wine; or, the best Wine, of what kind soeuer.
Theologalement. Theologically, diuinely.
Theologastre: m. A small or simple Diuine; a smatterer in Diuinitie.
Theologie: f. Theologie, Diuinitie; the profession, or studie of holie things.
Theologien: m. A Theologian, Diuine, profeßor of Diuinitie.
Theomaches: m. Warriors against the gods, as the old gyants are fained to haue beene.
Theophaine. The Epiphanie, or Twelfth day in Christmas.
Theophile: com. Louing God.
Theorie: f. Theorie, contemplation, deepe studie; a sight, or beholding, speculation.
Theorique: f. The same; and, the knowledge of an Art without practise.
Therapeutique: com. Curing, healing; whence; Medecine therapeutique. That Phisicke, or part of Phisicke, which prescribeth remedies for the curing of diseases, and recouerie of health.
Theraputrice. The same. ¶Rab.
Therbenthine. as Terebinthe.
Theriacal: m. ale: f. Treaclie, of Treacle.