Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/97

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where we left; or, let vs returne to our matter againe. Trouver en barbe. To meet in the teeth with. Barbe de fol: Prov. See Fol. Barbe rase, pied ferrat: Prov. Cleerely, all charges borne, all things discharged, and done.

Barbé: m. ée: f. Bearded, hauing a beard. Rouget barbé. A sea Barbell; or, sore Mullet.

Barbeau: m. The riuer Barbell; and (at Bourdeaux) the sea Barbell; also, a little beard.

Barbecane. as Barbacane. Barbel: m. as Barbeau. Barbelé. Bearded; also, full of snags, snips, iags; notches; whence; Flesche barbelée. A bearded, or barbed, arrow.

Barbelotte: f. A hedge Toad, a land Toad.

Barbelu: m. uë: f. Bearded, beardie; or, as Barbelé. Barber. To barbe, shaue, trim; to cut the beard off. Se Barber. To grow bearded, or to get a beard; also, to (begin to) root, or, to get small haire-like sprigs in growing, at the root.

Barberie: f. Barbing; the act, or art, of Barbing; also, a Barbers shop; also, (the name of) a certaine round, great, and good apple.

Barberies: f. Pinks, or sops in wine, feathered Gillovers, small Honesties. Barbaries sauvages. Wild Williams, marsh Gillovers, Cuckow Gillouers.

Barberiot. The name of an apple thats lesse, and yeelds better cyder, than la Barberie. Barberousse: m. A red bearded fellow.

Barbes: f. Pushes, or little bladders, vnder the tongues of horses, and cattell, the which they kill if they be not speedily cured. Barbes aux veaux. The barbles; a white excressence which, like the pip in chickings, growes vnder the tongues of calues, and hinders them from sucking.

Barbet: m. A little, young, or budding beard; also, a small riuer Barbell; also, a water-spanell, or any shag-haird dog. Pour Venus advienne barbet le chien. Looke Venus. Barbet: m. ette: f. Rough, or shag-haired, like a water-dog.

Barbeter. To grunt, mutter, murmure; or as Barboter. Barbette: f. A small beard; also, a water-bitch, or shag-haired bitch.

Barbidant. Part of a womans, &c.

Barbier: m. A Barber, also, a Chirurgion; also, a certain fish. as Poisson sacré. Vn barbier rait l'autre: Prov. One knaue trimmes; excuses, helpes; soothes, or flatters, another. Ieune barbier; & vieil medecin: Prov. A young Chirurgian, and an old Physitian, (are commonly the best.) Au sanglier le barbier: Prov. Looke Sanglier. Barbiere: f. A Barbers wife; a barbaresse; a woman, or she, Barber.

Barbillon: m. A little Barbell; also, the beard of an eare of corne; also, the lesse fin of a fish; also, the barbe of a broad-arrow head, or any the like iagged thing. Barbillons. The Frounce; (a disease bred in the tongues of hawkes by a cold rhewme.)

Barbillonné: m. ée: f. Bearded, barbed; iagged, rough by the iagges, or notches it hath on it. Dard barbillonné. A dart that hath a forked, or barbed, head.

Barbin: m. A little beard.

Barboire: m. A maske, or mummerie; also, a visard.

Barbolle. Part of a womans, &c.

Barbon: m. A Barbell fish.

Barbot: m. The wallowing of a seething pot.

Barbotage: m. A confused fumbling, or mumbling vp of words.

Barbote: f. An Eele-powte; or, as Lote d'eau douce. Barboté: m. ée: f. Mumbled, or muttered, as words betweene the teeth. Espice barbotez. Bearded eares of corne.

Barboter. To mumble, or mutter words betweene the teeth; also, to wallow like a seething pot. Barboter de peur, ou de froid. (The teeth) to shake, or quake for feare; to chatter, or didder for cold; to say an Apes Paternoster.

Barbotin: m. ine: f. Beardic, or bearded.

Barbotine: f. Wormeseed.

Barbotte: f. The chinne peece of an helmet.

Barbouillage: m. A rude mingle mangle, gallymaufrey, or confused hotchpot; also, as Barbouillement. Barbouillé: m. ée: f. Confusedly iumbled, or hudled together; also, spotted, blotted, beraied, besmeared, begrimed all ouer.

Barbouillement: m. A confused iumbling of sundrie things together; also, a besmearing, beraying, bedashing.

Barbouiller. To iumble, confound, huddle, or mingle ill fauouredly; also, to blot, spot, smut, besmeare; bedash all ouer.

Barbouilleries: f. Trash, riffraffe; sundry things of small value iumbled, or hudled together.

Barbouilleur: m. A disorderly iumbler, hudler, mingler; also, a blotter, spotter, smutter, besmearer of.

Barbuteur: m. A Sicophant, a picketbanke, a priuie whisperer, a close detracter, a secret tale-teller.

Barbu: m. uë: f. Bearded; beardie; hauing a beard; full of, or ouergrowne with, beard. If barbu. Looke If. Homme roux, & femme barbuë de cinquante pas les saluë, (vne pierre ou poing, followes; because they are held verie dangerous people.) Barbuë: f. The hearbe Gith, or garden Nigella; also, a kind of lesse Turbot, or Turbot-like fish, called by some, a Dab, or Sandling.

Barbu-marsés. Amelcorne, Starchcorne; or, as Escourgeon. Barbute: m. A man of Armes; tearmed so in old time, because he ordinarily wore a Barbute.

Barbute: f. A riding hood; a Montero, or close hood, wherewith rauellers preserue their faces and heads from frost-biting, and weather-beating, in Winter; also, the beaver of an helmet; also, a Bay berrie; also, the hearbe Nigella; or, the seed thereof; also, a stopple, bung; or spigot.

Barc: m. A kind of smooth red earth, whereof vessells were made in old time.

Barce. as Berche. Barchaux: m. Great barkes, or, the great boats called, lyters.

Barche: f. A little barke, or pinnace.

Bardable: com. Barbable; fit, or able to beare a barbed furniture, or armor.

Bardache: m. An Ingle; a youth kept, or acccompanied for Sodomie.

Bardechiser. To commit Sodomie; to bugger, to ingle.

Bardacoculé. Seeke Bardococulé.

Bardane: f. The Clote, burre-docke, or great burre; also, the noisome, and stinking vermine, called, a Punie.