vsefull toole, or houshold stuffe.
Vtensilé. Bien vten. Throughly furnished with vtensiles.
Vterin: m. ine: f. Of the bellie or wombe; of one and the same wombe or bellie; borne of one mother, or damme. Herbes vterines. Hearbes which be good for the Mother.
Vtile: com. Gainefull, beneficiall, profitable, commodious, aduantagious; also, expedient, necessarie, seruiceable, good, conuenient. Vtile domaine. Th' estate of a vaßall in th' inheritance which he holds of his Lord; so tearmed because hee hath onely a profitable, not a direct, interest in it. Seigneur vtile. An occupant, or occupier of land; he that possesses, and receiues the fruits of, an inheritance, for which rent, or Cens, are payed, or seruices done. Seigneurie vtile. The vse, occupation, or poßession of a fief, or inheritance.
Vtilement. Profitably, gainefully, beneficially, commodiously; with great aduantage, to good purpose.
Vtilité: f. Vtilitie, commoditie, profit, gaine, benefit, cheuißance, aduantage.
Vtopie: f. An imaginarie place, or countrey.
Vtrin. as Vterin. Vuaine: f. A sheath: ¶Pic. Vuan: m. A gloue: ¶Pic. Vuaranion. as Garagnon; (an old word.)
Vuard; &, Vuarder. as Gard; &, Garder: ¶Pic. Vuaresque: m. A wrecke, or ship cast away; or the right of Admiraltie, whereto it belongs.
Vuarisons. Advestures, & vvar. Corne, graße, or other fruits growing, or standing; or vncut, vngot, vngathered.
Vuarlouque: com. Squint eyed, skenning, askew-looking: ¶Pic. Vuaudrée: f. A maulkin, or the clowt wherewith an Ouen is made cleane: ¶Pic. Vuayves: f. Waifes; casualties; things which be left, abandoned, escheated, or vnowned.
Vvedde. Weld, Woad, garden or tame Woad: ¶Pic. Vvée. Membrane Vvée. The grapie membrane of the eye; Looke Membrane. Vueil. as Vouloir; Will.
Vuel. See Venel. Vuele. as Veule in the later sence.
Vuerp: m. A deliuering, or giuing ouer vnto; also, a duetie of 12 d. Paris. paied by a purchaser vnto the Sherifes for their presence when possession is, by the seller, deliuered vnto him.
Vuerpi: m. ie: f. Deliuered, yeelded, or giuen ouer vnto.
Vuerpir. To deliuer, yeeld, or giue ouer vnto.
Vueuil; ou, Vueul. as Vouloir; Will.
Vuidange: m. A voidnesse, emptinesse, inanitie, vacuitie; a voyding, emptying, euacuation, eiection; also, the decision of a controuersie. Vuidanges d'une ville. The laystall of a towne; or the place wherein Scauengers, and Gold-finders emptie their filthie carts.
Vuidangier: m. ere: f. Emptying, voyding, euacuating.
Vuide: m. A wast; a void, or emptie space; a wide, or vast roome.
Vuide: com. Void, emptie, wast, vast, wide, hollow; deuoyd, without, free of, exempt from, not combered or troubled with.
À bast vuide. Looke Bast.
Vuides chambres font les Dames folles: Pro. Womens freedome breeds their follie; when they are left alone all modestie is gone. De mains vuides prieres vaines: Prov. They that give nought get nought; th'emptie-handed pray in vaine. Le plat du bas est tousiours le premier vuide: Pro. The lowest dish is euermore first emptie; (belike because it is (most commonly) furnished the worst, and fed on the best.)
Vuidé: m. ée: f. Voyded, emptied, euacuated; exhausted; purged, cleansed; hollowed; auoyded; also, decided, determined, dispatched, made an end of; also, drawne, as Pulleine, &c. Ce point sera tantost vuidé. Will quickly be resolued, or cleered.
Vuide-main: m. A quitting, yeelding, rendering, or giuing up of.
Vuidement: m. A voyding, emptying, euacating; exhausting; hollowing; purging, cleansing; deciding, determining, dispatching, ending.
Vuider: To void, euacuate, emptie; exhaust, hollow; purge, cleanse; auoyd; also, to cleere, determine, decide, resolue, dispatch; rid of; make an end of. Vuider fes mains. To yeeld, render, giue up, deliuer ouer; quit, rid his hands of; also, to pay readie money for things bought publickly, or assigned by publicke Order. Vuider la maison, ou mestairie. A tenant, or farmer to goe out of, or giue up, against his will, the tenement he tooke, or thought to haue kept, for a longer time. Vuider les poulets. To draw them, to draw out their guts.
Vuideté: f. Voidnesse, emptinesse, hollownesse; inanitie, vacuitie, euacuation.
Vuideur: m. A voyder, emptier, euacuater.
Vuideure: f. as Vuidement. Vuiho: m. as Cocu: ¶Pic. Vuilles: f. The tendrells, or twining sprigs, of vine-branches.
Vulgaire: m. A kind of great mall, or hammer wherewith, in old time, gates were broke open.
Vulgaire, le vul. The vulgar, common people, many-headed multitude.
Vulgaire: com. Vulgar, common, publicke; ordinarie, triuiall, usuall, or much used.
Vulgairement. Vulgarly, commonly; ordinarily, triuially.
Vulgal, whence; vif argent vulgal. The basest kind of Quicksiluer, made of dung and hay.
Vulneraire: com. Vulnerarie, healing wounds, belonging unto wounds.
Vulpin: m. ine: f. Fox-like, of a Fox.
Vulturne: m. The North-east wind.
Vulve: f. The wombe-pipe, or priuie passage; the way, or entrance into the wombe; also, the matrix, mother, or wombe it selfe.
Vvule: f. The Vvula, or palate of the mouth.
Vuydange. as Vuidange.
Vuyde: Vuydé; &, Vuydement. as Vuide: Vuidé; &, Vuidement.
Vuyder; &, Vuydeté. Looke Vuider; &, Vuideté.
Vyt. as Vit.
Vyaut; &, Vytte. as Vitaut; &, Vitte.
Vz: m. Vse, vsage, custome, woont.