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A., a., or ar. Argent.

az. Azure.

Bt. or Bart. Baronet.

betw. Between.

C.B. Companions of the Bath

chev. Chevron.

C.I. Companions of The Imperial Order of the Crown of India.

C.I.E. Companions of The Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire.

C.M.G. Companions of St. Michael and St. George.

C.S.I. Companions of The Star of India.

disp. Displayed.

D.S.O. Companions of the Distinguished Service Order.

e.g. For Example.

engr. Engrailed.

erm. Ermine.

etc. or &c. and others.

ex. Example.

f. Figure.

Genealogies. For Abbreviations and Marks met with in Genealogies vid. term Genealogy.

G.C.B. Knights Grand Cross of the Bath.

G.C.H. Knights Grand Cross of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order.

G.C.I.E. Knights Grand Commanders of the Order of the Indian Empire.

G.C.M.G. Knights Grand Cross of St. Michael and St. George.

G.C.S.I. Knights Grand Commanders of the Star of India.

G.M.M.G. Grand Master of St. Michael and St. George.

G.M.S.I. Grand Master of The Star of India.

gu. Gules.

guard. Guardant.

ib. (Ibid) The same place.

id. (Idem) The same.

i.e. (Id est) That is.

K.B. Knight of The Bath.

K.C.B. Knights Commanders of the Bath

K.C.H. Knights Commanders of the Guelph or Hanoverian Order.

K.C.I.E. Knights Commanders The Indian Empire.

K.C.M.G. Knights Commanders S. Michael and St. George.

K.C.S.I. Knights Commanders of the Star of India.

K.G. Knight of The Garter.

K.H. Knight of the Guelph, or The Royal Hanoverian Order.

Knt. Knight Bachelor.

K.P. Knight of St. Patrick.

K.T. Knight of The Thistle.

P. Plate.

pass. Passant.

per. Party-per.

ppr. Proper.

purp. Purpure.

q.v. (quad vide) Which see.

ramp. Rampant.

R.R.C. Lady of The Royal Red Cross.

sa. Sable

V.A. Royal Order of Victoria and Albert.

V.C. Victoria Cross

vid. see.

viz. namely.