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1 Shield of the Trinity

2 Az. an Episcopal Staff in pale or, ensigned with a cross pattée ar. surmounted of a Pall of the last, charged with four crosses formée-fitchée sa., edged and fringed of the second. Archbishop of Canterbury

3 Gu. a Pall ar. edged and fringed or.

4 Holy Dove

5 Spider and Web, also termed "Cobweb"

6 Gurges, or Whirlpool

7 Az. on a mount in base vert, the tree of Paradise environed with the Serpent betw. Adam and Eve all ppr. Fruiterer's Company, London

8 Erm. A Chief ar. Chausse gu.

9 Az. A Chief or, ajoure gu.

10 Ar. on a mount in base vert three pine trees ppr. a dexter side or. Grote

11 Ar. the base vert issuing therefrom three hop poles sustaining their fruit all ppr. Houblon

12 Ar. on a mount vert, a lion ramp. contourne gu. supporting an orange tree-fructed ppr. De la Motte

13 Per-fesse wavy the chief ar., the base representing waves of the sea, in chief a dexter hand couped at the wrist gu., in base a Salmon naiant ppr. O'Neill

14 Ar. two bubbles, and a third rising out of water in base ppr. borne by Aire and Bubbleward

15 Sa. a Fesse ar., in chief three ladies from the waist heads affrontée arranyed and veiled ar. crowned or, in base an ox of the second passing over a ford ppr. See of Oxford

16 Gu., a demi horse ar., hoofed and maned or, issuing out of water in base ppr. Trevelyan. See Water

17 Or, Semée of Flowers gentle, in the middle of the chief a sengreen resting upon a book betw. two serpents in pale, their tails knit together all in ppr. colours, resting upon a square stone vert. Caius College Cambridge

18 Per-Pale gu. and az. three lions pass, guard in pale or. Dimidiated with three herrings naiant in pale ar. Gt. Yarmouth. See term Dimidiation

19 Quarterly, 1 and 4 sa. a chev. betw. three fleames ar. 2nd. and 3rd Per-Pale ar. and vert, a Spatula in pale az. surmounted of a Rose gu. charged with another silver, the first rose regally crowned ppr. betw. the four quarters of a cross of St. George charged with a lion pass, guard, or. Barber's Company 20 Gu. on a cross ar., betw. the four ace cards ppr. viz.: the ace of hearts and diamonds in chief, the ace of spades and clubs in base; a lion pass, guard, of the first. Card Maker's Company

21 Arms of a Widow. See Dictionary

22 A Cross Quarterly quartered

23 A Cross Patriarchal

24 Gu. a demi virgin couped below the shoulders, issuing from clouds all ppr. vested or, crowned with an eastern crown of the last, her hair dishevelled, and wreathed round the temples with roses of the second, all within an orle of clouds ppr. Mercer's Company of London

25 Ar. an Orle of three pieces sa.

26 Ar. a Frett bretessed, espined, or crossed sa.

27 Diaper, or Diapre. Quarterly diaper, in the first quarter a mullet or. De Vere

28 Az. three cross baskets in pale ar. betw. a prime in chief and an iron in base on the dexter, and a cutting knife in chief and an outsticker in base on the sinister of the second. Basket Maker's Company

29 Az. a Golden Fleece

30 Or, a Buffalo's head cabossed sa. attired ar. through the nostrils an annulet of the last, ducally crowned gu., the attires passing through the crown. Mecklenburg

31 Ar. a Bull's head cabossed ar. armed or. betw. two wings of the last. Hoste