Page:A dictionary of printers and printing.djvu/565

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senred as a, general title to his woiks. Roguery, fornication, and cuckoldom, were the standing topics of this author, who was persuaded that his books would sell in proportion to the preva- lencjr of those vices. In the first part of the Englith Rogue, he had given scope to so much licentiousness, that he could not procure an tm- primatur, until some of the most luscious de- scriptions were expunged." Head, after many crosses and difficulties, at last perished at sea, when crossing to the Isle of Wight The edi- tors of the Biographia Dramatiea, notice only his comedy of Hie et Ubique, and the Engluk Rogn»; and Watts simply mentions the above play. Francis Kirkman, who had been his partner in the bookselling trade, was also the author of two works of a similar description to those of Head.

1678, Dec. 3. The Weekly Packet of Adviee from Borne, or the Popish Courant, No. 1.

1678. Newt from Bartholomew fair,4U). With a wood cut.

1678. Bloody Newt from Angel aUey, being a true account of the cruel mnrdering of one Do- rothy Jewem, who wot barbaroutly robbed and kiUed by two of her lodgert, 4to.

1078. Newt from Maidtlone,a narrative of the tryalt and condemnation of four notorious houte breakert, ^c. 4to.

1678. Neuvfrom Wieklow,a relation how Dr. Moore wot taken invisibly by hit friendt, 4to.

1678. Newt from HalliA/ Wellt of a barba- rous father who killed hit own son, 4to.

1678. Poor Robin't public and private occur- rence! and remarkt, printed for T. C. near Fleet Bridge.

1678. Public Occurrences truly stated by George Larkin.

1679. In this year there were two German versions of the Old Testament printed by the Jews, for the use of their Hebrew brethren.

The first of these versions was made by R. Jekuthiel ben Isaac Blitz, of Wittmund, in East Friezland, who received eight florins and sixteen stivers, per sheet, for the translation: it was revised by R. Meir Stern, chief rabbi of the synagogue of Amsterdam, who received six florins and six stivers, per sheet, for the revision. The printer was Uri Veibsch ben Acharon Halevi, who undertook the edition at his own charge, but being involved in expensive lawsuits, he relinquished the undertaking to the Christians, William Bleau, and Laurence Baak, at whose cost the work was completed, and printed at Amsterdam, 1679, folio. R. Jekuthiel is said to have corrupted the text, and to have inserted various remarks demonstrative of the most determined hatred to Christianity.

The other version was executed at the expense of Joseph Athias, the celebrated Jewish printer, of Amsterdam, where it was printed in the same year as the former, in folio. Josel Witzenhausen was not only the principal translator of this version, but acted also as the compositor of it in the office of Athias. He received four imperials per sheet for his labour. R. Meir Stern received the same sum and rather more, for revising the translation.

1679. A news writer in Holland, who had presumed to print some very severe and sarcaatic reflections on Madame Maintenon* and Loais XIV. suffered the following severe pumsfamesL Some months after this offence, he waa indneed, by a person sent expieedy for the purpose, la make a tour into French ThaaAea. The inMaat he had quitted the Dutch territories, he was p<d under arrest, and immediately, by his majeirrS express command, conducted to Mount St. Michael, then one of the state prisons of Fcuee. He was shut up in a wooden cage, oommisiag about twelve feet square and twenty leet ia height. Here he lived upwards of thzee aai twenty years; and here he at leng^th expired.— During the long nights of winter, no candle at fire was allowea him; nor was he permitted to have any book. He saw no human faoe except the jailor, who came once every day to piesol him, through a bole in the wicket, with lua Httk portion of oread and wine ; no instrument «s given him, with which he could destroy himself; but he found means at length to draw out a mil from the wood, with which he cut or enslaved, on the bars of his cage, certain fleufs de iis,ia< armorial bearings, which formed his mily co- ployment and recreation. — ^Mr. Wraxall, m a visit to Mount St. Michael, in August, 177i, saw the ca^ and the nail with whii^ he bad executed his work. The same gentleman d» apostrophised as he stood within this place d torture. " As I stood within this dreadful engiie, my heart sunk within me. I execrated the vta- geuice of the prince, who, for such _ could inflict so disproportionate and tre a punishment. I thought the towers and ] cles of the abbey seemed to shake, as < of the cmelty committed in their gloomy roud; and I hastened out of this sad apartment, in- pressed with the deepest pity and indi^^natioo."

1679, Dec. 4. Died, Sir John Birkknhui, the fertile parentof numerous political pampUts devoted to the court and its caoae. lie had* promptness to seize on every temporary circaa- stance, and a facility in execution; and kit papers appear to abound in banter, wit, lad satire. In buffoonery, keenness, and boldiMa, he was not inferior to his political oppoDcat, Marchmont Needham, nor was he at times ka an adventurer, being frequently impiisoMd. His PauTi Church Yard is a bantering pamphkl,

  • Frances D'AaUgny, madame de Bfalntmon, ww b(n

In the pfi*on of Nlort, November 17, itu, and bconeae wife of Scaroa, the French poet, and a fle iw ai il a at Loia ZIT. "A strange connexion," says Voltaire, "of teaO- ness and scrapie on the part of the Unf , and of - b-mm— and devotion on that of the new mlsbesi, aeema to knt lasted ttom 1881 to IflsS, which was the epodi cf ttdt marriage." Her life of penetentlal pietv alter her Bifri age ; her extensive chuity to the poor, aad ezeaylK!' life, cansed her to be univenaUjr rejected. She fiiaiiW the celebrated convent of St. Cyr, at Versailles, ke ^ nudntenance of thirty-six nuns, ladles or qaBtf, mi twenty.foor assbtaatsisten. Upon thia fixwdaliaa, Itise hundred young ladies were received and edncatad gaUt- Madame Maintenon died at St. Cyr, April 15, I71}, S(C< 84 years, regretted by the nation.