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1706, Oct. 16. 7%« NeweaiOt InteUipmeer, No. 1. printed and published by William Cnth- bert and Co. in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. This paper was printed in small folio, with three columns on each page, and published on a Wed- nesday. It is supposed that this publication did not continue longer than two or three years.

1765, Nov. The Old Maid. This periodical was published weekly, and was the first literary publication of Mrs. Brooke, who assumes the name of Mary Singleton, spinster. It ended July, 24, 1766, with No. 37.

The Old Maid is conducted not without spirit and vivacity ; her character is tolerably well sup- ported, and the work is diversified by papers of criticism, narrative, and humour.

1766. Edinburgh Reviev). This publication was begun by some literary gentleman in Edin- burgh, but of which only two numl)ers appeared. The first of theses article was a review of John- son's Dictionary of the English Language, which displays considerable acuteness : the other con- tained some general observations on the state of literature in the different countries of Europe.

1766. The Critical Review. This publication was commenced by Dr. Tobias SmoUet and Mr. Archibald Hamilton, a very respectable printer. It professed to maintain toiy principles against the whig review of Dr. Orimths. Dr. Smollett continued the principal manager of the Critical Review till 1763. To speak impartially, Smol- lett was, perhaps, too acrimonious sometimes in the conduct of this work, and at the same time too sore, and displayed too much sensibility when any of the unfortunate authors whose works he had, it may be, justly censured, attempted to retaliate. He bad made some very severe stric- tures on a pamphlet published by admiral Knowles, as well as on the character of that gentleman, who commenced a prosecution against the printer, declaring he only wanted to know the author, that if a gentleman, he might ob- tain the satisfaction of a gentleman from him. In this affair the doctor behaved with great spirit. Just as sentence was going to be pro- nounced against the printer, he came into court, avowed himself the author, and declared him- self ready to give the admiral any satisfaction he chose. The admiral forgot his declaration, and began a fresh action against the doctor, in 1769, who was found guilty, fined £100, and con- demned to three months' imprisonment in the king's bench. It is there he is said to have writ- ten the Adventures of sir Launcelot Greaves; in which he has described some remarkable charac- ters, then his fellow-prisoners.

1766. Peignot remarks, that a secret printing press was discovered at work at the village of Arcueil about ten miles from Paris, the works executed at which being found to be of a very improper nature, both press and printers were seized, the latter imprisoned, ana the former destroyed.

1766. Daniel Fowle, a printer formerly re- siding at Boston, set up a press at Portsmouth, being the first press used in the colony of New

Hampshire. Thomas ohaerrea, that Fowle dM but little as book-printer, his principal basiBeK

consisting in publishing a newspaper.

1766, June 6. Dial, Willuh Wiluns, stationer to the office of ordnance, London.

1766, Aug. 11. Died, Richard Ware, book- seller and stationer, on London bridge.

1766. A press was at work at St. lago de la Vega, a town which was formerly the capital of the isle of Jamaica, when a wmUv newspaper was commenced; and in 1792, d>e Latpt tf Jamaica were handsomely printed by Alexander Dickman, in two volumes, 4to.

1766, Jan. 1. The Young Lady, No. 1.

1766, /<m. 7%« Universal Vintor. The chief writers in this periodical were Christopher Smart and Richard Rolt, occasionally assisted by Dr. Johnson, Dr. Percy, David Garrick, and other literary characters. In Boswell's Life of Dr. Johnson, the doctor is recorded to have spoken of it in the following terms : " Old Gardner the bookseller, employed Rolt and Smart to write a monthly miscellany, called the Universal Vititor. There was a formal written contract, which Alien the printer saw. They were bound to write no- thing else; they were to have, I think, a third of the profits of this sixpenny pamphlet ; and the contract was for ninety-nine years. I wish I had thought of giving this to Thurlow, in the cause about literary property. What an excellent in- stance would It have beei; of the oppression of booksellers towards poor authors ! (smiling.) Davies, zealous for the honour of the trade, said, Gardner was not properly a bookseller. Jokntan. ' Nay, sir ; he certainly was a bookseller. He had served his time regularly, was a member <^ the stationers' company, kept a shop in the face of mankind, purchased copyright, and was a hihliovole, sir, in every sense. I wrote for some mouths in the Universal Visitor, for poor Snuit, while he was mad, not then knowing the terms on which he was engaged to write, and thinking I was doing good. I hoped hb wits would sooo return to him. Mine returned to me, and I wrote in the Universal Visitor no longer.' "

1766, JJfarcA 23. The Prater. The author of this paper assumes the name of Nicholas Babble, esq. and the stvle is much superior to that of the generality of Lis cotemporary essayists. It was published weekly, on Saturday, and closed with the thirty-fifth number.

1756. The Test, a political paper, written by Arthur Murphy, esq. in support of the ministrf then in being. The style is forcible and eneigeiic.

1766, April. The Literary Magaxine, No. 1.

1786, May 28. Williamson's Liverpool Adver- tiser, and. Mercantile Chronicle, No. 1. printed and published by Robert Williamson. In No. 232, Friday, October 31, 1760, is the following advertisement : " The Manchester, Stockpon, Buxton, and Derby Flying Machine from Loo- don to Manchester performed, if God permits, in three days — fare, two pounds five shillings." Mr. Thomas Billinge became the proprietor of this paper, and it was then called Biliinge's Livtr- pool Advertiser, and published on Monday.

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