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press and printers from England for their par- pose, but it required no little manaffement to establish it It first assumed a popular name, and professed to take a warm side in that cause. To increase the deception, the portrait of a volunteer, in full uniform, was exhibited ererr night, and erei^ other device put in practice with the same new. But the secret soon dis- played itself, and the mob proceeded to take summary vengeance. The editor escaped, but the printer was dragged to the Tenter-fields, and there tarred and feathered ! Unable to withstand popular hatred, the paper was dropped; but so strong was the public indig^nation, that no one could be ^t to purchase the materials, and editors, prmters, types, press, he. were, after three years' effort, re-transported to England.

1780. The Poetical Magazine.

1780, Aug. 4. The Protettant Packet; or, British Monitor, designed for the use and enter- tainment of every denomination of Protestants in Great Britain. By the rev. James Murray.*

Spartanofl (^entu est andez, avldarnqne ferce) nodo cau- tna propriore Una. — Semeea.

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, printed by T. Angus, St Nicholas' church yard, for the editors.

1780. The Detector. This political paper was promised " to be continued occasionally during the session of parliament." It was printed in octavo, at the price of sixpence each number ; but, meeting with little encouragement, was soon relinquished.

1780, Nm. The Traitmr, No. 1.

1780. The Whig. This series of papers was written by the late Hugh Boyd, and appeared in Alman s London Courant; and, together with the Freeholder, very ably assisted in maintaining the cause of constitutional liberty.

1780, Dec. 2. Periodical Essays, by the rev. Robert Nares, afterwards archdeacon of Stafford, No. 10, Feb. 3, 1781.

1781, Feb. Died, Jacob Wraoo, a compositor of Bury St Edmunds, in Suffolk. Mr. Wragg was the first person chosen by the company of stationers to enjoy the annuity left by Mr. Bowyer; and, says Mr. Nichols, was " in every respect deserving of it." He was a man of real learning, and had been patronized by Dr. Jortin, on whose first volume of the Life of Erasmus he had been employed at Mr. Edward

• The Freeman't Magaxlnt j or the ComtituHomt Sepo- sUiny. containing a free debate concerning the cause of liberty) consiatinar of all the papers pabUabed in the Ix>Ddon newspapers from Northnmberland and Newcastle, or the county of Dorham, from the sending of Instrac- tions to the Newcastle members of parliament, till this present time. By the rev. James Murray and others.

Qnisnam igitor liber t Sapiens qnl Imperlosos Qnemneqnepanperies, neqoe mors, nequeTineolatenent: Responsare copfdinibos, contemnere honores Fortis, & in scipso totos teres, atqae rotundas :

— ^— ^-— " £ripe turpi

Colla Joga : Liber liber sum die »ge.— Horace.

Newcastle upon Tyne, printed for the editors, and sold by T. Slack. W. Chamley, and J. Atkinson, bookseUers. R. Fisher, the circnlating library; and O. Young, High Bridge, Newcastle, and all other bookseUers in town and country. Mncci.xxiv.

Say's. It has been remarked, however, as j somewhat strange circumstance, that in an occu- pation so nearly allied to literature as that of printing, a single candidate only should have offered himself as qualified to enjoy so comfort- able a stipend.

1781. Mr. Tuloch, editor of the Philoso- phical MoMuine, presumed to have invented a method of stereotvping, without having, at the time, any knowledge of Ged's invention.* In perfecting the invention, Mr. Tilloch had the assistance and joint labour of Mr. Foulis, printer to the university of Glasgow. After great labour, and many experiments, these gentlemen " over- came every difficulty, and were able to produce Slates, the impressions from which could not be istinquished from those taken from the types from which thejr were cast Though we had reason to fear, from what we found Ged had met with, that our efforts would experience a similar opposition from prejudice and ignor- ance,! we peisevered in our object for a con- siderable time, and at last resolved to take out patents for England and Scotland, to secure to ourselves, for the usual term, the benefits of our invention." Owing to some circumstances of a private nature, not connected wi^ the stereo- type art, the business was laid aside for a time, and Mr. Tilloch having removed from Glasgow to London, the concern was dropped altogether; but not till several volumes had been stereotyped and printed, under the direction of Messrs. Tilloch and Foulis.

1781 , Feh. 6. News from the Pope to the Devil, with their lamentations for the acquittal of lord George Gordon ; to which is added the Hypo- crite, by Judas Guzzle Fire, A. M. (the rev. James Murray.J) Newcastle : printed for the author, mdcclxxxi. Small 12mo. 19 pages.

1781, March 1. Died, Mr. Chase, printer of Norwich.

1781. April. Lord North introduced a bill into parliament, with respect to laying an ad- ditional dutjr on almanacks. In the course of his speech his lordship observed, " According to the laws now in being, sheet almanacks are sub- ject to a duty of twopence each ; and book al- manacks to one of fourpence each. But, of late, complaints had been made to him by the printers of the latter, that the printers of the former had contrived to print upon a very larg^ sheet of paper, which, admitting of a variety of matter, and folding up, almost in the manner of a book,

  • Mr. Tilloch says so in the PhUotophteal Magartne ;

and, therefore, we most suppose he bad not, at that time, seen the narratiTe, Just read, of Mr. Rowe Mores's books, dated 1788, in which a tolerable outline is given of the practice of stereotyping, although not under so learned a name ; but quite sniBdent, if any body else had happened to have seen it at the time, to have raised a competitor to Messrs. Tilloch and Foulis.— Haiuorrf.

t Of course, if they came southward.

1 The Rev. James Murray, author of A BMoru oftk* Church in England and Scotland, Travels of the Im^ina- tian, Sermont to Aua, and many other works, was born In Scotland, at Fanns, in Rozbnigtishire. He became minister of the High Bridge Meeting^honse, Newcastle upon Tyne, in the year 1764, where he continued to reside and publish his works till bis death, wUch hap. pencd January 28, 1783. ^^