Page:A dictionary of printers and printing.djvu/969

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Horticultonl Journal

iDteUectnal Repcnltoiy, Quartertj/


Iriah Fanner

Jardine's Natuialkit's Library

Jardlne'B Annals of Natural History

Jewisti Intelligence

Journal of Statistical Society

Jurist (The) Weekly

Lady's Pocket Magazine

Lady's Cabinet of Fashion

Lady's Gazette of Fashion

Lancet, Weekly

Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia

Law Journal

Law Magazine, Quarterly

Law List, Annually

Legal Guide, Weekly

Legal Observer, Weekly

Library of Entertaining Knowledge

Library of Useful Knowledge, Weekly

Literary Gazette, Weekly

Llvesey's Moral Reformer

London Journal of Arts

London Monthly Miscellany

London and Paris Fashions

London Saturday Journal, Weekly

Lond. & Westminster ReTiew.Qnorfer

Loudon's Gardener's Magazine

Loudon's Natural History

Loudon's, Mrs., Flower Garden

Lowndes' British Librarian

Magazine of Domestic Economy

Haund's Botanic Garden

Maund's Botanist

Mechanic's Magazine, Weekly

Medical Gazette, Weeklu

Medico-Chir.Joum. (Johnson's; Quar.

Methodist Magazine

Methodist New Connexion Magazine

Metropolitan Magazine

Mining Review

Mirror, Weekly

Mirror of Parliament, Weekly

Missionary Gleaner

Missionary Register

Missionary Magazine

Montlily Magazine

Monthly Review

Monthly Belle Assemble

Monthly Chionicle

Monthly Law Magazine

Mother's Magazine

Musical World, Weekly

Naturalist (The)

Nautical Magazine

Navy List, Quarterly

New Monthly Magazine

New Sporting Magazine

New World of Fashion

North American Review, Quarterly

Numismatic Chronicle

Orthodox Journal, Weekly

Parbury's Oriental Herald

Paxtun's Magazine of Botany

Peony Cyclopaedia

Penny Magazine

Penny Mechanic

Penny Pulpit

Penny Sunday Reader, Weekly

Philosophical Magazine

Phrenological Journal


PiunocksGuideto Knowledge, (CeeMjf

Presbyterian Review, Quarterly

Protestant Preacher, Weekly

Pulpit, (The) Weekly

Quarterly Review

Quarterly Journal of Agriculture

Railway Magazine

Rampart (The)

Refuge (The)

Repertory of Arts


Sacred Star

Saturday Magazine

Scottish Christian Herald

Scottish Congregational Magazine

Servant's Magazine

Soldier's and Sailor's Magazine

Sowerby's Botany, Weektu

Spiritual Magazine and Zion's Casket

Sporting Magazine

Sporting Review

Sportsman (The)

Statutes, Public Weekly

Stephens's Episcopal Magazine


Sunday School Teacher

Tait's Edinburgh Magazine

Teacher's Offering

Temperance Penny Magazine

Terapeiance Intelligencer

Theological Library

Townsend's Costumes

Townsend's CoifTntes

Town and Country Magazine

Tract Magazine

United SOTice Journal

Ure's Dictionary of Arts, fte. Weeklt


Village Churchman

Village Magazine

Visitor (The)

Ward's Miscellany

Weekly ClirisUan Teacher

Wealeyan Preacher

Wesleyan Association Magazine

World of Fashion

Young Men's Magazine

Youth's Magazine

Youth's Instructor

Zion's Trumpet



House of Lords. — Clark and FhudT

— BUgh. CAancerji.— Mylne and Craig. RolU Court.— Keeoe. Vice Chancellor. — Simons. King's BmrA.—Adolphns and Ellis- Neville and Perry Pointt of Proctice.— Dowllng's Pne.

tlce Cases. Cofflmim P/eof.^Blngbam'BNewCssa

— Scott's Reports. Exchequer. — Meeson and Welsby. Exchequer— Equity Side. — Yoonp h

Collyer. Nisi Prius. — Moody and Robintoo—

Carxington and Payne. Admiralty. — Haggard. Privy Council. — Moore. East India Appeals.^Moote. Ecclesiastical. — Curteis BonArrvp^cy.— Deacon— Montana sikI

Ayrton. Magistrate's Reports.— tleviU ft Peny CroumCasesIieserved.—'Moodj'iCrvn

Cases. Statutes. — Anndally.


' Sir, it is the great excellence of a writer to put into his book as much as bis book will hold" " Let it be book'd with the rest"— SuAKsrsARx.

P. K. William Young Ottley, F. S. A. was born Aug. 8, 1771, and died May 26, 1836.

P. tuB. For Joseph Athias read Tobias Athias.

P. 647. On a marble tablet fixed against the west front of the methodist meeting at Edmonton, supporting an nm, like a covered dish on a foot, Is this inscription, com- memorating the relict of Mr. deputy Kent ;— " Near this monument He the mortal remains of Mary Kent, who ex- changed this world of sin for the realms of peace and joy, March 3, 1803, aged one hundred and four years."

P. 668. Dr. Edward Young died April 13, 176s, aged 84.

P. 713. Jeremy Bentham died June 6, 1833, aged 84.

F. 743. Sir Charles Wilkins died May 13, 1830, aged 89.

P. 7<7- Lord North died Aug. s, 1792.

P. 764. Thomas, lord Ersklne, died Nov. 17, 1817.

P. 776. James Boaden, editor of the Oracle, was born at Whitehaven, In 176!, and died Feb. l6, I839. He was the author of the Life of J. P. Kembte, Mrs. Siddons, &c.

P.777. Rev. William Beloe was born at Norwich, in ■ 796, and died April 11, 1917.

P. 784. Dr. John Walcot died at Somers Town, London, Jan, 13, I819, in his Slst year. Perhaps hardly any poet since Shakspeare Illustrated his works with more abundant allusions derived from the sources of nature ; or a more original Junius. He retained his faculties to the last.

P. 789. Thomas Bowden died Feb, 26, 1836, aged 68.

P, 793. George Longman, esq. died Nov. S3, 1833.

P. 793. William Godwin, was born at Wisbech, Cam- bridgeshire, March 3, 1796, and died April 7. 1838. He received for his work on Political Justice, ^00 ; Caleb WitUams, £9< ; and St. Leon, four hundred guineas.

P. 793. Hannah More was born 1749, died Sept 7, 1833.

I P. 799, dele the two lines concerning newspapert U I Constantinople.

I P. 796. John Mackinlay died in Soatbampton-street,

i London, June 13, 1821, aif-ed 79 years. He was the father

of Mr. Mackinlay, formerly a bookseller in the Strand.

P. 809. Matthew Wilkes died Jan. 29, 1829, a^ >3.

P. 83(>. Joseph Mawmandied Sept. 13, I827, agediixtr. eight years. He was a very Intelligent man, and spirited publisher ; also an author, having published in 1S05 la 8vo. volume, entitled An Excursion to the Highlasdi »f Scotland, and the English Lakes, ^c.

P. 833. For Harriot Hart read John Harriot Hart.

P. 840. Markham Craig died during his imprisonmeat.

P. 89<.Mrs. E.C. Knight died at ParU, Feb. 1838, sgei tl.

P. 899. Dr. John Trussler died June, 1820, aged 89.

P. 876. The note, JoAa Briggs, should be placed lut, and marked thus t

P. 693. The rev. R. Polwhele died March 4, 1 838, tffAn-

P. 949. John Talbot, son of Matthew Talbot, and brothet- In-Iaw of Mr. E. Baines, died March 37, 1839, in his slity- sixth year. He had occupied a confidential situation is the office of the Leeds Mercury for thiity-flve years. His son, the rev. Edward Talbot, resides at Tenterdeo, Kent

1832, May. The Dublin Printers' Asylum Instituted.

1839, March 30. Died, Jauks Tali., who held arespoa- sible situation in the Pitt Press, Cambridge, aped liftT years. Mr. Tall served his apprenticeship In that estab- lishment : in Feb. 1809, he was appointed snperlntendest of the stereotype foundry, and in July, 1830, overseer of the press department, which he held till his death. Bit assiduity, fidelity, and pleasing deportment, gained bio the esteem of a large circle of friends. He left a widov.