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A A, Peter Vtnder 64a Abwbanel, R. Isaac 411 Abbinton, WiUiam ids Abbot, George, archbishop of Canterbury 436, 437 Abbot, sir Maarice 49^ Abel, John FhiUp 440 Abela, G. 506 Abenezra, R. l&g Abercorn, Mr. 738 Abernethy, John 70O Abraham , patriarch 83 Abree, James 719 Accorseos, Maxiang^elos 108 Achates, Leonard 141, 1P5 Ackermann, Rudolph 031, 933 Ackers, Charles 704, 848 Ackworth.Oeor^.L.L.D. Igs AcqnaTiva, duke of Altri 469 Adam, Dr. Alex. 730, 802 Adam, Mr, BB8 Adam, Melichor 385 Adams, Elizabeth 679 Adams, Francis 420 Adams, James 709 Adams, Mr. 344 Adams, Orion 611, 793 Adams, Richard 317 Adams, Robert 370 Adams, Roger 621 Adams, Thomas 467 Adams, Thomas 79} Adams, William 624, 853 Adday, John 323 Addington, Henry, speaker of the house of comm. 828 Addison, Joseph 591, 601,603, , 607, 618, 618, 620 Addison, Laancelot,D.D. 6lg Addison, Phillip 887 Addlington, Mis. 614 Ade, John 427 Adel-klnd4Il Adhelm, bp. of Sherborne, , 43, 58 Adlvey, Henry 140 Adolphus, Gastarus, king of Sweden, 482, 318 Adrian IV, pope j3 MlMCt abp. of Caoterbnr>' 57 iElfrid, kg. of Northiund. 42 ifisop 181 Ager, John, 930 AgesUaus, king of Sparta, 28 Agg, John 844 Aggaa, Robert 490 Agobart 93 Agolp, John S59 Agilcola 30 Agricold, Joanaes 416 Agrippa, Cornelius 230, 233 Aguessean, M d' 743 Aiguillon, duke d' 633 Aikin, Dr. John 439, 748, 836,

Aikin, Aitbor 813 Aikin, Charles Rognson 813 Aikman, A. sen. 953, 954 Aikman, A. jun. 916, 943 Aikman, Susannah 95^, 954 Ailmer, Brabazon 623, 63} Ainsworth, William 891 Altken, Mr. 789 Aix, bishop of 378 Akenside, Mark 895 ! Alacraw, John 1 81 Alantra, Biezer Alius 37O Alard, bookbinder 239 Alban. St. 49 Albert, king of Nararrc 329 Albert abp. and elector of Mentz, 314, 2]l Alhch, or Cremer, Henry 118 Alberooi, Julius, cardinal 634 Albert, John 493 Albln, John 804 Alcborne, lliomas 483 Alcnin, Flacciis 43, 158 Alcyoniiis, Peter 218 Aide. John 347 Alemanus, L. 170 Aleocon, dnke of 339, 443 Aleph, John 350 Alexander VI, pope 204, 388 Alexander III, king ofSco^ land, 88 Alexander, Thomas 836 Alexander, William, earl of Stirling 49a Alexandrianus, George 180 Alfield, Thomas 370 Alfred, king of England, 47, , 317, 382 Alkabetz, R. Solomon 317 AUemanniis, George 1 39 Allemanus, Jonnanes de Me- demblick 163 Allen, Edward, 746 940 Allen, George, esq. 718 Allen, Qeorije 736 Allen, Ralph 680 Allen, Richard 543 Allen, William, cardinal, 77, , 381 Allen, WiUiam 785 AUestry, James 341 Alleyn, Edward 441 Allot, Robert 436 Allott, Robert 487' .Ulport, Beijamin 660 Almeloveen, Janss. ab .133 Almon, John 700, 713, 721 , 732, 738, 770, SO6, 822 AlphoD5o 11, of AragoD 55 Alplionso IX, of Castile 35 Alphonso, Ferdinand 61 Alphonsus, of Naples 99 Alsop, Barnard 461 483, 490 Alstead, John Henry 469 Alsop, Benjamin 643, 719 Alston 903 Althamers 104 Altorffer, Albert 256 Ambasia, George of 309 Amerbach, John of 127 Amerbach, John (Basil) 170, , 343 Ames, Joseph 157, 183, 239, , 703 Amhurst, Nicholas 668 Amimar, Joseph Ibu 453 Amri, the Saracen 40, 4 1 Amni, Joseph 33 Amyot, bp. of Auxerre 353 Anazagoras, 323 Ancour, John Barbier 577 Anderson, Andrew, sen. 546, , 598 Anderson, Andrew jun. 346, Anderson, George 493 Anderson, James, LL.D. 77I Anderton, George 7I5 Anderton, Thomas 7I0 Anderton, William, 575 Andre, John 279 Andre, President de S' 377 Andreas, bishop Aleria, 137 Andreas, Joannes 309 Andrew, St. 369 Andrewe, Lawrence 243 Andrews, Henry 876 Andrews, Lancelot, bishop of Winchester 456 Andrews, Mary 947 Andrews, Mr. 601 Andrews, Peter Paul 947 Andrews, Robert 633, 72B Andrews, Roger, D. D. 437 Andrews, SllTester 633, 738 Andrews, Wm. Bosebius 947 Andrlesson, John 176 Angela, Michael 195, 209 Anglesea, earl of 350 Angus, Alexander 776 An;;us, J . 747 Anjou, countess of 98 Anjou, Francis d. of 366, 449 Anne, St 222 Anne, queen of Eng. 606, 331 Anne, queen of Austria, 506 Anselm, St abp. Cantbry. 33 Anselmus, Dominic 201 Anslielmus, Thomas 160 Anson, commodore 743 Anstis John 17I Apianus, 104 Applebee, J. 61 a, 631 Appiegath,An((ustus 856, 867 AppletoD, William 857 Applow, Richard 343 Aquinas, St. Tbos. 63,73, 181 Arbcla, G. 506 Arbuthuott. Alexander 366 Arc, Joan of 93, 783 ArcesUaus, too Archdeacon, John 789 Archias, 164 Arderne, Edward 373 Arcson, John, bishop of Hoo- lum 231, 879 Aretin, Peter 328 Aretino, Leonard 99 ArgcUatl, Philip 694 Aris, Samuel 633 Aris, Thomas 668, 861 Aristarchus, 85 Ariosto, 230 Aristeas, 34 Arrison, 338 Aristotle, 33,333, 467,4(8 Arius, 3», 166 Atliss, John 896 Armstrong, Archibald 499 Armstrong, Dr. John 11, 719 AinaU, WiUiam 638 Arndes, Stephen 185 Arnet, Peter 709 Arondcl, Wylyam,earl of 152 .rnobius, 166 .rnold, Ctiristopher 193 Arnot, Hugo 330 Amutt, Dr. 583 Amott, Mr. 888 Arran, earl of 735, 413 Arreboe, A. C. 493 Arrogau, Catherine of 396 Arrowsmitfa, T. 855, 883 Arthur, prince 157, 209 Arthington, Henry 416 Artigny, abbe 300 Arundel, Anne, countess 423 Arundel, abp. Cantbury ,84,86 Arundel, earl of 443 Arundel, Mary, countess 339 Ascham, R. I84, 29a, 329, 423 Asgill, John, M. P. 381. 609 Ash, Edward, M. D. 765 Ashe, Dr. bp of Clogber 67I Ashmole, Elias 574 Astanrst, Samuel 688 Ashburner, Thomas 669, 673 Ash ton, sir Thomas 116 Askeil, Leonard 341 Askew, Anne 293 Askew, Dr. Anthony O7S Asola, Andrea d' 217, 218 Asola, Federico 218 Asola, Francesco 218 Aspley, William 487 Asplyn, Thomas 383 Assize, Francis of 60 Astle, Thomas 31, I06. 155 Astley, Thomas 657, 658 Aston, Joseph 817, 823, 837,

Astwood, John 693 Athanasius, St. 38 Athias, Joseph 581 Athias, Tobias 3:6, 631 Athelston, k. of England 47 Atkinson, F. R. 376,451, 803 Atkinson, J. 747 Atkyns, Richard 145, 146,117 , 533 Atkyns, sir Henry 638 Atkyns, sir Robert 553 Attalus, k. of Pergamus 137 Atterbury, Francis, bishop of of Rochester 592, S03, 629 Atticus, learned Roman 36 Attwood, Mr. ' 42 Auber, lean iSl Aubriet, Hugo 284 Audclcy, John 343, 356 Aadeley, Thomas 329 AadillVedi, 1 60 Augetieau, Antoine 309 Augustine, St. 36, 40, 115, , 368, 374 Aognstoi, emperor 36, 306,

Aungerrille, Richard, bishop of Durham, 71 Aurelian, emperor 21 Aoiispas, Jobn 99 Anrogallns, Matt 393, 293 Austin, lady 803 Austin, professor 643 Austria, Don John of Autpert, Ambroslu844 Aventine, 104 Axe, Thomas 645 Axtelle, Mr. 736 Ayerst, Elizabeth 953 Ayerst, John 953 Aylmer, John, bishop of Lon- don 403, 434 Ayres, Mr. 913 Ayscough, Anne 605 Ayscongh, Otatge Digitized by Google