Page:A dictionary of printers and printing.djvu/982

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BodcUiuon, Richtrd «gi JaodgklDson. S. 838 Hfxl^klna. Mr. 404 Hodgaon Mr. TVt Hod^on. Samuel JM.OtsjiI HodKSoo, Sarah 803 Hod^oD. Solomon 80S. 803 Uodgsoo. Thoinaa 585, 078,

711, 906 Hodson. Edward 848 Hodson, Francis 848 Hoefnagle, George 3<l,370 Hoes', James 735 Homnan, J. F. I. 740 Hogarth, Oeorge, gjg Hogenberg, Erancis 370 HoKcnberg, Romegius 309 Hogeth. Ralph, abbot of

Ktrkstall, 58 Hogg, Alexander 838 Hiigg, James 810 Hogins, Cornelias 300 HokeaortoD, Thomas, abbot

of Osnejr 137 Holbeck, blsbop of Uncoln

304 Holbein, Hans 31 7 Bolder, Robert 335 Holewell Thomas 98 Hollnshead, Raphael Sfi7, 394 Bolket, rev. Robeit 71 Holland, Dr. ;03 Holland, lev. John 487 Holland, Mr. 680 Holland, Dr. Pbilemon 4M,

487. 488 Holland, Dr. Thomas 450 Holland. William 777 Hollar, Wtnceslaas 55) HoUaway. Robert 736 Hollingwoith, Mr. 868

Hollis. Thomas 587

Hollyland, James 335

Holme, Handle 513

Holme, WUliam 437

Holt, Daniel 780

Holt, Francis Lodlow yit

Bolt, John SOI

Bolt, Mr. 601. ISI

Holrock, rcT. B(r. 689

Bomboreb, Coniad de 166

Homer 33

Homer, rer. Mr. 907

Hone, William 865

Hood, Mr. 833

Hook. Theodore Bdward 894

Booker, rer. Klchaid 437

Hool. Samuel 651, 600

Hooper, H. 487

Hooper John, Glouces- ter 311. 338

Hooper, Samuel 777

Uopidns, John SIS

Hopkins. Matthew 64 1

Hopyll, Wolfgang S33

Hon, Mr. 738

Bombaeh.Panl Wider de 176

Horabr. Mr. 60« 

Home, Dr. George, bishop of Norwich 719

Home, rev. Thomas Hart- weU 91. 94, 107. 143, 193, 738

Horner, Francis 813

Horns, Thomas 67s

Rorsley, Dr. John 637, 695

Hozton, Ftancls 600

HosUns, WilUam 417, 4S4

Hotham, Ooraat too

Hoitbigant 67<

Hough Mr. 86s

Hooser, M. 8. 546

Bow, WUliam 410

Howard. Cotel 433

Howard. Chas. of Rflflngham, cat! of Nottingham,3g9,4S3

Howard, Mr. 836

Howard, ladir Slizabeth M« 

Howe, George 814. 879

Howe. G. T. «97

Howe, MlcbMl 864, 894

Rowfi Thomu 67*

Howel, rcT. Lawrence 615 Howell, sir John, recorder ot

London 183 Howell Thomas 910 Howlett. Mr. 601,633 Howlett, Robert 840 Howton, Wm. de, abbot of

Croxton a.) Hoyley, William 803 Hubbald. Mr. 7:18 llucke, Giles 335 Huckell, William 710 Hudson, Jeffrey 430 Hudson, John 325 Hugh. Martin, monk S4 Hngbes, Dr. Wi.Uam 407 Hughes, Josiah 90O Hughes, Mr. 716 Hughs, John 736, 90s Hulet, Edward 473 Hnlme, John g03 Holton. John 635 Humble, Edward 878 Humble, naiicis 858 Humboldt, baron 834 Hume, Alexander 490 Hume, David 787 Hume, Joseph 9tS Hume, Thomas 749 Humery, Conrad 1 19, 139 Hnmfreya, Mr. 601 Humphreys. Mr. 631, 031 Humphreya, Laurence, dean

of Wincbeater, 357 Hnmscott, Mr. 539 Hungerfurd. lord Walter 178 Hnnia, William :iis, 436 Hunt, Henry 930 Hunt, John 848, 881 Hunt, Leigh 848, 866. 871, 883 Hunt, Dr. Thomas 638 Hante,Tbomaa 150, 143 Hunter, Alex. Gibaon 90S Hunter, John 356 Hunter, Mr. 631 Huntingdon, Frands, earl of

Hastings, 315 Hantlngdon,Ore.,.iry of;prior

of lUunsey, 63 Uuotingdoa, i«y. W. 840 Hurley, Stephen 848 Hurst, John 904 Hunt, RoUnaoo and Co. 933

953 Hurst, Roiriand 887 Hnss, John8A,374 Hussee, WUliam, attorney- general 167 Hnsaen, WUliam 17B Htttcheson, Dr. Frands 787 Hutchinson, colonel 509 Hutchinson, Hugh S46 Hatton,Oraierlne 861 Button, Dr. Cbarles 9MI Button. James 786 Button, Mrs. 861 Button, WUliam 8I0, 860, 881 Byde, Bdward, earl of Claren-

don 4SI, t70 Hyde, Dr. Tliomas 553 HyU, John 8SS HyU, Richard 335 Hylleland, king of Sweden,30

Ibarra^ Joachim 818

nive, Abraham 63S

lUye, Isaac 633

Hire, Jacob 633, 7>8

Hive, Mr. 633

Ilkns, Martin ISS

tna.king of Weseex 41

Ince, Peter 489

Inglis, Henry David gos

Ingulpb,abbot of Ctoyland 53

Innea, Mr. 773

Innya, wUUam 600

Insula, Roger de, dean of

York, 60 Ireland, John 848 Ireland, (iamael 938 Ireland, Wm. Henry 895, 938 udand, Rofer ass

Isaiah, niomas 819 Iscanus. Justus Llpeoa 170 IsUp, Adam 445, 490 Isodoroa 40 Isted, Madam Ooo

Jackson, professor 944 Jackaon, Elizabeth 83S Jackson, Hugh 416 Jackson, John 407,417 iackson, John 417 Jacksou, Joseph 773, 774, 943 Jacksoo, Peter 018 Jackson, Postle 859 Jackson, Stephen 8O9 Jackson, William 785 Jacob, Ephriam 900 Jacques, John 335 Jacquet. M. 23 Jaggard, Isaac 473 James, king of Spain, 55 Jaraea I. king of Arrogan 03 Jamea I. king of England

304,386,423. 4:13,441, 449,

450,454, 457,475.476 James, I. king of Scotland,

96.97 James II. king of England,

667 James II. king of Scotland 138 James IV. king of Scotland


James, Eleanor 597, 598, 601 James, George 6s3 James, John 655, 7I8 James, rev. John 695 James, Mary Ann 914 James, Thomas 560 597, 653,

655 James, Dr. Thomas 454 Jameson, Robert 904 Janeway. Richard 563 593 631 Jannon, John 496 Janson, M. 438 Jardlne, sir WUliam, bart,946 Jaucben, Samuel 49s Jay, Ellpbal738 Jay, Michael le 501 Jefferles, George, Judge VJt,

601 Jeftey, of St. Uger, 470 JeAey, Edward 911 JeOttr, Francis 813, 901 Jeflk, Abel 36s, 411 Jehannot, Jehan 101 Jenkins, David 848 Jenkins. Judge 488 Jenkinson, Anttumy S69 Jenkinson, John, earl of

Liverpool, 68t Jenonr, Joaboa 76O Jenonr,Matthew 601,631, 760 Jenson, Nicholas 111, IM Jerdaa, Mr. 911 Jerome, of Fragne, 88 Jerraise. James 651 Jenne, Martin le 309 Jewell, Johuibp. of Salisbury,

313, 358 Joanna, queen 89 Jode. Peter de 486 JodeUe, Stephen 316 Joflted, abbot of Croyland,5S John, old 896

John rv. duke of Brittany 98 John, king of England, 59,60 Johnes, Ihomas (Hafod) sge Jollie, Fnncis 885, 899 JoUie, Margaret 9SS JoUle, Jeremiali 8U Johnson. Andrew 838 Johnson, Daniel 418 Johnson, Edward 704, 791 Johnson, Henry 749 Johnaon. John 849 Johnson, Joseph 798, 838 Johnaon, Mr. 538 Johnson, Mchard 784 Johnson. Richard 458 Johnson, rev. Samuel 569 Johnson, rev. Iliamai 053 Johnson, ThaoMUl

Johnson, Dr. Samuel S, SI« 

S8S, 63S, 6S4, 657, 678, 679,

8s8, 6^, 09!, 703, 708, 71s,

733, 745, 74O, 753, 830

Johnson, William 815, 818

Jonson, Benjamin 35, S09,

420, 435, 441, 460, 463, 47C> 477, 480,491, 111

Johnston, Edward 793 Johnston. Jamea 709 Jonas, Jiiatas 393, 193 Jones, Edward 391, 574, 59* Jones, GUes 907 Jones, (>riflith759 Jones, air Hartord SSS Joues, John 919 Jones, John Gale 859 Jones, M:s. 600 Jones, Stephen 7OO, 707 Jones, Thomas 825 Jones, Widow 600 Jones, William E, 951 Junes, WUliam 436 Jones, air WiUiam 757, M6,

81O Jones, or Jobnea, Bldiacd

350, 4U7, 425.426

Joseph, 01 Exeter, 8S Josephus. 31 Jourdain, Margery 9S Jovellans, Gasper de 840 Jovian, emperor 38 Joye, George 236, S50, Sig Judet Jean 30g Judge, Mr. 896 i Jttdson, John 411 Judson, Mr. 337 Jugge, Joan 979 Jugge, John 378, 379 Jugge, Richard SI9, SSS, 879,

353 Julia, empress 19 Julian, the apostate 38 Junes, Mr. 773 Junius, Hadrian lOS, lOS Junius, Mr. 653 Junot. Madame 433 Justinian, Augustiu, bishop

of Kebbio, SSi Justin I. emperor 40 Justin, WUliam 9tl Juvenal, 34, 35

KaestUn, Berman 197 Kalmee, lord 778 n, rev. J. 864 Kanlkea^ulni. king of flaiMl-

wich Islands, 881 KankeO, Joanne* S44 Kay, John 301, 891 Kay, Jonathan Henry gu Kay, Jonathan 9SS Kay, air John, bait, 9(8 Kay, Mr. 773.815 Kaye. Thomas 8S4 Kayser, Henry, sen. 504 Kean, Edmond 846 Keanley, George 710, 713 Keates, dr Rleham sis Kebblt, Thomas Ml Keble, Samuel 600 Keblewite, Mr. 631 Keeley, Bobert 909, 94S Keith, bishop 316 Keith. George 836 Kdth, sir WUUam 766' Kde. Richard 337, 363, STS Kellam. Lawrence 370, 4SS KeUer, Ambrose 197 KeUer, John 197 KeUy, Hugh 718 KeUy, Dr. John 7t9 KeUy. Thomas 954 Kempis, Thomas a 134 Kennedy, Mr. IS9 Kennedy, bishop IS8 Kenrlck, Or. 73S,8IS Kent, Henry 647 Kent, Mary 961 Kentish, N. 936 Kenyon, lord 779y 780 K^teTi Joho 481