Page:A dictionary of printers and printing.djvu/985

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MmrtMry, Ralph 441, 4U Newbocongh, Thomas Sso MeweasUe, duke of 823 Newcombe, Mr. B33 Newcombe, Thomaa, Ben.sss,

Newcombe, Thomas Jan. sSa Newman, Uorman 574, 833 Newman, Hogh 63a Newton and Batfleld, 43s Newton, sir Isaac 83(1 Newton, Mr. 739, 773 Newton, Thomas 890 Neyiet, Anthony 181 Nicboets, Mr. 687 Nlcfaols.Ann 931 Micfaol^ John 71s, 813, 811,

810, 831, 881, 8SS, 887> 999i 9*0, 941, 9S3 MIchoU, John Bowyer 940 Nichols, John Goosh 7SI Nichola, William 8c^, Nicholson, George 898, 910 NlcholsoD, James 135, 186 Nicholson, John <«4, 810 Nicholson, WilUam 78S, 8SI Nicol, George 911, 911 Nicol, WUlian 914 Nicolson, Wm. archbp. 153 Nikke, Robert 83 NlaseUos, John George 818 MtTdle, Sebastian s«9 Noble, Fiands 778 Noble, Thomas 951 Noir, Michel le 18«  Norbmr, Mr. 884 Nordem, John 413, 413, 437 Norfolk, Thomas, second

dnke of 393.190 NoifUlk.Thomas, dnkeof S77 Noorthoack, J. 796 Norman, Mr. 8<o Norman, Mr. 108 Norria, Christopher 7«t Monis, Thomas 800, C33 Norrls, rev. William 700 North, lord 747, 748, 810, 981 North, John 559 Northall and Dawson, 831 Northampton, Henry, earl of

193 Norton, Arthur 418 Norton, Bonham 418,450,488 Norton, Oeo^ 418 Norton, Henry 815 Norton, Jane 4l8 Norton, John 418, 449f 497,

4*8, 489, 497 Norton, Mrs. 1^7 Norton, Roger 839, 831 Norton, Thomas 315, 416 Norton, William 315,418,473 Notary, Julian 103, 338 Nott,Mr.893

Nottingham, countess of 443 Nottiagham, Chas. Howard,

earl of, 399, 475 Nonrae, John 838 NoTalls, 991

NoTiomago, G. L. de 181 Nowel, (bookbinder) 399, Nowel. Mr. 739 Nowdl, Alexander, dean of

St. Paul's, 359 Nntt, Benlamin 833 Nutt, Edward 874 Nntt, Elizabeth 874 Nntt, John 674 Nntt, Richard 801, 847, 874 Nuttall, Jonas 947 Nnttall, Seth 948 Nnttall, Thomas 948

Obeilln, M. 1O8 Ocdare, Thomas 445 Oekam, Or. William 7S (VCoondl. Daniel. M.P. 946 (yConner, Arthur 841 Odaecer, king of Italy 40 OiBt, king of Mercia 44, 174 Oftar, George 137, 946 OgQby, John, 548,591

OgllTy, Daniel 848 Okes, John 493 Olai, Annondos 330, 420 Olde, John 323 Olding, N. 930 Oldisworth, William 593 Oldmizon, Mr. 888 Oldys, William 194, 837 OUphant, Mr. 783 Oliver and Boyd 90I Oliver, alderman 714 Oliver, John 734 Olivet, abbe 811 Olivetan, R. P. 399 Omar, caliph 41 Onion, monk 173 Onley, Mr. 693 Onwhyn, Mr. 930 Opmer, M. no Oporinos, John 348 Orcho, Ambr. de 141 Ordyno,C.S. 773,899 Origin (Adamantlnua) 38 Ormb, Mr. 893 Ortelins, Abraham 369 OrvilUers, count d' 745 Orwin, Thomas 418 Osbaldeston, Lambert 493 Osbom,J.800,831,867 Osborne, Thomas 667, 66g,

716. 717 O'Shausnessy, Edward 881 Osmond, bp. of Sherbom 50 Oswen, John 303 Otmar.Jobn 173,301 Otto, John 333 Otway, Thomas 988 Overall, bp. of Norwich 436 Overbury, sir Thomas 460 Overton, Henry fioo Overton, John 303 Overton, Philip 800 Owen, Edward 73l Owen Thomas 416 Owen, WiUiain, R. A. 918 Owen, William 881, 781 Oxbcrry, William 891 Oxenbridge, John 435 Oxford, Harley. earl of 881 Oxford, Robert Vere, earl of

349 Oxonides 148, 149 Ozell, John 693

Paas,Mr. 931 Pacha, All 886 Pachel, Leonard 197 Pacldngton, Dame Dorothy

390 Padmore Robert 800 Padron, A. J. R. de 849 Padua, John of 31s Paffiroet, Richard ISO Page, Thomas 661 Page, William 366 Palarisimus, Oionysius 199 Palllot, Peter 573 Palliser, sir Hugh 745 Palm, James Philip 834 Palmer, rev. Fyshe 779 Palmer, Peter, archbishop of

Vienna, 319 Fahner.Samnd 108, 164, 831

647,648 Falodanos, Matthias 373 Panckoucke, Andrew Joseph

686 Panckoucke, Charles Joseph

801 Papillon, Mr. 673 Far, Catherine, queen 196 Paradis, baroness von 791 Paravissimus, Dionysiua 318 Pares, John 81 1 Paris, BIr. 840 Paris, Matthew 8s Park, Thomas 801 Parker, Dr. bishop of Oxford,

994, 799 Parker, Edmund 800 Parker, Henry 835 Parker, John 6go, 731

Parker, John Henry 835

Parker, Matthew, archUshap of Canterbury, 316, 346,

397, 398 Parker, Miss 881 Parker, Mn. William 833 Parker, Richard 600, 631 Parker, Sackville 793 Parker, Thomas 335 Parkhouae, J. 870 Parkhnrst, John, bishop of

Norwich, 392 Parkhnrst, Thomas 600 Parkin, Thomas 877 Parkins, Mr. 857 Parkins, sir William 579 Parks, William 839 Parkyns, sir Thomas 806 Parma, duke of 851 Parmer, rev. Mr. 939 Paroell, rev. Thomaa 670 Parr, Dr. Samuel 639, 830 Parry, Blanch 395 Parry, captain Edward 871 Parry, John 801 Parry, WiUlam 379 Parsons, Edward 853 Parsons, M. 494 Parsons, Robert 463 Partbenins, Zacharias 480 Partridge, John 834 Partridge, John, (astrologer)

610 Pas, Crispan van 489 Pas, Magdalen 489 Pas, Simon 489 Pas, William 489 Pasham, John William 738 Paskin, Roderic 840 Pasqnaiilibna, Peregilnns de

19a Pasqnin, 388 Pasaeroni, P. 863 Paston, John I37 Patchei, Richard 136 Patenson, Thomas 336 Pater, Mr. I07 Pateison, Charles 813 Paterson. Samuel 731, 813 Patison, Hamert 440 Patison, Matthew 489 Patmore, Mr.831 Patmore, Thomas 363 Patten, WiUlam 137 Patrick, Myles 480 Patrick, Dr. Simon,bIshop of

Ely, 971 Paul 1. emperor of Russia,7g9 Paul, Jean 991 Paulus, Lanrentlos, bishop of

Stiengnes, 483 Pawlet, sir Amias 391, 393 Pawlet, air William, marquis

of Winchester, 350 Pawlett, Elizabeth 600 Pawlett, Mr. 641, 789 Payne, James 81 1 Payne, John 878, 836, 838 Payne, Olive 799 Payne, Roger 795, 796, 835 Payne, Thomas, sen. 799,800

918 Payne, Thomas 773, 858, 877 Payne, Thomas 800, 907, Palmer, Samuel 106, 154, 631,

647,848 Peacock, bishop 3i3 Peake, BIr. 773 Pearce. Zachary, bishop of

Rochester 617 Pearson, bishop 636 Pearson, John 635 Pearson, m^or 831 Pearson, Mr. 800, S3l Peck, Robert 870 Peck, rev. F. 869 Peel, sir Robert 897 Peele, George 433 Peele, John 738 Peet, Thomas 746 Pellew, sir Edward 849 Peltier, Jean 814

Pemberton, John 600, 847 Pemtiroke, Mary connteaa of

999,470 Pembroke, Wm. earl of 486 Penn, William 967 Penny, Mr. 709 Penry, rev John 401, 404, 410 Pepin, Icing of Ftance 41 Pepwell, Arthur 346 Pepwell, Henry 159^ 170 Perdval, lady 919 Perdval, right hon. S. 909 Percy, Dr. Thomas, bishop

of Dromore 86( Perez, Qonsahro 194 Perkins, and Co. 87O Pero,Mr. 739 Perring, rev. John 018 Perrot, George 316 Perrot, James 819 Ferryman, Mr. 764 Perry, James 838, 841, »n Perry, Sampson 776, C77 PesweU, Henry 359 Petao, Ftands de St. 16s Peter, the hermit 61 Peter the wild hoy M Peter, John 168 Peter I, nf Russia 613 Peters, rev. Hugh 929 Petit, John 101, 314 Petit, Thomas 279 Petri, Gabriel 167 Petri, John 198 Fetricovins, Andrew 411 Petrach, 70, 71 Petm, Joannins 141 Petrus, Adam 459 Petrus, Henry 459 Petrus Jerom 469 Petrus, Sebastian 459 Pettis, William 593 Pettus, sir John 56a Pfeil, John 301 Pilster, Albert 115 Pforzen, James de Phaer, Thomas 414 Phair, J. 995 Pheney, Mr. 910 Philelphus, Peter Justin ISI Philip I. king of France, 64 Philip II. of Spain 190, SM,

399,434 Philips, Ambrose 617 Philips, J. 900 Philips, sir Richard SS«, 771,

831,893 Philips, Eleazer 841 Philips, Richard sen 617. Philips, sir Thomas 870 PhiUiM, William 85g Phillips, madame 800 Phillips, Mr. 650, 711, 739 PhlUantins, an Athenian, 36 FhiloUns, the Pythagof can,

33 Philoponus, 41 Pidc, William 863 Pickard, Mr. 631 Pickering, William 106 Pickin, Andrew 930 Pierrepoint, Thomaa S*4 Plgnorelli,Mr.7l7 Pigot, Mr. 778 Pike, rev. Mr. 937 Pike, Walter 961 Pine, BIr. B14 Fine, William 946 pindli,BIaiftiS35 Pinkerton, John 896 Plnson, Philip, ardUdshop of

Tnam,346 Pioczi, Heather Lyndi 711 Piper, Mr. 9*1 Pisa. ChrisUana de 16s Piscator, Killian 97 Pitcaine, Dr. AreUbald 698 Pitt^ ti^t hon. William 778

811,839,848 PIttman, John gos Pitta Mr. 739 Flantln, Christopher 408, 4«t