Page:A dictionary of printers and printing.djvu/992

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AbbrcTiattoDS, cnrion* notice of I8t AtHeatei Klitg md Quern 174 Aberdeen, achool for the blind at 7SI Aderdeen Berali 9»l— Journal 674. 1)3(1

Oiwnwr 901 Abingdon, monastery at, pillaged 89 — feast of the boly cross at gs— extract from dinrctawarden's accoant4I3 — Abo, citr of. destroyed by file 494 Academy meanlag of BO— royal mili- tary. atWoolwich 100 Academical degrees first mentioned 59 ^eeeimf 0/ Me tttelary oitaiitei bp the king in Ireland S7«— a iloodg SallU <• Hungitrf tn—tke tigniMg of the general peace 579— 0/ the taking 0/ I fart and entrenehment he/ore No-

mur 578 — eapitulaiian of the lovn of Ameterdam Slip 579

Ifamvr 578 — turrendering of the eaetle of Namur 578 — entire defeat ef the Turkieh onnjr i* Me Uorea 578

Acrostic, specimen of 399 — meaning of 199478

Act of uniformity passed 531

4e<a Diuma H — EuriMorum, 503- Oerman 603— ErudUa et Cwriota FrinnkiMehe 830

Actium, battle of 36

Ailmiration first used in printing SIO

Adeeniurer, by Hawkswortb 888

Adversaria, a note book 95

Advertisement earliest 512 — carious list of 590 — price for insertion 583 — of Judge JefTerles 573 — extensive one 887 — duty on B08 — of Caxton's books 194— increase of 8OG — number published in 1834 934— duty on re- duced 989— return of 984

ildvuer 710

Adult schools established 84S

Agincourt, battle of 88

Agreenity QalUmaufirf, or MatMeu Medley 730—Mieeellan!) {73

A-lamode i Parte 528

Aldfleld, Thomas, executed 370

Aldine anchor, verses on the 308

Alehouses first licensed 313

Alexandria captured from the Greeks 40— battle of 17— library founded at s«— burnt 35, 41, 44— Codex g04

Alkmnnd's, St. Derby, curious entry in the register at 533

Almanack first published 133, 140 — price of one in 1 583 335 — in the pre- sent shape in England 547 — first printed in Scotland 553— in Ireland, 394— bloody Irish 504— dog, or Staf- fordshire 559— Owle's 406— <Esel 30 — first at Constantinople 834 — duty on 747, 748, 808— doty on repealed, 934 — licensed 519 — forbidden In Fiance 388 — sum given to Oxford and Cambridge In lien of printing 748— Oxfbrd 609— duty on 747— Su- nlc. 01 log so— licensed to print 437 — iUesallty of detected 734

Alms, Uthes given fOr 374 Alphabet, of syllables 9— cnrioos com- btnatton of the letten of 38— Anglo- Saxon SI— Anble II — Bardie ID—

Bnnnese 11 —Chinese II —Coptic, 11— Chaldee II— Ootch 1 1— English 11— Bthiople 11— French II— Greek, II— Georgian II— Hebrew 11— Ita- lian 11— Indians of Bengal 11— Irish, 33— Latin II— Muscovite 11 — Per- sian, II— Sanscrit 1 1— Samaritan II —Sclavonic 11 — Spanish 11— Syrlac 11— Tartarian 11— Turkish 11— Al- phabetical writing, quotation from 8

Alphonsean tables made 81

Amelia, novel, anecdote of 680

American war 734

American Adeoeate B7i—Hittorieal Re- gitter 669—Magaxine 701, ni—Hew, 7ai—Monthlf Review 688— ITseUy Mercury 833

Anagrammatism, meaning of 497

Analyctical Reuiem, 771

Anaiomf of the Mate 183, 183

Anaxagoras imprisoned for heresy 333

Anderton, Wm. printer, trial and exe- cution of 575

Andre, John, bookseller, burnt 397

Angels, writing of 8

Anglo-Saxons converted to Cbristiaa- ItyS9

AnnaXe of AgrieuUwe 795

Annolattone, on the Tatler 595

Annual Register, Anglim Notitia, the earliest in England 545— lOodsley's) 70*— New 7 iS—Aetaiic »Oi—Baptiel 7n— Imperial and Countytil- Edin- burgh 834

Annual Review, by Dr. Alkins 813

Annunciation, early wood-cut of 90

Anti-JaeiiHn 797— Anti-Theatre 643— Anti-Qalican 837

Antloch. library at 38

Antlphonors, price of 91 . 304

Antiquaries, society of founded 358

Antiquarii, meaning of 77

Antiquitiee of England and Walet 773

Antiquity, learning of 37

Apocrypha, meaning of 75

Apollo, temple of, library in 34

Arabic numerals first used In Engjand 89 — types first used in Sweden 568— first book printed in 331

Arabs' mode of preserving their books 33

AreopagiHea 1 a speech for the liberty of urdicensed printing 510, 5I>

Argonautic expedition 37

Arrut 778

Aiithmetle, first treatise on published in England 331

Arithmetical figures origin of 9, 46, 60.

Arias*, works at condemned 88

Armenians, seven hundred tkmilieaient Into exile 457

Armorial bearings granted to the printers of Germany 1 16

Army's Pott, W7—Mode*t Intelligencer 5M 51 »— Intelttgeneer 519— Samt 530

Article of high treaeon againet tir WilUam aeraggt U7—againtt the dmtehem tf Poiiemoutk 557

ilrfif TgpograpMea 700

Arundel, extracts from churdiwardens* accounts at 386

Asbestos, b<x>ks made of the 35

Ashmolean museum founded 574

Askew, Anne, burnt for heresy 393

Asse8,sennon to 747 — feast of exhibited in the Greek church, 1I8 — celebrated In France, 40 — abolished In England, 83

Assistants' court of in the stationers' company, origin of 836

Aseociator, 777

Athemtum 908— (Aikln's) 833

Athenian Mereurg 574, 575

Athenians, mode of preserving their laws 17

AtUe UleeeUang 764

Attorney, anecdote of a rascally 788

Aochinleck, private press at 883

Auction bills of the Romans 35

Auditor, by Murphy 710

Augsburg, confoslon of faith of 359

Augustine St. arrives in Britain 40 — an order of friars, 89 — arm of,bronght from Rome 368 — abbey at Bristol 369

Australia, different instltutlons'.intro- duced, 880— geographical state 888

Auttralion 99*— Asiatic Renew gao— CoUmitt 917— Coloniit (Sgdnep) 943 — True do. 936— Coloaiaf Adeoeate 90B — Tifaes 664 — Cornwall Chronicle 938— Pros 910 — Currmcy Lad 930 — Hoiart Town Courier 904 — Qazelie aS*—Hom Bog 930— Z.iivnessfM Adeerttier 910— Homing Star 930 — Sfdneg Oatette 884 — Timei 938— Herald VM — Uonitor 897- Tonao. ftioiy 897 — Trumpeter General 930 — Trumpeter 930—Wtttehman9*3—I%. dependent 9i5

Authors, punishments of 539 — first poetical catalogue of 45— early man- ner of publishing their works 55— lines on the vanity of one 487

Autograph, earliest known 781

Author'e Adeoeate, (fc. 951

Apr Adeerliier Sis—Oiienerttj

Babington conspiracy 391, 395

Bailer 7I8

Babylonian bricks, noUce ot 14

BaJIrer-f Newt 1 or, the Whitekatt Jam. ml 838

Balk, or beam, derivation of 19

Ballad, meaning of 88— qiedmen cttba earliest 88— German 89— works re- ferring to 89— slngeis suppressed 508 —list of printed by John Wallye and Mrs. Toy 834

Balm of aUcad; or, the Healer 0/ Dieiiionttoa

Banker't Journal 953

Bannantyne club established 887

Bards, billet of, signs of 19

Barons, English, Chatham's remarks on 59

Barton, EUxabeth, executed 365

Bath, Older of the, Institoted 88 6 H