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Egyptian, Reformed.

Joseph, the son of Jacob; or with the bondage of the Israelites therein.

EGYPTIAN, REFORMED. The name given to the style of characters in use in the days of Mormon, in which the records were engraven on the sacred plates. These characters were greatly modified from those used by Nephi and the other earlier recorders.

EGYPTIANS. The people of Egypt. They are referred to in connection with their language (I Nephi, 1:3), and the deliverance of the Israelites from bondage under Moses.

EGYPTIAN SEA. A name given by Isaiah to the Red Sea, and so spoken of in a quotation from that prophet. (II Nephi, 21:15).

ELAM. The land of the Elamites, a country lying south of Assyria. It is only mentioned in the Book of Mormon in a quotation from Isaiah (II Nephi, 21:11).

ELIJAH. The prophet of Israel. His name only appears in the Book of Mormon in the Savior's quotation from Malachi, "Behold I will send you Elijah, the prophet," (III Nephi, 25:5).

EMER. One of the early kings of the Jaredites. Two years before his death, Omer, his father, anointed him to reign in his stead. Emer was one of the best kings of his race, he executed judgment in righteousness all his days. In his reign the people greatly increased in numbers and in wealth, becoming the owners of large herds of useful animals, and rich in agricultural and mineral products, in gems and fine manufactured goods. The curse, also, which had come upon the land during the days of Akish because of the iniquity of the people, began to be removed, as they were now living more righteously. Emer's was a lengthy reign; sixty-two years are mentioned; but it is not evident whether this period covers the whole of his reign or not. When he died, full of years and honor, he was succeeded by one of his