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old secret plans and associations were revived. Heth became a leader in these things and rose in rebellion against his father, slew him with his own sword, and became king in his stead. The Lord then sent many prophets, who called upon the people to repent, declaring that if they did not, a terrible famine should come upon the land. The people, led and inspired by Heth, rejected the words of the prophets and cruelly persecuted them; some they cast out, some they threw into pits and left them to perish. Before long the rains from heaven ceased, and there was a great dearth over all the land; and poisonous serpents made their appearance and killed many people. These serpents also attacked the flocks of the Jaredites and drove them in vast bodies towards the southern continent. Many perished by the way, but some reached the land known to the Nephites as Zarahemla. Restrained by the power of God, the serpents stopped at the Isthmus of Panama, where they formed a cordon, preventing the Jaredites from further following their scattered flocks. The carcasses of the beasts which fell by the way were ravenously eaten by the famished people, until they had devoured them all. We can scarcely imagine the horrors that must have attended this famine, when the people consumed the poisoned flesh of the creatures thus killed. Disease in its most terrible form must have followed famine. Before long even this loathsome food was all consumed and the people rapidly perished. Then those who remained began to repent of their sins and call on the Lord; and when they had humbled themselves sufficiently, the Lord sent the long-needed rain and the remnants of the race began to revive. Soon there began to be fruit in the north country and the regions around about, and Shiz, the only survivor of the royal house, reigned over the few that were left; for Heth and all his household, except Shiz, had perished in the famine.