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Lehi, Land of.
Lehi-Nephi, City of.

spective homes. In B. C. 67 this city, with many others, fell into the hands of the Lamanite armies under Amalickiah, who appear to have retained it until B. C. 61, when it was recaptured by the Nephites. This city is not again mentioned by name in the Book of Mormon.

LEHI, LAND OF. The name by which the whole of South America was known to the Nephites, in contradistinction to North America, which was called Mulek, because the Lord brought Mulek into the land north, and Lehi into the land south. (Helaman, 6:10.)

LEHI, LAND OF. A small region of South America, on the Atlantic seaboard, immediately surrounding the City of Lehi, and adjoining the land of Morianton. In B. C. 68, a feud arose between these two districts, the people of Morianton unjustly claiming a portion of the land of Lehi. The former determined to assert their claims by force of arms, when the people of Lehi for protection fled to the camp of Moroni, the Nephite commander-in-chief, Morianton, the leader of the people of that name, determined to flee northward with his followers, but was stopped at the land Bountiful by the Nephite armies. A battle ensued in which Morianton was slain and his people were escorted back to their own lands. Upon their making an agreement to keep the peace, a union was effected between them and the people of Lehi, who also returned to their homes.

LEHI-NEPHI, OR NEPHI, CITY OF. The capital city of the land occupied by the Nephites, for a period of uncertain length, immediately preceding the exodus of the righteous portion of the race to Zarahemla, under Mosiah I, rather more than two hundred years before Christ. It is supposed to have been situated in the region known to moderns as Ecuador. When the Nephites evacuated this city, the Laman-